1006 This Official DigiBook is protected by copyright.
1008 Cancel
1009 Create Animation
1010 Create Composite Image
1011 Left
1012 Center
1013 Right
1014 Define the Quality of JPEG
1015 Define the Quality of JPEG2000
1016 Browse
1017 Compress Album
1019 Bookshelf
1020 Album
1021 Image
1022 Save Animated Bookend File
1023 Open CSV File
1024 Save Album File
1025 Open Album File
1026 Create Backup
1027 Restore Backup
1028 Save as
1029 Browse Executable File
1030 Close
1031 Red&Green&Blue
1032 Red
1033 Green
1034 Blue
1035 Brightness
1036 Contrast
1037 Hue
1038 Saturation
1039 Gamma Correct
1040 Average
1041 Median
1042 Sharp
1043 Noise
1044 Emboss
1045 Posterize
1046 Oilify
1047 Change RGB
1048 Sphere
1049 Wave1
1050 Column
1051 Wave2
1052 Blurred Ellipse
1053 Ellipse
1054 Diffuse
1055 Mosaic
1056 Earthquake
1058 Export Viewer
1059 Set Transparency
1061 This Bookshelf is locked. Enter your password.
1062 This Bookshelf "%s" is locked. Enter your password.
1065 Default
1066 Others
1067 User Defined
1070 <<up one folder>>
1071 Define the quality of JPEG.
1072 Define the quality of JPEG2000.
1073 Define the quality of JPEG. Quality will apply to all images.
1074 Define the quality of JPEG2000. Quality will apply to all images.
1075 Define the quality of JPEG thumbnail.
1076 Define the quality of JPEG2000 thumbnail.
1077 Define the saving quality of JPEG.
1078 Define the saving quality of JPEG2000.
1079 Define the quality of JPEG2000. Quality will apply to all images in this Album.
1080 Define the quality of JPEG. Quality will apply to all images in this Album.
1081 Which data do you want to copy to Clipboard?
1082 Which data do you want to paste from Clipboard?
1083 Which data do you want to delete from Album?
1085 Align Left
1086 Aline Top
1087 Design
1088 Desktop
1089 My Documents
1102 (Failed to get the file information)
1103 Coded file
1104 Adjust height
1105 Adjust width
1106 Define the executable file name with full path.
1107 DigiBook Coded file
1108 Create Bookshelf File
1109 Open Bookshelf File
1110 <<Desktop>>
1111 <<My Documents>>
1112 Bookshelf Settings
1113 (%dx%d, %s)
1114 (Album)
1115 (Image)
