<control name="htmlSearchPhrase"><![CDATA[Enter the <B>keyword</B> or <B>phrase</B> you'd like to find]]></control>
<control name="htmlSearchTip"><![CDATA[<B>Tip:</B> Some services enable you to wrap your search phrase in quotes to search for the exact phrase.]]></control>
<control name="htmlChanTitle">
<![CDATA[Enter the <b>title</b> for this search channel. The title is the name given to this search channel in the current channel group.]]>
<![CDATA[A <B>search channel</B> uses an online RSS search service to find news items matching a specific keyword. To get started, select the service you'd like to use:]]>
<control name="htmlFinish">
<![CDATA[<b>Finished</b><BR><BR>Click Finish to add the new search channel to the current channel group.]]>
<control name="htmlRemove"><![CDATA[<B>Remove Channel</B><BR><BR>This channel is contained in more than one channel group. What do you want to do?]]></control>
<control name="optRemove_FromGroup" caption="Remove this channel from the current group only"/>
<control name="optRemove_Permanent" caption="Permanently delete this channel from all channel groups"/>
<control name="htmlNewsBin"><![CDATA[A <B>news bin</B> stores news items you wish to remember. To copy any news item to a news bin, right-click on the item and select "Add to News Bin."]]></control>
<control name="lblNewsBin" caption="News bin name:"/>
<control name="htmlWatch"><![CDATA[A <b>watch</b> searches incoming news items. When a channel is updated in $APP_NAME$, this watch will collect news items which contain the keywords entered below.]]></control>
<control name="lblName" caption="Title:"/>
<control name="lblKeywords" caption="Watch for news items that contain these keywords:"/>
<control name="btnAddKeyword" caption="$S_BtnAdd$" hint="Add keyword to list"/>
<control name="btnRemoveKeyword" caption="$S_BtnRemove$" hint="Remove keyword from list"/>
<![CDATA[<B>Important:</B> The author of this newsfeed has specifed how often it should be checked for news items. In order to honor the author's request, $APP_NAME$ won't allow the update frequency to be set lower than the frequency specified by the author.]]>
<![CDATA[To synchronize the current channel group with an online directory, enter the URL of the directory's OPML file below. After downloading the OPML file, $APP_NAME$ will display a list of differences between the online directory and the current channel group.]]>
<control name="htmlNewChannels">
<![CDATA[These channels exist in the online directory but don't exist in the current group. Place a checkmark next to each channel you wish to <b>add</b> to the current group.]]>
<control name="htmlRemovedChannels">
<![CDATA[These channels exist in the current group but don't exist in the online directory. Place a checkmark next to each channel you wish to <b>remove</b> from the current group.]]>
<control name="htmlFinish">
<![CDATA[<B>Ready</B><BR><BR>Click Finish to update the current channel group.]]>
<control name="htmlNoChanges">
<![CDATA[<B>No Changes</B><BR><BR>The online directory contains the same channels as the current channel group.]]>
<!-- form: Options -->
<form name="fOptionsDlg" caption="Options">
<!-- note the space after tab captions - provides extra right margin -->
<control name="chkAutoUpdateOnGroupChange" caption="Auto-update channels when switching the current group"/>
<control name="chkEnableSpacebarNav" caption="Single key reading using space bar"/> <!-- if this changes, also change S_DlgSpaceIsInvalidShortcut in dialogs section -->
<control name="chkEnableSpacebarNavUnread" caption="Single key reading skips to next unread item"/>
<control name="chkBrowseLinkNoDesc" caption="When a news item is selected, go directly to its link when its description is empty"/>
<control name="chkBrowseLinkDirect" caption="When a news item is selected, always go directly to its link"/>
<control name="chkBrowseExternalInDefault" caption="Open external links in default browser instead of inside $APP_NAME$"/>
<control name="chkBrowseSilent" caption="Suppress dialogs and error messages displayed by browser"/>
<control name="chkBrowseHideChannelBarOnMax" caption="Hide channel bar when browser is maximized"/>
