home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- VisualBasic script
- Date and time
- CDate()
- DateDateAdd()
- DateDiff()
- DatePart()
- DateSerial()
- DateValue()
- Day()
- FormatDateTime()
- Hour()
- IsDate()
- Minute()
- Month()
- NowSecond()
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- TimeValue()
- Weekday()
- WeekdayName()
- Year()
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- Forms
- document.form.action
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- History
- history.back()
- history.forward()
- history.go()
- Image
- border
- complete
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- prototype
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- document.link.hostname
- document.link.href
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- Location
- location.hash
- location.host
- location.hostname
- location.href
- location.pathname
- location.port
- location.protocol
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- location.search
- window.location.replace("")
- Math
- Abs()
- Atn()
- CByte()
- CCur()
- CDate()
- CDbl()
- CInt()
- CLng()
- Cos()
- CSng()
- Exp()
- Fix()
- FormatCurrency()
- FormatNumber()
- FormatPercent()
- Int()
- IsNumeric()
- Rnd()
- Round()
- Sgn()
- Sin()
- Sqr()
- Tan()
- Navigator
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- navigator.plugins
- navigator.userAgent
- Plugins
- description
- filename
- length
- name
- Reserved words
- And
- Call
- Const
- Dim
- Empty
- Eqv
- Erase
- Exit
- False
- Function
- Imp
- Is
- Mod
- Not
- Nothing
- Null
- On Error Resume Next
- Option Explicit
- Or
- Private
- Public
- Randomize
- ReDim
- Rem
- Set
- Stop
- Sub
- True
- Xor
- Strings
- Asc()
- AscB()
- AscW()
- Chr()
- ChrB()
- ChrW()
- CStr()
- Filter()
- FormatCurrency()
- FormatDateTime()
- FormatNumber()
- FormatPercent()
- Hex()
- InStr()
- InStrB()
- InStrRev()
- Join()
- LCase()
- Left()
- LeftB()
- Len()
- LenB()
- LTrim()
- Mid()
- MidB()
- Oct()
- Replace()
- Right()
- RightB()
- RTrim()
- Space()
- Split()
- StrComp()
- StrComp()
- String()
- StrReverse()
- Trim()
- UCase()