1118 memory card watcher
1120 Copyright of software :
1121 Copyright of contents :
1122 note
1123 Copyright
1124 This Official DigiBook is protected by copyright.
1125 This Album has no copyright.\n\nUsing this Album for commercial use is forbidden.
1126 Coded file
1127 Select Bookshelf in which you want to save image files and/or Album File.
1128 Select a bookshelf to which you want to move Album(s).
1129 Save Image
1130 Open DigiBookShelf's print file
1131 Save DigiBookShelf's print file
1132 Are you really sure you want to delete
1133 Information on Official DigiBook
1134 Information on Album
1139 Save DigiBookShelf's packed cover file
1140 Open DigiBookShelf's greetingcard file
1141 Save DigiBookShelf's greetingcard file
1142 Image Information
1143 Official DigiBook Image Information
1150 All Images(except for Sound Files)
1151 BMP(Windows Bitmap)
1152 GIF(Graphics Interchange Format)
1153 JPG(JPEG File Interchange Format)
1154 TIF(Tagged Image File Format)
1155 PCX(ZSoft PCX)
1156 PCD(Kodak PhotoCD)
1157 MAG(MAG File Format)
1158 TGA(Truevision TARGA)
1159 PNG(Portable Network Graphics)
1160 PSD(Adobe Photoshop 3.0)
1161 EPS(Encapsulated PostScript)
1162 BMP(OS/2 Bitmap 1.x, 2.x)
1163 PCT(Macintosh QuickDraw)
1164 WMF(Windows Meta File)
1165 STD(LEAD proprietary compression format)
1166 WPG(WordPerfect)
1167 RAS(Sun Raster)
1168 MAC(MacPaint)
1169 MSP(Microsoft Paint)
1170 IMG(GEM Image)
1171 Raw FAX, compressed using CCITT
1172 WinFax, compressed using CCITT
1173 IOCA, compressed using CCITT
1174 CALS Raster
1175 KODAK FlashPix
1176 Vedeo for Windows(*.avi)
1177 Movie
1178 QuickTime Movie(*.mov)
1179 Windows Sound File(*.wav)
1180 AIFF(*.aif, *.aiff, *.aifc)
1181 AU(*.au)
1182 Real Audio(*.ra)
1183 SND(*.snd)
1184 Mpeg Audio(*.mp3, *.mp2, *.mpa, *.mpe)
1185 MIDI(*.mid, *.rmi)
1186 Mpeg Video(*.mpg)
1187 Windows Media Audio(*.wma)
1188 Windows Media Video(*.wmv)
1189 Advanced Streaming Format(*.asf)
1201 Another user is executing DigiBookShelf.\nWait until all users have finished using DigiBookShelf.
1203 Exporting Viewer has been completed successfully.
1204 (c)1996-2003 TriWorks Corp.JAPAN. All rights reserved.
1205 Exporting Slideshow has been completed successfully.
1206 The addition of a design was completed.
1207 Click on the window you want to capture.
1208 Use drag-n-drop to move or copy this image into Album.
1209 <Basic Operations>\n Right-click to display menu.\n To add images to the Album, drag-n-drop images directly on the Album.
1210 This design cannot be deleted.
1214 No items matched.
1215 No items matched.
1216 Saving Layout-data has been completed successfully.
1219 The selected Album has been used to create a screen saver.\nFor screen saver settings, see the Windows manuals.
1222 There is no information from TriWorks now.
1223 This image is coded. Therefore another program can't display it.\nIt will be automatically displayed by Image Window.
1224 Old version of Windows Media Player has been detected.\nYou need to download and install the latest version of Media Player\nto play some movies and sounds.\nYou can download the latest version program from\nhttp://www.microsoft.com/Windows/windowsmedia/.
1225 The last frame cannot be deleted.
1226 Transparent color will be the color at mouse cursor.\nIf OK, click the left mouse button\nTo cancel, click the right mouse button.
1229 Converting to transparent GIF has been completed.\nTo add this image to Album, drag-n-drop it on Album.
1230 Converting to transparent PNG has been completed.\nTo add this image to Album, drag-n-drop it on Album.
1235 This function is available only in full color image.
1236 This operation will create another Bookshelf and load Bookshelf File into it.
1238 Editing Window function has been enhanced.
1239 Sending E-mail has been completed successfully.
1240 Unable to add File to the Album.
1241 Unable to change the Image.
1243 When you select free-form text, you cannot include linefeed.
1244 Draw 2 lines.\nThe text will appear between those lines.
1245 No memory cards which contain image data have been found.
1246 Please drop image file after you set the type of cover "User defined".
1247 This function is available only in Albums that is larger than 2 pages.
1252 "Simple Print Album" function will enlarge the image on the screen and will print it.\nThe quality of the printed image might not be as good as the other prints.\nFor better quality, increasing enlargement percentage of the Album is recommended.
1253 The text length must be less than 128 characters.
1254 Please make a sub folder in _HTML_ folder.\nSeparate each HTML file into different folders.
1261 No TWAIN device has been detected.
1266 Choosing Official DigiBook is forbidden.
1268 No updata exists in server.
1269 Please reboot DigiBookShelf to complete update.\nUpdate becomes effective after the reboot of DigiBookShelf.
1270 No existing Album is found in Bookshelf.
1271 In order to perform 3D paging animation, please check that DirectX\nlater than V8.1 is installed and the video card has at least 8MB of\nvideo memory.\nDirectX of the latest version can be downloaded from the following URL.\nhttp://www.microsoft.com/windows/directx/
1272 The effective mail address is not inputted.
1273 Copying images has been completed successfully.
1401 Before Comp.: file size: %s(on memory: %s)
1402 After Comp.: file size: %s
1403 Compression ratio: %3.1f %% approx.
1404 This will resize image to %d x %d.\nDepending on your computer speed, it may take a very long time.\nDo you want to continue?
1405 Error has occurred while sending E-mail. (Error Code: %d)
1406 %c drive has %lu MB of free disk space.\nThis program might not work properly due to a shortage of\nfree disk space.\nExit the program and free up disk space.
1407 %c drive has %lu MB of free disk space.\nAround %lu MB of free disk space is required to complete this operation.
