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- "IDS_ABOUT_VERSION=Acrobat XFA Plug-In Version 1.0"
- "IDS_MENU_ABOUT=Acrobat &XFA..."
- "IDS_ABOUT_COPYRIGHT=(c) Copyright 2002, Adobe Systems Incorporated.\nAll rights reserved."
- "IDS_MENU_HELP=Using Acrobat &XFA"
- "IDS_ALL_FILES=All Files"
- "IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION=XML Forms Architecture (XFA) extensions to Acrobat Forms."
- "IDS_ABOUT_DEPENDENCIES=Plug-ins required for loading: AcroForm, EScript, DigSig"
- "IDS_ABOUT_DEPENDENCIES2=Plug-ins required for full functionality: Annots"
- "IDS_XTG_ABORT_SUBMIT=Submit cancelled"
- "IDS_XTG_INVALID_SUBMIT_FORMAT=Invalid submit format: '%0'"
- "IDS_XTG_LAUNCH_MONITOR=&Launch Monitor"
- "IDS_XTG_XDP_DESC=XML Data Package Files"
- "IDS_XTG_INVALID_DIGEST_METHOD=Digest method %0 not supported"
- "IDS_XTG_INVALID_SIGNATURE_METHOD=Signature method %0 not supported"
- "IDS_XTG_MACSIG_SUPPORT_ERROR=Message Authentication Codes not supported"
- "IDS_XTG_NON_XFA_PDF=This type of form cannot be saved as XDP."
- "IDS_XTG_PERMISSION_DENIED=This operation is only supported for certified forms."
- "IDS_XTG_SCRIPT_EXCEPTION=Script halted by user exception: '%0'"
- "IDS_XTG_SAVEXDP_EXCEPTION=The pdf document could not be saved and embedded in the XDP. This secure operation is not permitted."
- "IDS_XTG_LOADXDP_EXCEPTION=The contents of the XDP file could not be loaded. This secure operation is not permitted."
- "IDS_XTG_16465=Code Page: %s not supported."
- "IDS_XTG_16479=Software Failure"
- "IDS_XTG_16480=Operation '%s' not supported."
- "IDS_XTG_16583=Unable to allocate memory"
- "IDS_XTG_16584=Error attempting to close file"
- "IDS_XTG_16585=Unable to open or create file"
- "IDS_XTG_16587=File does not exist: %s"
- "IDS_XTG_16588=File must not already exist"
- "IDS_XTG_16589=File has no name associated"
- "IDS_XTG_16644=Error attempting to write data to file"
- "IDS_XTG_16645=Error seeking to a new location in file"
- "IDS_XTG_16646=Attempt to read a file opened for writing"
- "IDS_XTG_16647=Attempting to write a file opened for reading"
- "IDS_XTG_16648=Error attempting to write to file"
- "IDS_XTG_16649=Error attempting to read from file"
- "IDS_XTG_16650=File not compatible with this platform; data truncation"
- "IDS_XTG_16651=Unexpected end-of-file encountered"
- "IDS_XTG_16652=File name: "
- "IDS_XTG_16653=Error attempting to change file size"
- "IDS_XTG_16654=Stream file protocol not loaded"
- "IDS_XTG_16655=System error: %s"
- "IDS_XTG_16656=Stream file implementation not available"
- "IDS_XTG_16661=Character conversion not supported for this file type."
- "IDS_XTG_16748=Error deleting file."
- "IDS_XTG_16749=Error renaming file %s as %s."
- "IDS_XTG_16750=Cannot find temporary file"
- "IDS_XTG_16753=Error copying file %s to %s."
- "IDS_XTG_16758=Error Creating directory"
- "IDS_XTG_16759=Error Deleting directory"
- "IDS_XTG_16760=Error setting file attributes."
- "IDS_XTG_16761=Error getting system temporary directory."
