ocr: a Duplicate Finder: Select: Search Type Weloome lo the Duplcale Fnder wzard Youl thave selectedthe lolowing Hles. lyour want.you can modty this list now. CHFOTKYL-Kana9Ren400191P1013842UP6 Addi Files CWFOTKYLukansoter1013843JP6 Da CVOTKYLu-kansozertry/P413841JPG Add Folder. CWOTEYLukangozeniry/P:11384.JP6 Hemove V JInclude subfolders Modily. How would youl Ike lol look for dupicale liles? OFind dupicates ithin Ihis list of fles. OFind dupicates belweenthese les and another ist. Thit compaes evety: selecled lie to evetp olher selecled He tol find dupicates. For cxample. fyoul have seloched. afo ...