<control name="chkBrowseTabInBack" caption="Load new tabs in the background"/>
<control name="chkBrowseInterceptNewWindows" caption="Open new browser windows as tabs"/>
<control name="chkAutoRead" caption="Mark news item as read after displaying for"/>
<control name="chkMarkAllReadOnChannelChange" caption="Mark all news items as read when exiting a channel"/>
<control name="chkMarkAllReadOnGroupChange" caption="Mark all channels as read when exiting a channel group"/>"/>
<![CDATA[<B>Sound settings</B><BR><BR>Place a checkmark next to each event sound you wish to enable. To change the sound associated with an event, select it in the list and click the "Edit Sound" button.]]>
<control name="chkAutoUpdate" caption="Check each channel for news items every"/>
<control name="htmlUpdate">
<![CDATA[<B>Channel Group Update Frequency</B><BR><BR>Each <B>channel</B> normally has its own update frequency, but this can be overriden by choosing the update frequency for all channels in this channel group.]]>
<control name="htmlImportant">
<![CDATA[<B>Important:</B> If a newsfeed's author has specified how often it should be updated, the value above will only be used if it's equal to or greater than that requested by the author.]]>
<![CDATA[A <b>news item</b> is a single piece of news, such as a story about a current event or an entry in a blog.<br><br>$APP_NAME$'s <b>news item grid</b> displays news items from the current channel.]]>
<control name="lblChannels" caption="Channels"/>
<control name="htmlChannels">
<![CDATA[A <b>channel</b> is a source of news items. For example, the <B>RSS feed</B> for the New York Times is a channel.<br><br>Channels are listed in the <b>channel bar</b>.]]>
<![CDATA[A <b>channel group</b> is a collection of channels. You'll use channel groups to organize your channels into categories.<br><br>To change the current channel group, select from the dropdown above the channel bar.]]>
<![CDATA[$APP_NAME$'s <b>tabbed web browser</b> displays news items in a <b>newspaper</b> for easy reading.<br><br>When you select a channel, the newspaper shows news items from that channel.]]>
<control name="chkBrowseOnBottom" caption="I prefer the browser on the bottom"/>
<control name="lblWatchesAndBins" caption="Watches and News Bins"/>
<control name="htmlWatchesAndBins">
<![CDATA[A <b>watch</b> is a special channel which searches incoming news items for specific keywords. News items can also be copied to a <b>news bin</b> for later reference.<br><br>Watches and news bins appear at the bottom of the channel bar.]]>
<![CDATA[We've included a set of channel groups to get you started. Groups in <b>bold</b> are ones that aren't already installed. Place a checkmark next to each one you'd like to install.]]>
<![CDATA[There's a lot more to $APP_NAME$ than this wizard has shown, but we've described the basic concepts. If you wish to show this welcome screen again, you can do so from the Help menu.<br><br>Thanks for using $APP_NAME$!]]>
<control name="chkDisable" caption="&Don't show this message again"/>
<dialog name="S_DlgErrIEVersion">
$APP_NAME$ requires Internet Explorer 6 or later, but you are using an older version. $APP_NAME$ will continue to run, but browsing features may not work correctly.
<dialog name="S_DlgOffline">
$APP_NAME$ is currently working offline. Do you wish to go online?
<dialog name="S_DlgConfirmRemoveChannel">
Remove channel "%s" from the current channel group?
<dialog name="S_DlgConfirmRemoveWatchChannel">
Deleting a watch is permanent. Are you sure you wish to delete this watch?
<dialog name="S_DlgConfirmRemoveNewsBinChannel">
Deleting a news bin is permanent. Are you sure you wish to delete this news bin?
<dialog name="S_DlgConfirmMarkAllChannelsAsRead">
This will mark ALL unread items in ALL channels in the current group as read. Continue?
<dialog name="S_DlgConfirmMarkAllGroupsAsRead">
This will mark ALL unread items in ALL channels in ALL groups as read. Continue?
<dialog name="S_DlgConfirmClearAllChannels">
WARNING! This will remove ALL news items from ALL channels in the current channel group. Are you sure you want to do this?