1408 %c drive has %lu MB of free disk space.\nTo complete this operation, around %d MB of free disk space, including the space being temporarily used,\nis required.
1409 %c drive has %lu MB of free disk space.\nData Folder contains around %lu MB of data files.\nYou need to select another folder on another drive.
1410 The amount of file size in temporary-folder %s is about %3.1f MB. \nWe recommend you to arrange or delete the files in a temporary-folder.
1411 "%s"\nwill be separated after %s. \nA new Album will be created as "%s@".
1412 You can increase the number of pages by adding\none of the other Albums listed below to\n"%s".
1415 %s will be saved as %s.
1416 %d of %d
1419 Do you want to overwrite %s?
1420 Compression ratio: %3.1f %% (approx.)
1421 Define the executable file name,\nwhich is used to open %s with full path.
1424 This will delete all the contents of "%s"\nexcept for linked images.
1425 This will delete Album "%s".
1426 Enter the password.
1428 This will save all Albums as a backup file.\nTo complete this, approximately %d MB of free disk space\nis required in the destination drive.\nCaution: Actual images of linked files will not be included\nin the backup file. If you move the actual images of linked\nfiles, the program won't work properly after you restore.
1429 %s(%d frames)
1430 Before Comp.: %s
1431 After Comp.: %s
1433 It is over the maximum Album size which can be sent.\nThe maximum size is %d MB.
1437 Error in creating file %s.\nPossible reasons:\n1. Shortage of disk space\n2. Includes characters that cannot be used in the file name\n3. Too many characters in name\n4. File name already exists
1438 The maximum number of Bookmarks per Album is %d.
1440 This will delete all texts in "%s".
1441 This will delete all sounds in "%s".
1444 %s is selected as a "saving" folder.\nDo you want to continue?
1445 %c drive requires %d MB of free disk space to complete this operation.\nOther drives require %d MB of free disk space.
1446 This operation requires at least %d MB of free disk space\non the drive where you want it to be saved.
1447 %c or %c drive requires at least %d MB of free disk space to complete this operation.
1448 %c drive requires at least %d MB of free disk space to complete this operation.
1449 Error in finding %s.\nInsert a media named "%s" to drive %c.
1450 The following characters cannot be used in the Album name.\n%s
1451 The following characters cannot be used in the file name.\n%s
1452 The following characters cannot be used in the Bookshelf name.\n%s
1453 %s\nis not WAVE format file, so you cannot record using Soundrecorder.\nDo you want to delete present sound and record in WAVE format?
1454 The linked folder %s doesn't exist.\nThe linked folder setting will be erased.
1455 Do you want to see this message again.\nIf you select "No", all files that already exist\nwill automatically be saved under another name.
1456 This will delete all the contents of "%s"\ntogether with linked images.
1457 This will delete the file %s.
1527 This will combine "%s" and "%s".
1528 "%s" will be added to the list of deletion.\nDo you want to continue?
1529 Create a media name in drive %c (less than 256 characters)
1530 This will save all Albums in this Bookshelf as a Bookshelf File.\nTo complete this, approximately %d MB of free disk space\nis required in the destination drive.\nCaution: Actual images of linked files will not be included\nin the file. If you move the actual images of linked\nfiles, the program won't work properly after you restore.
1532 Are you really sure you want to move Data Folder %s to %s?
1533 Display Web Page "%s".
1534 This is an Album File "%s" of DigiBookShelf
1535 Imaging software DigiBookShelf is required to see the contents of the attached file.\nTo get DigiBookShelf, you can access the Web site %s.
1536 This operation will delete the Bookshelf "%s".
1538 Error in adding %s to Album.\nDisk capacity may be insufficient.
1545 This will delete folder "%s".
1547 Error in reading file: %s.\nDo you want to continue?
1548 Error in reading file: %s.
1550 Number of Frames: %d frames
1551 Number of Pages: %d pages (%d frames)
1552 Name: %s\n
1553 Folder: %s\n
1554 Password: %s\n
1555 Link Folder: %s\n
1557 %s\n\n
1558 Number of Images: %d\n\n
1559 Number of Accessible Images: %d\n
1560 Sum of Images: %s\n
1561 Largest Image: %s\n
1562 Smallest Image: %s\n\n
1563 Number of Accessible Text: %d\n
1564 Sum of Text: %s\n
1565 Largest Text: %s\n
1566 Smallest Text: %s\n\n
1567 Number of Accessible Sound: %d\n
1568 Sum of Sound: %s\n
1569 Largest Sound: %s\n
1570 Smallest Sound: %s\n\n
1571 Sum of Data Files: %s\n\n
1572 Administration File: %s\n\n
1573 Sum of Whole Album: %s
1574 Size of Layout data: %s\n\n
1575 Size of Bookcover: %s\n\n
1576 Number of BGM files: %d\n
1577 Sum of BGM files:%s\n\n
1581 %s, %dX%d pixels, %d colors, %s
1582 %s, %dX%d pixels, %s
1583 %d mail addresses are inputted. The maximum number of mail addresses is %d.
