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- DIMIN Image Viewer 2 - CREDITS
- Dedicated to Natalie!
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Contributions & Donations:
- *** Special thanks for Jim Kandell from Ohio Ceramic Supply, Inc.
- for his donation to support the project!
- ====================>
- Language Translations:
- * Spanish (Castellano): Mario De La Fuente
- ====================>
- Betatesters group:
- *** Paolo De Nictolis <http://pdenicto.supereva.it/>
- - Special Thanks Paolo for Graet betatesting!
- *** Andrew Stupachenko (Void Dweller) <http//dweller.newmail.ru/>
- - for important suggestions and bit digging!
- *** Emiliano Castejon <http://www.castlejohn.org/>
- - Extensive testing and bugs found!
- *** Francisco Alves dos Santos
- - Tests, comments and Music support :-)
- *** Tantravahi Venkata Aditya <http://www.tantravahi.com/>
- - Tests and doesn't matter comments :-)
- *** Rodrigo Rizzi
- - for sharing food and tv remote control. :-)
- *** Natalie Borisova <http://kwiatek.narod.ru/>
- - Important call on simplifying viewer!
- ====================>
- Used sources :
- * JPEG-2000 Encoder/Decoder by Michael D. Adams, JasPer library
- <http://www.ece.uvic.ca/~mdadams/jasper/>
- * JPEG Encoder/Decoder by Independent JPEG Group <http://www.ijg.org/>
- * GIF Encoder by Anders Melander <http://www.melander.dk/>
- * Decoders for (bw, cel, cut, dib, eps, fax, icb, pbm, pcd, pdd, pgm pic,
- png, ppm, psd, psp, rgb, rgba, rla, rle, rpf, sgi, tga, tif, tiff, vda,
- vst, win)
- by Mike Lischke <www.lischke-online.de>
- * Also used libraries:
- TIFF decoder <http://www.libtiff.org/>
- ZLIB library by: Jean-Loup Gailly and Mark Adler.
- * If you want to use LZW decoding (GIF, some TIFF) for which Unisys owns
- a patent then you have to deal with Unisys.
- ====================>
- Free softwares used for distribution:
- * Installer: Special thanks for the guys from Nullsoft, great free installer!!!
- <http://www.nullsoft.com/>.
- * The Ultimate Packer for eXecutables (UPX) <http://upx.tsx.org/>.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Copyright 1997-2003 by Dmitry V. Fedorov Levit <http://www.dimin.net/>