1000 This program has been incorrectly installed.\nTo properly uninstall, you must run setup.exe again.
1100 "%s" will be deleted. \n\nAs a result, files and folders within the folder\n%s\nwill be deleted. \n\nAlthough this will not delete data files, if they\nhave passwords or contain coded images, we recommend\nthat you cancel the passwords before proceeding with\nuninstallment, otherwise you will not be able to view\nthose pictures with other programs.\n\nDo you still wish to delete?
1101 Can not delete root directory.
1102 Failed to delete.\nMake sure the program is closed.
1103 Proceed to delete %s?
1104 The folder where "%s" has been installed and shortcuts registered in the start menu will be deleted.
1200 Uninstall has been completed.
1201 This program will delete temporary files during installation.
1302 Incomplete installation.\nIf you want to install from the network, mapping is required.
1308 Limited users don't have DigiBookShelf's uninstallation account.\n Please retry uninstallation as the Administrator of this computer.