1585 Please divide mail addresses in comma, semicolon, or space to send to two or more men. A maximum of %d mail addresses can be written.
1600 File of the same name exists in the selected folder.
1601 Cannot select a file in data folder.
1602 Memory shortage.
1604 Installation may not have been performed properly.\nPlease reinstall.
1605 Error in creating window.
1606 Unable to write to the selected drive.
1607 Error in handling this file.
1608 Unable to write to the selected folder.
1609 Error in writing file.
1610 Error in creating timer.
1611 No available data is found in Layout-list.
1613 No available data is found in Bookcover-list.
1614 Error in opening Clipboard.
1617 A file name is too long.
1618 Drop file on thumbnail.
1620 Disk space shortage.
1621 This file is not an Album File.
1622 A restriced user cannot add design file.
1623 No available images is found in this Album.
1624 Error in finding image file.
1625 Error in getting image.
1626 Error in loading image.
1627 A long and slender image cannot automatically carry out image enhancement.
1628 The image is too small for image enhancement.
1629 Number of menu records must be less than 10.
1630 It is over the 1024 maximum number of BGM.
1631 Choosing Official DigiBook is forbidden.
1632 Error in creating the picture of the Bookcover.
1633 Error in creating Spread Page data.
1636 Error in importing Spread Page data.
1639 Error in saving Album.
1640 Error in copying file.\n%s to %s
1641 Error in loading resources.
1642 Error in finding new image file.
1643 Don't handle the Album data files.
1644 Error in loading Backup File.
1645 Error in loading Bookshelf File.
1646 Invalid working situation.\nHave you installed properly?
1647 Enter the password.
1648 Wrong password.
1649 Error in copying file.
1650 No default printer found.\nTo set the default printer: on the Windows Start menu,\npoint to Settings, and then click Printers.
1654 At least 2 images are required to create animation.
1655 This operation cannot be carried out on an empty frame.
1656 Error in reading Album File.\nBroken Album File or memory shortage.
1657 Error in renaming file.\nThere might be a file of the same name.
1658 Error in adjusting page number.
1659 Error in reading file.\nA broken file or memory shortage.
1666 Wrong confirmation password.\nEnter the password again.
1667 Enter the Publisher's Code of 4 characters.
1669 Enter the Official DigiBook Serial Number of 8 characters.
1670 Please fill all blanks.
1681 Timeout has occurred.
1687 Enter the number of pages between 2 and 1000.
1688 Enter the number of Album(s) between 1 and 100.
1690 Invalid Album data files exist.\nThese will be moved to "TempDir".
1694 Error in exceeding maximun frame number.\nAn Album can contain less than 32767 frames.
1697 Error in registration of window class.
1698 This file might not be a Scrapbook file or might be broken.
1700 This file is not a backup file.
1701 This backup file is broken.
1702 Error in finding of Web browser.\nWeb browser is required to see Web Page preview.\nInstalling newer version browser may resolve this problem.
1703 Error in finding of Web browser.\nWeb browser is required to see Help.\nInstalling newer version browser may resolve this problem.