- "IDS_XTG_16777=An error occurred decoding BASE64 data - encoded data is invalid or corrupted"
- "IDS_XTG_16984=Index value is out of bounds"
- "IDS_XTG_16985=Invalid cast operation"
- "IDS_XTG_16987=Object not found"
- "IDS_XTG_17107=Unknown unit code %.2X"
- "IDS_XTG_17174=Angle must be between 0 and 359.999 degrees"
- "IDS_XTG_17185=Invalid year"
- "IDS_XTG_17186=Invalid month"
- "IDS_XTG_17187=Invalid day"
- "IDS_XTG_17188=The value \"%s\" is not a valid date."
- "IDS_XTG_17234=Invalid hour"
- "IDS_XTG_17235=Invalid minute"
- "IDS_XTG_17236=Invalid second"
- "IDS_XTG_17237=Invalid millisecond"
- "IDS_XTG_17244=am"
- "IDS_XTG_17245=pm"
- "IDS_XTG_29184=Malformed SOM expression: "
- "IDS_XTG_29185=SOM expression returned list when single result was expected"
- "IDS_XTG_29186=SOM expression returned no nodes"
- "IDS_XTG_29187=Invalid property get operation; %1 doesn't have property '%2'"
- "IDS_XTG_29188=Invalid property get operation; %1 doesn't have a default property"
- "IDS_XTG_29189=Invalid property set operation; %1 doesn't have property '%2'"
- "IDS_XTG_29190=Invalid property set operation; %1 doesn't have a default property"
- "IDS_XTG_29191=%1 does not have a method '%2'"
- "IDS_XTG_29192=%1 does not have a default method"
- "IDS_XTG_29193=Incorrect number of parameters calling method '%s'"
- "IDS_XTG_29194=Argument mismatch in property or function argument"
- "IDS_XTG_29195=Invalid attempt to add node (%s)"
- "IDS_XTG_29196=Insertion failed"
- "IDS_XTG_29197=Removal failed"
- "IDS_XTG_29198=SOM expression returned one or more properties or non-nodes when only nodes were expected: "
- "IDS_XTG_29199=Invalid data source"
- "IDS_XTG_29200=Can't set contentType property"
- "IDS_XTG_29201=DAT file contains invalid line: %s"
- "IDS_XTG_29202=%1 is an unsupported operation for the %2 object%3"
- "IDS_XTG_29203=Invalid node type: %s"
- "IDS_XTG_29204=Invalid option specified: %s"
- "IDS_XTG_29205=Wrong category for option: %s"
- "IDS_XTG_29206=Option is malformed: %s"
- "IDS_XTG_29207=Option must be qualified: %s"
- "IDS_XTG_29208=(Internal) Error reading value of option: %s"
- "IDS_XTG_29209=Option's value is locked and cannot be set: %s"
- "IDS_XTG_29210=Option '%1' set to invalid value '%2'"
- "IDS_XTG_29211=A reference was made to a record outside the data window"
- "IDS_XTG_29212=Specified record index is not valid"
- "IDS_XTG_29213=Could not find the record specified with data_record option"
- "IDS_XTG_29214=After applying XSL to a record, the record is no longer valid! Ensure that the XSL generates a valid record."
- "IDS_XTG_29215=A reference was made to a data window in an undefined state"
- "IDS_XTG_29216=Invalid value: '%1' for '%2' property"
- "IDS_XTG_29217=Bad value: '%1' of the '%2' attribute of '%3' element '%4'. Default will be used instead."
- "IDS_XTG_29218=This operation can violate a parent/child relationship"
- "IDS_XTG_29219=Invalid append operation: %1 cannot have a child element of %2"
- "IDS_XTG_29220=Invalid insert operation: %1 cannot have a child element of %2"
- "IDS_XTG_29221=Attribute %1 may not be updated."
- "IDS_XTG_29222=Attribute not found"
- "IDS_XTG_29223=Nameless node of class '%s' cannot be used in a SOM expression."
