Pokud zaplatφte za p°eklad 100 KΦ na adresu: P°emysl Lukavsk², Okru₧nφ 906, 674 01 T°ebφΦ, dostanete zdarma na svoji e-mailovou adresu ·pln² Φesk² p°eklad t∞chto typ∙ dne, ΦeskΘ Üablony vΦetn∞ ΦeskΘho kalendß°e a opravn² patch, kter² odstranφ jazykovΘ nedod∞lky v originßlnφ verzi programu.
P°eklady lze zaslat i na disket∞ v doporuΦenΘm dopise, ale pak je nutno p°ipoΦφtat dalÜφch 50 KΦ za poÜtovnΘ a materißl.
Since not all tools fit into the toolbar of PhotoLine, there are tools with a red button. Klick on this tools and hold down the mouse key to get a popup with a palette of tools.
To crop an image, create a lasso and select "Crop" in the tool options or select "Tool/Lasso/Crop Lasso".
To activate plugin filters, select "Options/Extended/PlugIn Moduls" and setup the search path.
PhotoLine has a JPEG-smart saver. To activate this, select "Options/File/Jpeg" or press "Save Options" in the save dialog.
You can create size optimized PNG or GIF files. Select "Tools/Color/Reduce Color...". Here you can setup the amount of colors and the palette and you can see the resulting file size.
You can load multiple images at the same time by selecting them in a directory window and dragging them onto the Photoline window.
If the opened dialogs disturb you while painting, you can remove them from the screen with the command View/Hide dialogs.
You can move or scals lassos without filling the selection by pressing the SHIFTand CTRL keys as you reposition the lasso.
To make working with masks easier, you can set the color and the intensity of the mask in the Options menu.
If you don't like the red pattern that shows transparency, you can change the size and the color of the pattern at "Options/Display/Transparency".
Photoline has created a new image format (.pld). Photoline can save all masks and lassos of the current image if you save using the .pld format.
If you choose "Edit Mask", don't forget to deselect the button when you finished editing.
You can drag a lasso from one picture window to another.
If you create a mask from a lasso you should invert the mask often.
You can set the foreground color while drawing by pressing the Alt key and clicking on the desired color in the image.
You can draw lines by pressing the control key while using any drawing tool (those with brushes in the icon and the stamp and finger).
To delete the whole picture you choose the rubber tool and click on the "whole picture" button.
You can drag colors/curves/brushes from one color/curve/brush field to another with the mouse.
To create quadratic or round lassos, press the Alt key while creating.
Press the right mouse button on a color, pattern, brush or curve field and you will get a popup with a selection.
Press the right mouse button on a text field and you can setup the unit for the field.
You can create a brush from a selection by dragging it onto a brush field.
that Windows95/98/NT can copy the contents of the screen (or the top window) to the clipboard when you press "Print" ("Alt + Print")? You can paste this into PhotoLine.
Suggestions, questions and bug reports can be mailed to support@pl32.com. Please describe your wish or problem as detailed as possible.
that we have two servers: http://www.pl32.com and http://www.pl32.de?