1704 Error in finding of Web browser.\nInstalling newer version browser may resolve this problem.
1705 Unable to combine Album with another Album which is locked.
1706 Invalid working situation.\nWhen you do this on network, mapping drive is required.
1707 Don't select a folder which contains this program.
1710 Insert a disk or disc into the drive.
1711 The folder you entered does not exist.
1712 Folder name is required.
1713 This folder or drive is write-protected.
1714 Unable to combine Album with another Album which has linked folder setting.
1716 Unable to combine 2 Albums.
1717 Error in creating a backup file.
1718 Error in connecting DigiBookShelf's update server.
1719 Error in downloading files.
1720 Enter Link Folder path.
1721 Error in loading module for auto image enhanchement.
1722 Unable to save in this folder.\nPlease select another folder containing no files and folders.
1723 This program won't work on 256 color mode.\nPlease execute on hi-color or full color mode.
1725 This program won't work on root directory.
1726 There is a limit to the size of data less tan 16 MB on your computer.
1727 Unable to convert images in locked Album.
1728 This Album contains some images.\nPlease delete all images in this Album before dropping this file.
1729 This Bookshelf File is broken.
1730 Error in creating a Bookshelf File.
1732 Error in creating Viewer.\nOfficial DigiBooks are inhibited to export as Viewer.
1733 Please select another folder.
1734 Error in exporting Viewer.\nYou have chosen Locked Album(s).\nDisable Locked Album(s) Password from Album Settings.
1735 Files or sub-folders exist in the selected folder.\nPlease select another folder.
1736 Unable to select root directory.
1737 Enter program name.
1738 Your E-mail Address is required.
1739 Destination is required.
1740 SMTP server address is required.\nIf you don't know your SMTP server address, please contact your internet provider.
1746 Wrong upgrade key.
1747 Includes images of different size.
1748 Unable to save in this folder.\nPlease select another folder containing no files and folders.
1749 Error while sorting.
1750 This file has been removed.
1751 This program doesn't support changing color resolution of this type of image format.
1752 Requested processing cannot be performed.\nPlease terminate the processing under present execution and retry.
1754 Error in creating a new Album.
1755 This is not a greeting-card file.
1756 This file is not a DigiBookShelf's print file.
1759 This file cannot be a Slideshow BGM.
1760 Broken data.
1764 Failed to delete.
1800 The image will be deleted.
1801 This will delete the image and any attached sound or text,\nbut not the original image of the linked file.
1802 This will delete the image and any attached sound or text in the linked folder.
1803 This will delete the image and any attached sound or text.
1804 The text attached to this image will be deleted.
1805 The sound attached to this image will be deleted.
1806 Depending on your computer speed, the operation may take a very long time.
1807 This image will be converted to JPEG2000 including linked file.
1808 All images in this Album will be converted to JPEG2000 including linked files.
1809 This operation will change the default page layout setting.
1810 All Albums with no images will be combined.
1811 This thumbnail will be recreated.
1812 This image is not a full color image.\nDo you change into a full color image and perform?
1813 This image will be converted to PNG including linked file.
1814 All images in this Album will be converted to PNG including linked files.
1815 This image will be converted to JPEG including linked file.
1816 All images in this Album will be converted to JPEG including linked files.
1817 This image will be converted to GIF including linked file.
1819 All images in this Album will be converted to GIF including linked files.
1820 This image will be converted to Bitmap including linked file.
1821 All images in this Album will be converted to Bitmap including linked files.
1822 Only data files(images, sounds and texts) from selected Albums within\nthe Bookshelf will be exported to CD-R.\nThis Function will not save the Album layout and other attributes.\nEach Album's data files will be saved in the CD-R's Album name's folder.\nTo reload in DigiBookShelf data saved in the CD-R, drag-n-drop the folder to the Album.
1823 Only data files(images, sounds and texts) from the Album\nwill be exported to CD-R.\nThis Function will not save the Album layout and other attributes.\nEach Album's data files will be saved in the CD-R's Album name's folder.\nTo reload in DigiBookShelf data saved in the CD-R, drag-n-drop the folder to the Album.
1824 This operation collapse the arrangement of thumbnails on Album.
1825 This thumbnail will be replaced with the captured window image you select.
1826 This thumbnail will be replaced with the image file you select.
1827 It will connect to the official site of DigiBook.
1828 This operation collapse the arrangement of thumbnails on Album.
1829 This will automatically duplicate and arrange your album into a DigiBook.
1830 All files in this folder will be deleted.
1831 This folder will be completely deleted.
1832 All files in this Album will be moved to the folder you select.
1833 Linked files in this Album will be moved to internal folder.
1834 Linked files in this Album will be moved to internal folder.\nAs a result, linked folder setting will be deleted.
1835 Some images will be deleted with this operation\nexcept for actual images of linked files.
1836 All Bookmarks in this Album will be deleted.
1837 This will change selected image sizes.\nThis operation is not reversible.
1838 This will change all image sizes.\nThis operation is not reversible.
1839 This operation will delete all Albums in Bookshelf.
1840 Albums with no images will be deleted.
1842 This operation will move all files in this Album to\n%s.
1843 This operation will apply layout of this spread page to following Pages.
1844 This will delete pages with no images and empty frames.
1846 This operation will delete all Albums in all Bookshelfs.
1847 Some images will be deleted with this operation\nincluding actual images of linked files.
1848 This operation will completely delete selected Album and files in it.\nFiles in this Album will be deleted completely.
