"avPrintWithCommentsMenuItemHelp=Print with Comments"
"avCheckOutMenuItemHelp=Check Out..."
"avCheckInMenuItemHelp=Check In..."
"avUndoCheckOutMenuItemHelp=Undo Check Out..."
"avFirstPageMenuItemHelp=First Page"
"avPrevPageMenuItemHelp=Previous Page"
"avNextPageMenuItemHelp=Next Page"
"avLastPageMenuItemHelp=Last Page"
"avGoBackMenuItemHelp=Previous View"
"avGoForwardMenuItemHelp=Next View"
"avHelpGoBackMenuItemHelp=Previous Topic"
"avHelpGoForwardMenuItemHelp=Next Topic"
"avHelpPrintMenuItemHelp=Print Topic"
"avZoomInMenuItemHelp=Zoom In"
"avZoomOutMenuItemHelp=Zoom Out"
"avActualSizeMenuItemHelp=Actual Size"
"avFitPageMenuItemHelp=Fit Page"
"avFitVisibleMenuItemHelp=Fit Visible"
"avFitWidthMenuItemHelp=Fit Width"
"avSinglePageMenuItemHelp=Single Page"
"avTwoPageMenuItemHelp=Two Page"
"avZoomDragToolItemHelp=Dynamic Zoom Tool"
"avZoomInToolItemHelp=Zoom In Tool"
"avZoomOutToolItemHelp=Zoom Out Tool"
"avLoupeToolItemHelp=Loupe Tool"
"avFindAgainDocMenuItemHelp=Next document found"
"avFindAgainMenuItemHelp=Next found item"
"avFindPreviousMenuItemHelp=Previous found item"
"avFindPreviousDocMenuItemHelp=Previous document"
"avLookUpWordMenuItemHelp=Look up word definition"
"avHandToolHelp=Hand Tool (H)|h"
"avNoteToolHelp=Note Tool (N)|n"
"avLinkToolHelp=Link Tool (L)|l"
"avZoomInToolHelp=Zoom In Tool (Z)|z"
"avZoomOutToolHelp=Zoom Out Tool (Z)|z"
"avZoomDragToolHelp=Dynamic Zoom Tool (Z)|z"
"avMeasureToolHelp=Measuring Tool (B)|b"
"avMeasureLineToolHelp=Distance Tool (B)|b"
"avMeasurePolylineToolHelp=Perimeter Tool (B)|b"
"avMeasurePolygonToolHelp=Area Tool (B)|b"
"avSelectToolHelp=Select Text Tool (V)|v"
"avSelectImageToolHelp=Select Image Tool (V)|v"
"avSelectGraphicsToolHelp=Snapshot Tool (G)|g"
"avThreadToolHelp=Article Tool (A)|a"
"avCropToolHelp=Crop Tool (C)|c"
"avSaveAsMenuItemHelp=Save As"
"avPDFOptimizerMenuItemHelp=PDF Optimizer"
"avReduceFileMenuItemHelp=Reduce File Size"
"avHelpTextShortcutInParens=%s (%s)"
"avHelpTextShiftShortcutInParens=%s (Shift+%s)"
"avConfirmRelaunch=Only Adobe certified plug-ins are allowed while viewing this document. Would you like to restart Acrobat and temporarily load only Adobe certified plug-ins?"
"avStartCertifiedModeNotice=To switch to certified mode by limiting plug-ins, please exit and restart Acrobat."
"avCertifiedModeNotice=To load any non-certified plug-ins present, please exit and restart Acrobat."
"avYesToAllButton=Yes To All"
"avNoToAllButton=No To All"
"avBrowse=Browse for Location..."
"avCosError=There was a problem reading this document (%d)."
"avNoteBadPassword=The password is incorrect. Please make sure that Caps Lock is not on by mistake, and try again."
"avNoteNewMajorVersionNoEdit=This file appears to use a new format that this version of Acrobat does not support. It may not open or display correctly and cannot be edited. Adobe recommends that you upgrade to the latest version of our Acrobat products. Please visit our product site at http://www.adobe.com/acrobat"
"avNoteNewMajorVersionBadView=This file appears to use a new format that this version of Acrobat does not support. It may not open or display correctly. Adobe recommends that you upgrade to the latest version of our Acrobat products. Please visit our product site at http://www.adobe.com/acrobat"
"avNoteDontShowAgain=&Do not show this message again"
"avNoteCantUseNewVersion=This file appears to use a new format that this version of Acrobat does not support. It cannot be used for this command. Adobe recommends that you upgrade to the latest version of our Acrobat products. Please visit our product site at http://www.adobe.com/acrobat"
"avNoteCantUseEncrypted=The file '%s' is protected. It cannot be used for this command."
