<CLICKHERE>Click here for any suggestion (English or French only!)</CLICKHERE>
<EXEFILE>Program file</EXEFILE>
<CLPARAMETERS>/COPY : Execute SimpleCopier in command line mode#RC#/SCANNER="scanner id" : Force a scanner (if not specified, then default scanner is selected)#RC#/PRINTER="printer name" : Force a printer, if not specified then default printer is selected#RC#/SCAN : Scan without printing#RC#/MULTIPLE : Allows to scan and print multiple pages#RC#/BW : Black #AND# White mode#RC#/GS : GrayScale mode#RC#/RVB : Color mode#RC#/EX=n : Copy should be printed "n" times#RC#/RES=n : Resolution is set to "n" DPI (Between 100 and 600) (0 to desactivate)#RC#/PAPER=n (n is the line number of the paper format box)#RC#/CROP : Printer margins compliant scan#RC#/NFP : Do not print on entire page #RC#/FAX : Uses Windows 2000/XP native Fax#RC#/SAVE="File path" (with gif, jpeg, jpg, tiff, tif, png or bmp extension) : Save picture(s)#RC#/BRIGHTNESS=n : Brightness (Between -100 and 100)#RC#/CONTRAST=n : Contrast (Between -100 and 100)#RC#/GAMMA=x,y : Gamma (Between 1 and 200, real number)#RC#/SEPIA=n : Sepia (Between 0 and 100)#RC#/HUE=n : Hue (Between 0 and 100)#RC#/LIGHTNESS=n : Lightness (Between 0 and 100)#RC#/SATURATION=n : Saturation (Between 0 and 100)#RC#/QUIT : SimpleCopier exits after doing the tasks#RC#/CENTER : Center picture#RC#/NOFAX : Deactivate Fax (If slow launching occurs)#RC#/CLIPBOARD : Copy last scanned picture to the clipboard#RC#</CLPARAMETERS>
<WIZARDGEN>Generated with SimpleCopier's wizard</WIZARDGEN>
<RECALL>Recall this picture</RECALL>
<SAVEQ>Save queue</SAVEQ>
<SAVEC>Save current picture</SAVEC>
<QUEUE>From queue to</QUEUE>
<IMAGE>From current picture to</IMAGE>
<NORMAL>Normal size</NORMAL>
<LOWER>Reduce size</LOWER>
<HIGHER>Increase size</HIGHER>
<RESIZING>Increasing size...</RESIZING>
<NOSPACE>Unable to create file</NOSPACE>
<SAVED>File(s) saved!</SAVED>
<YESNO_EXIT>To you really want to exit Check4Me?</YESNO_EXIT>
<YESNO_SURE>Are you sure?</YESNO_SURE>
<YESNO_SCANMORE>The page was queued. Scan another one?</YESNO_SCANMORE>
<SHORTCUT>Shorcut was created on desktop</SHORTCUT>
<NODELETE>Unable to delete</NODELETE>
<NOMAIL>Unable to send email</NOMAIL>
<NOFOLDER>This folder doesn't exist!</NOFOLDER>
<NOFILE>This file doesn't exist!</NOFILE>
<FORMAT>This file format is unknown!</FORMAT>
<NOEXTERNAL>Unable to launch external editor!</NOEXTERNAL>
<NOFAX>Unable to send fax!</NOFAX>
<NOCOPY>The following file has not been copied!</NOCOPY>
<NOCONN>Unable to connect!</NOCONN>
<NOSELECT>You didn't draw a selection!</NOSELECT>
<INTERRUPTED>OpΘration interrompue!</INTERRUPTED>
<NEWRELEASE>A new release is available! Download it?</NEWRELEASE>
<DONATION>My softwares will always be free.#RC#However, it takes a lot of time to make them evolve considering your desires.#RC#So, any donation (secure link) is welcome!</DONATION>