Operation canceled.Operation stopped.Organize Templates.../This will overwrite your message. Are you sure?/Privacy passwords do not match, left unchanged! performedhttp://www.pocomail.com/lPOP mailbox contents have changed since the message list was fetched.
No changes have been made, try again.~If junk mail is detected it will be deleted from the server, the whole message will be downloaded and saved to the %s mailbox.+About to delete script "%s".
Are you sure?àIf junk mail is detected it will be deleted from the server, only the message headers will be downloaded and saved to the %s mailbox.Preparing the message...Press ESC to abort script %s...Press ESC to cancel...äThis message was previously queued to be sent.
Do you want to queue it again?
Answering no will destroy this message completely!Printed on %s