"avNewMajorVersion=This file appears to use a new format that this version of Acrobat does not support. Adobe recommends that you upgrade to the latest version of our Acrobat products. Please visit our product site at http://www.adobe.com/acrobat"
"avConfirmSuppressErrors=&Do not show this message again"
"avNoCryptHandler=No Security"
"avDefaultCryptHandler=Password Security"
"avSecurityDialogNote=Use this dialog to view and change settings that are used to encrypt a document. Changes will be applied when you save or sign the document."
"avShowClipboard=Clipboard &Viewer"
"avHideClipboard=Hide Clipboar&d"
"avInsertNoDocsToInsert=No documents were chosen for insertion."
"avInsertCannotUseSameDoc=A document cannot be inserted into itself. Please select a different document."
"avReplaceCannotUseSameDoc=A document cannot be replaced by itself. Please select a different document."
"avErrorLoadingPlugIn=There was an error while loading the plug-in '%s'. "
"avFindingAndRegisteringPlugins=Finding and registering plug-ins..."
"avMissingAnnotHandler=The plug-in required by this '%s' annotation or comment is not available."
"avMissingSecurityHandler=This document could not be opened because the plug-in required by the '%s' security handler is not available."
"avMissingEBXSecurityHandler=Viewing this document requires the eBook plug-in."
"avFindOnWebSite=Information about the missing plug-in may be available on Adobe's Web site."
"avCouldNotFindAppForFile=Could not find an application to open the file '%s'."
"avCouldNotOpenSpecifiedFile=Could not open the file '%s'."
"avZoomInTool=Zoom &In"
"avZoomOutTool=Zoom &Out"
"avSelectTextTool=Select &Text"
"avSelectGraphicsTool=&Grab Snapshot"
"avUnknownDestType=Unknown destination type '%s'."
"avMissingActionHandler=The plug-in required by this '%s' action is not available. Information about the missing plug-in may be available on Adobe's Web site."
"avZoomMenuFitPage=Fit Page"
"avZoomMenuFitWidth=Fit Width"
"avZoomMenuFitVisible=Fit Visible"
"avSecurityGetPassword='%s' is protected."
"avSecurityRequireOpenPassword=The 'Require a password to open the document' option is selected, but the Document Open Password field is empty. Please enter a password or deselect the security option."
"avSecurityRequireChangePassword=The 'Use a password to restrict printing and editing of the document and its security settings' option is selected, but the Permissions Password field is empty. Please enter a password or deselect the security option."
"avSecurityAskOpenPassword=Please enter a Document Open Password."
"avSecurityRequireMasterPassword=Please enter a Permissions Password."
"avSecurityPermissionPasswordWarning=All Adobe products enforce the restrictions set by the Permissions Password. However, not all third party products fully support and respect these settings. Recipients using such third party products may be able to bypass some of the restrictions you have set."
"avSecurityMustSaveWarning=Security settings will not be applied to the document until it has been saved and closed."
"avSecurityBadPassword=The password you typed did not match. Please retype the new password."
"avSecurityWantUniquePasswords=The Document Open and Permissions Passwords cannot be the same. Please enter a different password in either the Document Open Password field or the Permission Password field."
"avSecurityRequirePassword=To apply security settings, please set either a Permissions Password or a Document Open Password.To remove password security, first press the Cancel button in the Password Security window now showing. Then go to the Security panel of Document Properties Dialog and select 'No Security' from the Security Method list."
"avSecurityNotConfirmed=Confirmation password does not match. Please start again by entering the password."
"avSecurityConfirmChangePassword=Please confirm the Permissions Password. Be sure to make a note of the password. You will need it to change these settings in the future."
"avSecurityConfirmChangePassword2=Note: If a Document Open Password is set, the Permissions Password will also open the document and bypass the security settings."
"avSecurityConfirmOpenPasswordTitle=Adobe Acrobat - Confirm Open Document Password"
"avSecurityConfirmOpenPassword=Please confirm the Document Open Password. Be sure to make a note of the password. It will be required to open the document."
"avSecurityOpenPasswordLabel=&Document Open Password:"
"avSecurityEnterPasswordLabel=&Enter Password:"
"avSecurityInfoNotAllowed=Not Allowed"
"avGeneralInfoNotAvailable=Not Available"
"avFindMissingPlugins=A plug-in used to perform Search is missing. Please reinstall Acrobat."
"avFindSearchDestFolderPrompt=Select directory to search"
"avOCGUnhideMessage=The result occurred on a layer that is not currently visible. Would you like to make the layer visible now?"
"avOCGUnhideMessageCheckbox=&Do not show this message again"
"avSearchTurnOffReflow=To view the selection, document reflow must be turned off."
"avSaveViewInAcrobat=Save and View this PDF in Acrobat"
"avSearchBadInteger=The field requires numeric input."
