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- "IDS_FULL_NAME=Acrobat PDDom"
- "IDS_ABOUT_VERSION=Acrobat PDDom Plug-In Version 1.0"
- "IDS_MENU_ABOUT=Acrobat &PDDom..."
- "IDS_ABOUT_COPYRIGHT=(c) Copyright 2002, Adobe Systems Incorporated.\nAll rights reserved."
- "IDS_ABOUT_CREDIT_STUFF=Windows Version:\tAcrobat Engineering\nMacintosh Version:\tAcrobat Engineering"
- "IDS_MENU_HELP=Using Acrobat &PDDom"
- "IDS_ALL_FILES=All Files"
- "IDS_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION=Structure and content toolkit used for accessibility and content re-purposing."
- "IDS_ABOUT_DEPENDENCIES=Plug-ins required for full functionality: MakeAccessible, AcroForm"
- "IDS_ErrFail=Fail"
- "IDS_ErrASRaise=Acrobat Error"
- "IDS_ErrMemory=Internal Memory Allocation Error."
- "IDS_ErrFile=File Error.."
- "IDS_ErrInternal=Unexpected Internal Error Occured."
- "IDS_ErrUnknown=Unknown error"
- "IDS_ErrParameter=Internal error: a function parameter had an incorrect value. "
- "IDS_ErrCosDocCreate=Unexpected internal error when trying to create a CosDoc. "
- "IDS_Line=Line %dNUM%"
- "IDS_INDEX_SIZE_ERR=Index Size Error"
- "IDS_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR=Hierarchy Request Error"
- "IDS_WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR=Wrong Document Error"
- "IDS_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR=Invalid Character Error"
- "IDS_NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR=No Data Allowed Error"
- "IDS_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR=No Modification Allowed Error"
- "IDS_NOT_FOUND_ERR=Not Found Error"
- "IDS_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR=Not Supported Error"
- "IDS_INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR=Inuse Attribute Error"
- "IDS_INVALID_STATE_ERR=Invalid State Error"
- "IDS_SYNTAX_ERR=Syntax Error"
- "IDS_INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR=Invalid Modification Error"
- "IDS_NAMESPACE_ERR=Namespace Error"
- "IDS_INVALID_ACCESS_ERR=Invalid Access Error"
- "IDS_UNIMPLEMENTED_DOM_ERR=Unimplemented Dom Error"
- "IDS_INVALID_PARAMETER_ERR=Invalid Parameter Error"