1849 This will change the position and size of frames in the Album.
1850 It disables you to change the position and size of frames in Album by operation of a mouse.
1851 This operation will change fonts of all frames in this Album.
1852 This operation is not reversible.
1853 Order of Albums in Bookshelf will be changed as a result of this operation.
1854 The original image will be replaced with this image.
1855 This operation will set this image as Windows wallpaper.
1856 This operation will search all DCF-compliant image data in all memory card drives.
1858 The selected images are enhanced automatically.\nThis operation is not reversible.
1859 All images are enhanced automatically.\nThis operation is not reversible.
2001 Are you sure you want to exchange the default page layout setting?
2002 Are you sure you want to delete the selected design(s)?
2003 Are you sure you want to replace sound attached to this image?
2004 Are you sure you want to replace text attached to this image?
2005 Do you want to save images in this page as a pattern?\nPatterns are displayed on all pages.
2006 This image is larger than screen size.\nDo you want to adjust it to screen?
2007 Are you sure you want to exchange the Bookcover?
2008 This operation will change layout of all Spread Pages in this Album.\nDo you want to continue?
2009 Do you want to put images of Album File in empty frames?\nIf you will select "Yes", images will be put in empty frames.\nIf you will select "No", images will be put in new Album.
2010 Do you want to add this sound file to BGM?
2011 If it returns to a former state, the screen under edit will be cleared.\nDo you want to continue?
2012 The following latest updata was found.\n\n-%s\n\nAre you sure you want to update?
2013 The latest updata was found.\nAre you sure you want to update?
2014 This image includes information which optimizes a printing output.\nSince these information will be eliminated if overwrite preservation\nis carried out, we recommend you saved as another picture.\nAre you sure you want to overwrite?
2015 This picture includes information such as photography time and\nphotography conditions.\nSince these information will be eliminated if overwrite preservation\nis carried out, we recommend you saved as another picture.\nAre you sure you want to overwrite?
2016 Are you sure you want to save this screen as Wallpaper?
2017 Are you sure you want to save this screen in Album?
2019 Do you want to save this image?\nIf not, this image will be deleted.
2020 Are you really sure you want to delete this?
2023 The folder you selected contains some files.\nAre you sure you want to save the Viewer?
2024 Are you really sure you want to do?
2025 This operation will search all images files in the drive.\nThis operation may take for several minutes.\nDo you want to continue?
2026 Some linked files that point to same actual image have been found.\nThese files will be deleted except the first one\n(actual image will not be deleted).\n\nAre you sure you want to contunue?
2027 Do you want to overlay this image?
2029 Text template will be copied to all images with no text.\nAre you sure you want to continue?
2030 Text template will be copied if a text is not attached to image\notherwise text template will be merged at the end of existing text.
2031 This operation will check on the internet for updata of DigiBookShelf.\nDo you want to continue?
2032 Do you want to upload sound and text?
2033 Do you want to upload thumbnails to the same place?
2034 Do you want to insert this image with data in Clipboard?\nClick "Yes" to insert.\nClick "No" to replace.
2035 Do you really want to replace?
2036 Do you want to abort this process?
2037 Do you really want to delete following Bookshelfs?\n\n
2038 When an Album(A) is added to another Album(B), the layout of\ncombined Album is unified into the layout of Album(B).\nDo you want to continue?
2039 Do you really want to quit?
2041 This Album File might have some problem.\nDo you want to continue?
2042 Do you want to continue?
2043 Do you want to quit Karuta Style?
2045 Existing text will be deleted with this operation.\nDo you really want to continue?
2046 This operation will delete all texts in this Album.\nDo you really want to continue?
2047 To carry out this operation you need to close all the Albums. \nDo you want to continue?
2048 <Important>\n Scroll Mouse program has been founded.\n If this program exists, DigiBookShelf and programs \n will not work properly will be noticed.\n We recommend to uninstall Scroll Mouse\n using "Delete/Add Program" in the Windows Control Panel.\n Do you want to finish DigiBookShelf?