- "IDS_XTG_29224=Invalid get operation for OneOfChild %s;"
- "IDS_XTG_29225=Invalid set operation for OneOfChild %s;"
- "IDS_XTG_29226=%1 is not a valid attribute of %2, Attribute not loaded"
- "IDS_XTG_29227=Failed to create '%s', node already exists"
- "IDS_XTG_29260=Return value: %1"
- "IDS_XTG_29271=Unsupported script language '%1' in contentType tag; context is %2"
- "IDS_XTG_29273=, parent node is invalid."
- "IDS_XTG_29274=, node has children"
- "IDS_XTG_29275=, name is invalid. It cannot be NULL or empty."
- "IDS_XTG_29283=Invalid enumerated value: %s"
- "IDS_XTG_29285=Evaluating script\nlanguage=%1\nscript=%2\nContext=%3"
- "IDS_XTG_29292=Script failed (language is %1; context is %2)\nscript=%3"
- "IDS_XTG_29294=Class %1 has not been initialized properly"
- "IDS_XTG_29295=An attempt was made to search for children of a non-node of class %1 (in SOM expression %2)"
- "IDS_XTG_29303=An attempt was made to reference property '%1' of a non-object in SOM expression %2"
- "IDS_XTG_29305=SOM expression %1 returned empty result"
- "IDS_XTG_29316=No match found for %1 node %2"
- "IDS_XTG_29318=Failed to merge XFATemplate with XFAData. No data found in the XFAData Model. The merge process will continue without data."
- "IDS_XTG_29319=ContentType '%1' is incompatible with %2 content"
- "IDS_XTG_29320=Unable to create SOM expression %1"
- "IDS_XTG_29321=The fault occurred in file %1 on line %2"
- "IDS_XTG_29322=The fault occurred in file %1."
- "IDS_XTG_29323=The fault occurred on line %1."
- "IDS_XTG_29324=%1 occurrence violation"
- "IDS_XTG_29354=%0 can't be defined as global field and a non-global field"
- "IDS_XTG_29355=Moving %0 named %1 from position %2, to %3 ensures that you can't round trip the form data"
- "IDS_XTG_29356=%0 operation failed. %1"
- "IDS_XTG_29357=%0 operation failed, because there was no connection specified."
- "IDS_XTG_29358=%0 operation failed, The COM object %1 could not be created."
- "IDS_XTG_29359=%0 is an unsupported operation for this provider %1."
- "IDS_XTG_29360=%0 operation failed. There are no records in the datasource."
- "IDS_XTG_29361=Failed to set data picture format for node %0: %1 conflicts with %2."
- "IDS_XTG_29362=Signature operation failed because %0 resolves to an XFA Form node."
- "IDS_XTG_29363=Ignoring 'onChange' expression: not allowed on subformSets and nameless subforms."
- "IDS_XTG_29364=Inconsistent set of numeric symbols encountered on line %1 -- symbols ignored."
- "IDS_XTG_29365=Existing signature can't be overwritten, remove existing signature prior to signing."
- "IDS_XTG_29367=Signature operation failed, because the current field is not a signature field."
- "IDS_XTG_29368=Signature operation failed, because the signature field has no manifest."
- "IDS_XTG_29369=Signature operation failed, because the signature field is not bound to a XFA Data node."
- "IDS_XTG_29375=Merge failed since there was no root subform in the template"
- "IDS_XTG_29405=Connection for Source %0 failed because the environment is not trusted."
- "IDS_XTG_29699=Couldn't post data to '%s'."