<dialog name="S_DlgConfirmClearChannel">
Remove ALL news items from the current channel?
<dialog name="S_DlgConfirmClearWatch">
Remove ALL news items from this watch?
<dialog name="S_DlgConfirmClearNewsBin">
Remove ALL news items from this news bin?
<dialog name="S_DlgChannelExists">
A channel with this title already exists. Please select a different title.
<dialog name="S_DlgChannelCopyExisting">
A channel with this title already exists in your "%s" channel group. Would you like to copy the existing channel?
<dialog name="S_DlgUniqueChannelName">
<![CDATA[Channel titles must be <b>unique</b>. Since you've chosen not to copy the existing channel, you'll need to provide a unique title for this channel.]]>
<dialog name="S_DlgChannelExistsInSelectedGroup">
This channel already exists in the selected group.
<dialog name="S_DlgGroupExists">
A channel group with this name already exists. Please choose a different name.
<dialog name="S_DlgConfirmDeleteGroupNoUndo">
Deleting a channel group cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to delete "%s"?
<!-- used on manage groups -->
<dialog name="S_DlgConfirmDeleteGroup">
Delete channel group "%s"?
<dialog name="S_DlgNewsBinExists">
A news bin with this name already exists. Please choose a different name.
<dialog name="S_DlgWatchExists">
A watch with this name already exists. Please choose a different name.
<dialog name="S_DlgWatchLocationRequired">
Please choose the location this watch should search for keywords.
The newsfeed URL could not be auto-discovered. This site may not have a newsfeed, or it may not support auto-discovery of its newsfeed.
<dialog name="S_DlgErrDownloadFailed">
Unable to download %s. Please make sure the URL is correct.
<dialog name="S_DlgErrInvalidOpml">
Unable to load directory. The file is not a valid OPML file.
<dialog name="S_DlgErrNoNewsfeedsInValidOpml">
This OPML file doesn't contain any newsfeeds.\n\nThere are different types of OPML files, so most likely this isn't the type which contains newsfeeds. For example, many "blogroll" OPML files contain Web page addresses instead of newsfeeds.
<dialog name="S_DlgErrUnableToLoadGroup">
Unable to load group %s.
<dialog name="S_DlgLargeGroupWarning">
This will result in a group containing %d channels. It's recommended that you create smaller groups broken into well-defined categories.\n\nDo you still want to do this?
<dialog name="S_DlgMaxChannels">
This will result in a group containing %d channels, but a maximum of %d channels is allowed.
<dialog name="S_DlgCleanupComplete">
Cleanup complete. %d news items were removed.
<dialog name="S_DlgReassignShortcut">
This shortcut is already assigned to "%s". Do you wish to reassign it?
<dialog name="S_DlgResetShortcuts">
Reset the keyboard shortcuts to their defaults?
<dialog name="S_DlgSpaceIsInvalidShortcut">
<![CDATA[The <space> key by itself cannot be assigned as a shortcut. If you wish to use the space bar to navigate news items, enable the "Single key reading with space bar" setting in $APP_NAME$'s options.]]>
<dialog name="S_DlgNoDefaultBlogThis">
No default blog publishing tool has been set. Would you like to set one now?
<dialog name="S_DlgConfirmBlogThisAutoDetect">
This will replace the current list of publishing tools with ones that $APP_NAME$ can automatically detect. Continue?
<dialog name="S_DlgWelcomeCancel">
If this is your first time using $APP_NAME$, it's strongly recommended that you step through this wizard. Are you sure you want to close it?
<dialog name="S_DlgWelcomeNoGroups">
At least one default channel group must be installed.
<dialog name="S_DlgWelcomeOverwriteGroup">
You have selected to install one or more default groups that are already installed. Choose "Yes" only if you wish to overwrite the existing groups. Otherwise, choose "No" to change your selection.
<dialog name="S_DlgErrSaveFile">
Unable to save file "%s".
<dialog name="S_DlgConfirmDownloadStyleBradsoft">
Download and apply the style "%s"?