"avIndexOutofDateError=The document was modified - please recatalog."
"avErrorRetrievingText=There was an error retrieving text"
"avSearchMalformedExpression=There is a problem with the query expression."
"avSearchMismatchedQuotes=There are mismatched quotes in the query expression."
"avSearchMismatchedParens=There are mismatched parentheses () in the query expression."
"avSearchLeftParenExpected=There is an extra right parentheses ) in the query expression."
"avSearchRightParenExpected=There is an extra left parentheses ( in the query expression."
"avSearchTermExpectedInRange=You need a term on both sides of a range (i.e., X - Y)."
"avSearchLeftAngleBracketExpected=A left angle bracket ^^Q<^^Q is expected in the query expression. Check the usage of the angle brackets within the query expression."
"avSearchRightAngleBracketExpected=A right angle bracket ^^Q>^^Q is expected in the query expression. Check the usage of the angle brackets within the query expression."
"avSearchCantHaveOperatorsInsideQuotes=The only operators allowed inside a quote are: Or, Left Parentheses and Right Parentheses -- |,(,)^^Q)."
"avSearchRightHandQuoteExpected=The query expression is missing a close quote."
"avSearchMalformedQueryTerm=There is a problem with the query terms."
"avSearchGeneralError=Unknown error"
"avTermTooLongError=One or more of the query terms are too long."
"avSearchNoFolder=The choosen directory could not be found: %s"
"avSearchIndexOutOfDate=The document has been modified since it was last cataloged. Some text may be missing or could highlight incorrectly."
"avSearchOutOfDate=Because the document has been modified since it was last searched, the search results are no longer valid. Would you like to repeat the search?"
"avSearchWhat=What word or phrase would you like to search for?"
"avCopySelectedImageMenuItem=&Copy Image to Clipboard"
"avSelectAllTextMenuItem=&Select All Text"
"avDeselectAllTextMenuItem=D&eselect All Text"
"avPrintSelectionMenuItem=&Print Selection..."
"avGetInfoImage=&Image Properties"
"avImageInfo=Image Information"
"avSaveImageAs=&Save Image As..."
"avConfirmCreateImageCatalog=Acrobat can create a single document from all the image files you are opening. Would you like to put all the image files into one document?"
"avGoToViewRemote=Go to a page in another document"
"avErrorSavingGotoView=The destination view could not be saved because of an unexpected error."
"avGotoViewSelectFileBeforeDest=Please select the target document before choosing a named destination."
"avVariableActionsCannotBeEdited=The action cannot be added because the selected trigger applies to multiple objects, and the objects have different action lists. Please select only a single object, or delete the action lists before adding new actions."
"avOpenFileUserName=Open a file"
"avThreadActionName=Read an article"
"avFitView=Fit View"
"avFitPage=Fit Page"
"avFitHeight=Fit Height"
"avFitWidth=Fit Width"
"avFitVisible=Fit Visible"
"avInheritZoom=Inherit Zoom"
"avActualSize=Actual Size"
"avProcess=Process %PROCESSCOLOR"
"avFileColon=File: "
"avSmallThumbsMenuItem=Reduce Pa&ge Thumbnails"
"avLargeThumbsMenuItem=En&large Page Thumbnails"
"avStyleBoldItalic=Bold & Italic"
"avConfirmDeletePages=Are you sure you want to delete the pages from the document?"
"avConfirmDeletePage=Are you sure you want to delete the page from the document?"
"avConfirmDeleteDests=Are you sure you want to delete the destinations from the document?"
"avConfirmDeleteDest=Are you sure you want to delete the destination from the document?"
"avConfirmDeleteNote=Are you sure you want to delete the note from the document?"
"avConfirmDeleteLink=Are you sure you want to delete the link from the document?"
"avConfirmDeleteMovie=Are you sure you want to delete the movie from the document?"
"avConfirmDeleteAnnot=Are you sure you want to delete the comment from the document?"
"avConfirmResetBookmarkDest=Are you sure you want to set the destination of the selected bookmark to the current location?"
"avConfirmDeleteAllThumbs=Are you sure you want to remove all embedded Page images from the document?"
"avExtractTitlePrefix=Pages from "
"avDocContainsNoNotes=The document contains no comments."
"avPromptOpen=Select File to Open"
"avPromptReplace=Select File With New Pages"
"avPromptInsert=Select File To Insert"
"avInsertMultipleFiles=<Multiple Files>"
"avBatchSelectSourceFilesPrompt=Select Files to Process"
"avBatchSelectSourceFolderPrompt=Select Folder to Process"
"avBatchSelectDestFolderPrompt=Select Folder for Output Files"
"avCropBleedTooBig=The requested Bleed Box is larger than the Crop Box. Please adjust it."