2049 Do you want to re-compress JPEG image(s)?
2050 Do you want to re-compress JPEG2000 image(s)?
2051 Is this the final result?
2055 This program requires 800x600 or higher display mode.\nIf you use it under 800x600, all functions won't work properly.\nDo you want to close this program?
2058 Width and height ratio is not standard.\nDo you want to correct it automatically?\n\nIf you want to use the current size, correct manually so that size fits the following: width/height: 0.52 to 0.96.
2059 Width and height ratio is not standard.\nDo you want to correct it automatically?\n\nIf you want to use the current size, correct manually so that size fits the following: width/height: less than 0.2.
2060 This program cannot save the image as original image format.\nDo you want to save it as Windows Bitmap?
2061 Do you want to print without the edges?\nIf you do, the picture will expand to the full size paper.\nThe image might not fit the paper. If the image is too big, go to page setting and change blank area.
2063 This operation will open the page for settings.\nDo you want to continue?
2100 DigiBookShelf Print
2101 Year:
2102 Month:
2103 for
2104 of %d page(s)
2105 Show
2106 line(s)
2107 column(s)
2108 Space between Images:
2109 Number of Text Lines:
2110 Width of Text Area:
2111 Height of Text Area:
2190 General Information
2191 Additional Information
2192 Information Exif
2193 Information ExifR98
2194 Exif Information(1)
2195 Exif Information(2)
2196 Exif Information(3)
2200 file name
2201 file size
2202 image size on memory
2203 date and time of original image
2204 file date and time
2205 image format
2206 compression
2207 width x height(pixel)
2208 bits/pixel(color)
2209 duration
2210 transparent Color
2220 orientation of image
2221 resolution in X direction
2222 resolution in Y direction
2223 unit of X and Y resolution
2224 transfer function
2225 white point chromaticity
2226 chromaticities of primaries
2227 YCbCr coefficients
2228 black & white reference values
2229 file change date and time
2230 image title
2231 input equipment manufacturer
2232 input equipment model
2233 software used
2234 person who created the image
2235 copyright holder
2250 exif version
2251 color space information
2252 meaning of each component
2253 image compression mode
2254 valid image width
2255 valid image height
2256 ExifR98 information
2257 manufacturer note
2258 user comments
2259 original data generation
2260 digital data generation
2280 exposure time
2281 F number
2282 exposure program
2283 ISO speed rating
2284 shutter speed
2285 aperture
2286 brightness
2287 exposure bias
2288 maximum lens aperture
2289 subject distance
2290 metering mode
2291 light source
2292 flash
2293 lens focal length
2294 flash energy
2310 spectral sensitivity
2311 optoelectric conversion factor
2312 spacial frequency response
2313 focal plain X resolution
2314 focal plain Y resolution
2315 focal plain resolution unit
2316 subject location
2317 exposure index
2318 sensing method
2319 file source
2320 scene type
2321 CFA pattern
2330 ExifR98 signature
2331 ExifR98 version
2332 image format of thumbnail
2420 Display
2421 JPEG Quality
2422 Menu
2423 Image
2424 PhotoCD
2425 Extension
2426 Association
2427 Other Program
2428 Other
2429 Bookshelf Name
2430 Bookshelf Password
2431 Data Folder
2432 Compatibility
2433 Bookshelf Management
2434 Effect
2440 Name
2441 Disp1
2442 Disp2
2443 Disp3
2444 Disp4
2445 BGM
2446 Password
2447 Link Folder
2448 Information
2449 File Name
2450 Copyright
2455 Thumbnail
2456 Text
2457 Image File Name
2458 Image Information
2460 Back
2461 close this menu
2462 go to the menu
2463 DigiBookShelf Menu
2470 Untitled Media
2471 %2d/%2d %s
2472 %s "%2d/%2d %s"?
2473 %s (%d frames, %d/%d)
2474 %s (%d pages, %d/%d)
2475 %s (%d frames, %d/%d)
2476 %d pages
2478 %d frames
2479 frame %d
2480 not defined
2481 Deleted Images
2482 DigiBook
2483 DigiBook S
2484 DigiBook N
2485 3.5 inch FD
2486 5.25 inch FD
2487 8 inch FD
2488 Removable Disk
2489 My Computer
2490 My Network
2491 Entire Network
2492 Defined
2493 not defined
2500 GBK(DigiBookShelf backup file)*.gbk
2501 BKS(Bookshelf File)*.bks
2502 EXE(Executable Album File)*.exeABM(Album Data File)*.abm