<dialog name="S_DlgConfirmDownloadStyleExternal">
Download and apply the style "%s"?\n\nIMPORTANT: Never download styles from a site you don't trust.
<dialog name="S_DlgStyleExists">
A style named "%s" already exists. Replace it?
<dialog name="S_DlgConfirmRemoveStyle">
Remove style "%s"?
<dialog name="S_DlgConfirmRestoreDefaultStyles">
This will restore the styles that were installed with $APP_NAME$, overwriting any newer styles that have the same names. Continue?
<dialog name="S_DlgCantRemoveDefaultStyle">
The default style cannot be removed.
<dialog name="S_DlgLangExists">
The %s language file is already installed. Replace it?
<dialog name="S_DlgConfirmDownloadLang">
Download and install the %s language file?
<!-- displayed by "Welcome" dialog when user changes the language -->
<dialog name="S_DlgHowToResetLang">
To change the language once $APP_NAME$ starts, select Language from the Tools menu.
<!-- displayed when newsfeed is auto-discovered - make sure the img tag is included so that the icon appears in the dialog -->
<dialog name="S_DlgInfoAutoDiscover">
<![CDATA[The <img src="idx:0"> <b>auto-discovery icon</b> in $APP_NAME$'s status bar appears when newsfeeds are detected in the current Web page.<br><br>Click the status bar icon to display the auto-discovered feeds.]]>
Closing $APP_NAME$ will cancel any downloads that are in progress. Continue?
<!-- 1.0 - trial/order dialogs -->
<dialog name="S_DlgErrInvalidRegistration">
We're sorry, but your registration information doesn't appear to be valid. Please refer to the confirmation email you received after ordering for the correct registration name and serial number. Note that the serial number is case-sensitive, so be sure to enter it exactly as shown in your email.
<dialog name="S_DlgActivationRequired">
$APP_NAME$ must be activated online. Please make sure you have a working Internet connection, then click OK to continue.
<dialog name="S_DlgActivationSuccess">
$APP_NAME$ was successfully activated. Thank you for supporting our software!
<dialog name="S_DlgErrESellerPurchase">
$APP_NAME$ was unable to access the integrated ordering system. Would you like to purchase over the web instead?
<dialog name="S_DlgErrESellerVerification">
$APP_NAME$ was unable to access the integrated ordering system to verify your serial number. If this problem persists, you may need to re-install $APP_NAME$.
<dialog name="S_DlgESellerCancelled">
The Software Delivery Wizard has been cancelled. Would you prefer to purchase over the web?
<dialog name="S_DlgESellerPurchaseSuccess">
Thank you for purchasing $APP_NAME$! You should receive an email receipt for your order shortly. Please print a copy of this email since it contains your serial number, which you may need in order to re-install $APP_NAME$ or purchase a future upgrade.
<dialog name="S_DlgESellerWarnFirewallDetected">
$APP_NAME$ has detected that you may have firewall software installed. If you encounter problems during this process, please disable your firewall and try again.
<dialog name="S_DlgErrESellerConnectionFailure">
We're sorry, but we were unable to complete this action. Please verify that you have an active Internet connection and try again. If you're using a firewall, you may need to disable it before re-trying.
<!-- ***
If you're localizing FeedDemon, this is where you get the credit. this string will appear on the 'About' screen.
ex: "English translation by Nick Bradbury"
*** -->
<const name="S_TranslatorCredit" value=""/>
<!-- filters for open dialog -->
<const name="S_OpmlFileFilter">
<![CDATA[OPML files|*.opml|All files|*.*]]>
<const name="S_RssFileFilter">
<![CDATA[RSS files|*.rss|All files|*.*]]>
<const name="S_SoundFileFilter">
<![CDATA[WAV Files (*.wav)|*.wav]]>
<!-- miscellaneous -->
<const name="S_True" value="True"/>
<const name="S_False" value="False"/>
<const name="S_None" value="(none)"/>
<const name="S_Empty" value="(empty)"/>
<const name="S_NoTitle" value="(no title)"/>
<const name="S_NewItemCount" value="%d new items"/>