65008 The application failed to initialize correctly.
65009 Unable to start the application--the Java Virtual Machine cannot be loaded.
65010 Unable to start the application--the class files could not be loaded.
65011 Unable to start the application--a newer Java Virtual Machine must be installed.
65012 Unable to start the application--the main class resource failed to load.
65013 Unable to complete the operation. Either the application couldn't find msjvc.dll or it couldn't find the appropriate entry in the dll.
65014 Newly installed package information detected. Optimizing for system performance...
65015 Unable to get information for the given Java component. Ensure that the component exists on disk and that your WFC libraries are current.
65016 Microsoft Visual J++ was unable to understand the form's class file. Ensure that name of the file matches the name of the class and that the file can be compiled.
65017 This section of code is currently under the control of the Microsoft Visual J++ form designer. To edit the code, you must first close the form designer window.
65018 TODO: make sure all your constructors/initialization code\npaths have the following line:\n initForm();
65019 NOTE: The following code is required by the Visual J++ form\ndesigner. It can be modified using the form editor. Do not\nmodify it using the code editor.
65020 dispose is overriden so that the components on the form can\nbe disposed.
65021 TODO: have dispose call\n components.dispose();