2011 Installation has been completed.\nThis product is shareware.\nFor continuous use, purchase of this product is required.
2020 Existing %s is unable to update.
2022 DigiBookShelf is in your selected folder.\nThis program cannot overwrite on DigiBookShelf.
2030 Error in finding Web browser.\nWeb browser is required when you make your Web page and when you see Help.\nUsually you can find free Web browsers in the CD-ROM attached to\ncomputer magazines or on the Internet.
2040 Incomplete installation.\nIf you want to install from the network, mapping is required.
2045 Error in creating folder.\nPossible reasons:\n1. Shortage of disk space\n2. Including unknown character\n3. Name too long\n4. Same file name
2050 This program will update existing"%s".\nPlease select the folder in which "%s" has been installed.
2051 Unable to write in the selected drive.
2052 Existing file or folder of same name.
2053 Error in writing file.\nPossible reasons:\n1. Shortage of disk space\n2. Including unknown character\n3. Name too long\n4. Same file name
2054 Unable to write in the selected folder.
2056 Existing version of DigiBookShelf is unable to update.
2057 Root directory is not available for installation.
2058 There is a later version of DigiBookShelf in your selected folder.\nPlease select another folder.
2059 DigiBookShelf(GAZO) ver. 6 or older is installed in a folder selected.\nThis version of DigiBookShelf cannot be installed overwriting DigiBookShelf(GAZO) ver.6 or older.\nPlease select another folder to install.
2060 DigiBookShelf in your selected folder is active.\nYou should close DigiBookShelf before installation.
2061 No MO drive has been found.\n"DigiBookShelf for MO" can be installed on MO drive only.
2062 The folder you selected is not MO drive.\n"DigiBookShelf for MO" can be installed on MO drive only.
2066 Limited users don't have DigiBookShelf's installation account.\nPlease retry installation as an administrator of this computer.
2068 The trial version of DigiBookShelf has been previously installed in this computer.\nThe trial version cannot perform installation more than twice.
2069 %s (%6d MB free)
2070 %s has been detected in the following folder:\n%s\nBefore you overwrite to above folder, it is recommended that you cancel\ninstallation and save your Albums as Album files.\n\nAre you sure you want to overwrite?
2080 Drive %s has little free disk space.\nAt least %s of free disk space is required to install.\nDo you want to specify a folder on another drive?
2091 Some files or folders exist in %s.\nWe recommend that you select another empty folder.\n\nDo you really want to install this folder?
2100 Failed to copy %s.\nInstallation will be terminated.
2101 Failed to copy %s.\nWhen other users login, it may not copy properly.\nUpdate is interrupted.
2110 Copying %s
2120 Unable to create %s.\nDo you want to specify another folder?
2130 Failed to register shortcut icons due to unknown reason.\nManually install the shortcut icon by dragging the program file to the location of your choice from %s.\n(error code : %d)
2150 This program will install %s on your computer.\nPress Yes to continue or No to exit.
2156 %s (V%d.%d) was found in %s.\nDo you want to add Official DigiBook(s) to this %s?
2157 %s (V%d.%d) was found in %s.\nDo you want to overwrite DigiBookShelf Freeware on this %s?
2158 No existing "DigiBookShelf" was found.\nInstallation will be terminated.
2159 Total file size that will be copied in installation is approximately %s.\nDo you want to continue installation?
2161 Do you want to install images for printing (approximately %s).
2162 Invalid working situation.
2170 Select the destination drive.
2171 To install, the following drive is recommended.
2180 Enter the destination folder.
2190 To install, the following folder is recommended.
2200 Select the drive in which "%s" has been installed.
2220 Select the folder in which "%s" has been installed.
2240 This program won't work on 256 color mode.\nPlease execute on hi-color or full-color mode.
2250 This program requires 800x600 or higher display mode.\nIf you use it under 800x600, all functions won't work properly.\nDo you want to terminate installation?