3 PrintMe Networks plug-in for Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat Reader.
5 Copyright Electronics For Imaging, Inc. 2002
8 Allows Acrobat to communicate with PrintMe Networks.
12 You must be connected to the internet for the PrintMe plug-in to work.
15 Legal text
19 PrintMe Validation Error
20 The email address appears to be invalid
21 The server returned an error.
28 In order for PrintMe to retrieve your account login information, we will need the e-mail address you signed up with:
30 E-mail:
31 Your security question is:
32 Unable to contact server.
33 Unable to validate user account\nPlease check your AccountID and numeric password.
34 PrintMe Alert
35 Only numbers are allowed in the copies field
36 No options available for this printer
37 1) Account ID and numeric password must be between 6 & 8 digits.\n2) Numeric passwords must match.\n3) You must enter a ZIP/Post Code.\n4) You must provide an answer to the security question.\n5) You must provide your first and last name.
38 Your numeric password numbers do not match.
39 1. Free or Premium PrintMe user account.
40 2. Connection to the Internet.
41 3. A document to print, fax, or store.
42 There's a problem\nThe e-mail address you have supplied us with does not match any of the ones we have on file. Please try again or re-signup.
43 The answer you have supplied us with does not match any of the ones we have on file. Please try again or re-signup.
44 \n You already have a PrintMe Premium account
45 By upgrading your standard PrintMe account to a Premium account you will be able to send faxes anywhere in the world and increase your online document storage.
46 Disk Space
47 Account Type
48 Account Balance
49 Fax Pages
50 Last Login
51 used
52 available
53 You have a PrintMe
54 Account
55 There is
56 available in your PrintMe account
57 fax pages
58 Your last login was
59 You must select a print destination.
60 Only numbers are allowed in the fax field.
61 is not a valid PrintMe printer ID
62 is a private device
63 your account is not authorized
64 You are not allowed to print to
65 Please select another printer
66 will generate a DocID
67 Would you like to continue using this printer
68 Unknown denial code
69 while validating printer
70 Unknown Printer
71 Unable to add
72 to address book
73 Unable to get printer options for printer
74 Unable to get folder list
75 Unable to get address book
76 Processing Document (Esc key to cancel)
77 Uploading (hit ESC to cancel)
78 You have entered and invalid fax number. A valid fax number must start with a 1 followed by an area code and the seven digit fax number. If you are faxing outside the United States, please replace the 1 with the applicable country code.\n
79 PrintMe DocID
80 Please use this document ID at a PrintMe Terminal to retrieve your document
81 This information will also be e-mailed to you
82 Password
83 Your request has been rejected
84 You have used up your printing limit on this printer
85 The printer is a private device
86 Your print job
87 did not print to printer
88 You will find the document in your inbox at printme.com
89 Your print job did not upload correctly
90 Job cancelled
91 You have reached the storage limit of your PrintMe account
92 Only numbers are allowed in the copies field
93 Unable to download file from server
94 The PrintMe help file can not be found. Would you like to download the help file now?
95 There are unsaved changes to this document!\nWould you like to print it anyway?\n(Changes will not be printed)
96 The printer was successfully added to your Address Book
97 Unable to add the printer to your Address Book
98 You have a PrintMe limited account. By upgrading your account to a Premium account you will be able to send faxes anywhere in the world and increase your online document storage.
99 Your Account ID and Numeric Password have been reset and e-mailed to:
100 Your Account ID must be numbers only.
101 Your Numeric Password must be numbers only.
102 Help
103 No search available
104 Click "OK" to update PrintMe to work from any application on your computer. Once installed, simply select "PrintMe" to print to any printer on the PrintMe Network or any fax machine worldwide.
105 Welcome to the future of printing.
106 The PIN for this account cannot be reset using this utility.\nPlease visit www.printme.com to have your account information sent to you by email.