ocr: Simple mail X NewMsg Options DelMsg Stop About Subject Sender Date a pop-3/tcp service termin... "Oldrich Kepka" <limux@sanitas.cz> Sun, 30Jul 2000 10:46:37 +0200 Dobry den. Prave pred chvilkou mi padnul pop-3 service V inetd. V logu se objevila tato hlaska: Jul 30 08:32:32 piceki inetd[509]: pop-3/tcp server failing (looping). service terminated Nevite nekdo, CO to muze znamenat? Po restartu inetd vse funguje. Attached Files: - Information of status communication with server POP3: RetrieveProgress: 0% Savefile DecodeProgress: 0% Done. 1 msgs retrieved. Today is 30.. Jul: 2000