- "IDS_XTG_30209=Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed value"
- "IDS_XTG_30211=Node cannot be inserted where requested"
- "IDS_XTG_30212=Node used in a different document than the one that created it"
- "IDS_XTG_30213=Invalid character was specified"
- "IDS_XTG_30214=Data was specified for a node that does not support data"
- "IDS_XTG_30215=An attempt was made to modify an object where modifications are not allowed"
- "IDS_XTG_30216=Attempt to reference a node in a context where it does not exist"
- "IDS_XTG_30218=Attempted to add an attribute that is already in use somewhere else"
- "IDS_XTG_30219=A duplicate value was specified for an XML ID attribute"
- "IDS_XTG_30220=An attempt was made to modify an XML ID attribute"
- "IDS_XTG_30221=Failure to load file after application of XSL stylesheet. Ensure XSL transformation results in a well-formed XML file."
- "IDS_XTG_30222=Illegal name specified for node."
- "IDS_XTG_30223=XSLT/XPath functionality unavailable."
- "IDS_XTG_30308=Xml parsing error: %s (error code %d), line %d, column %d of file %s"
- "IDS_XTG_30309=out of memory"
- "IDS_XTG_30310=syntax error"
- "IDS_XTG_30311=no element found"
- "IDS_XTG_30312=not well-formed (invalid token)"
- "IDS_XTG_30313=unclosed token"
- "IDS_XTG_30314=unclosed token"
- "IDS_XTG_30315=mismatched tag"
- "IDS_XTG_30316=duplicate attribute"
- "IDS_XTG_30317=junk after document element"
- "IDS_XTG_30318=illegal parameter entity reference"
- "IDS_XTG_30319=undefined entity"
- "IDS_XTG_30320=recursive entity reference"
- "IDS_XTG_30321=asynchronous entity"
- "IDS_XTG_30322=reference to invalid character number"
- "IDS_XTG_30323=reference to binary entity"
- "IDS_XTG_30324=reference to external entity in attribute"
- "IDS_XTG_30325=xml processing instruction not at start of external entity"
- "IDS_XTG_30326=unknown encoding"
- "IDS_XTG_30327=encoding specified in XML declaration is incorrect"
- "IDS_XTG_30328=unclosed CDATA section"
- "IDS_XTG_30329=error in processing external entity reference"
- "IDS_XTG_30330=document is not standalone"
- "IDS_XTG_30331=unexpected parser state - please send a bug report"
- "IDS_XTG_30408=XSLT parsing error %d: %s"
- "IDS_XTG_30409=%s"
- "IDS_XTG_30410=Operation not allowed during incremental save"
- "IDS_XTG_30411=A namespace URI must be specified when using a prefixed node name"
- "IDS_XTG_30412=XPath parsing error %d: %s"
- "IDS_XTG_30508=Canonicalization method %0 not supported"
- "IDS_XTG_30509=Invalid XMLDSig Signature Location"
- "IDS_XTG_30516=Failed to locate a signature element"
- "IDS_XTG_30720=syntax error near token '%1' on line %2, column %3."
- "IDS_XTG_30721=missing or illegal parameter(s)."
- "IDS_XTG_30722=arithmetic over/underflow."
- "IDS_XTG_30723=accessor '%1' is unknown."
- "IDS_XTG_30725='%1' on line %2, column %3, is not enclosed in a loop."
- "IDS_XTG_30726=empty argument list near token '%1' on line %2, column %3."
- "IDS_XTG_30727=duplicate declaration of variable '%1' on line %2, column %3."
- "IDS_XTG_30730=duplicate declaration of function '%1' on line %2, column %3."
- "IDS_XTG_30731=nested declaration of function '%1' on line %2, column %3."
- "IDS_XTG_30732=variable '%1' is not referencing anything."
- "IDS_XTG_30733=variable '%1' used on right side of container operator."
- "IDS_XTG_30734=reference '%1' used on right side of container operator."
- "IDS_XTG_30735=system error: improper use of engine."
- "IDS_XTG_30736=function '%1' on line %2, column %3 is unknown."
- "IDS_XTG_30737=function '%1' on line %2, column %3 is built in."
- "IDS_XTG_30738=no expression encountered -- script result is undefined."
- "IDS_XTG_32291=Error: "