"avCropTrimTooBig=The requested Trim Box is larger than the Bleed Box. Please adjust it."
"avCropArtTooBig=The requested Art Box is larger than the Trim Box. Please adjust it."
"avConfirmClose=Do you want to save changes to '%s' before closing?"
"avConfirmDeleteOne=Are you sure you want to delete page $PAGE$?"
"avConfirmDeleteRange=Are you sure you want to delete pages $FROM_PAGE$ to $TO_PAGE$?"
"avConfirmDeleteAll=Are you sure you want to delete all pages?"
"avConfirmReplaceOne=Are you sure you want to replace page $PAGE$?"
"avConfirmReplaceRange=Are you sure you want to replace pages $FROM_PAGE$ to $TO_PAGE$?"
"avConfirmReplaceAll=Are you sure you want to replace all pages?"
"avSaveAsMenuTitle=Save &As..."
"avSaveCopyAsMenuTitle=Save Cop&y As..."
"avDroppedFile=Dropped File(s)"
"avThreadActionInstructions=Click the 'Select Article' button to choose a destination article in the active document."
"avThreadStringOne=Article: "
"avThreadStringOneRemote=Article in File: "
"avLinkInvisible=Invisible Rectangle"
"avLinkRectangle=Visible Rectangle"
"avLinkThickness=Line Thickness"
"avLinkStyle=Line Style"
"avLinkHighlight=Highlight Style"
"avNoFlipTimeEntered=Please select an entry from the 'After' box."
"avProgressPhase=^^0: ^^1%"
"avExitAndMenuTitle=E&xit && Return to "
"avPrintPagesFullMenuItem=&Print Pages..."
"avThreadActionButtonText=Select &Article..."
"avSelectArticleTitle=Select Article"
"avSelectArticlePrompt=Please choose an article title from the following list:"
"avThreadActionErrNoThreads=The document does not have any articles. Please use the Article tool to create an article in the document before adding this action."
"avSelectArticleErrSelRequired=Please select an article."
"avNoTransition=No Transition"
"avTransActionUserName=Transition Action"
"avExecMenuActionUserName=Execute a menu item"
"avExecMenuStringOne=Use this button to set the menu item to execute."
"avExecMenuStringTwo=Execute: "
"avExecMenuInstructions=Execute a menu item in Acrobat."
"avExecMenuButtonText=Edit &Menu Item..."
"avImportNotesNoneErr=No comments have been imported."
"avCropToolMediaBoxErr=The crop portion you have defined does not contain enough page area."
"avCropToolCropBoxErr=The crop region is smaller than 0.04 inches."
"avHowToPrefMenuItem=Show How To.. &Window at Startup"
"avHelpReader=Adobe Reader &Help..."
"avSinglePageMenuItem=&Single Page"
"avTwoColumnsMenuItem=Con&tinuous - Facing"
"avExecutableLinkTitle=Launch: %s"
"avExecutableLinkDisAllowed=The file ^^Q%s^^Q is set to be launched by this PDF file. This is currently disallowed. Please check the Trust Manager preferences to allow this operation."
"avExecutableLinkDisAllowedByAdmin=The file ^^Q%s^^Q is set to be launched by this PDF file. This is currently disallowed by your system administrator."
"avExecutableLinkWarning=The application ^^Q%s^^Q is set to be launched by this PDF file. The file may contain programs, macros, or viruses that could potentially harm your computer. Only open the file if you are sure it is safe. If this file was placed by a trusted person or program then click Open to view the file."
"avLaunchPDFLinkWarning=The file attachment ^^Q%s^^Q may contain programs, macros, or viruses that could potentially harm your computer. If you received this file from a trusted source, click Open to view the attachment. Open the file only if you are sure it is safe."
"avExecutableLinkCheckbox=&Do not show this message again"
"avExecutableLinkDoNotOpen=&Do Not Open"
"avSearchTabPromptText=Find pages containing:"
"avSearchTabResultsText=Select topic to display:"
"avInfoShowRulers=Show Rulers"
"avOpenTextNoteMenuItem=Open Note"
"avCloseTextNoteMenuItem=Close Note"
"avReadThreadMenuItem=Read &Article"
"avPageAsString= $PAGE_LABEL$ ($PAGE_NUM$ of $NUM_PAGES$)"
"avNoSuchPageNum=There is no page numbered '%s' in this document."
"avDocFitWindow=Resize Window To Initial Page: %s"
"avDocCenterWindow=Center Window on Screen: %s"
"avDocFullScreen=Open In Full Screen Mode: %s"
"avDocDisplayDocTitle=Display Document Title: %s"
"avDocHideMenubar=Hide Menubar: %s"
"avDocHideToolbar=Hide Toolbar: %s"
"avDocHideWindowUI=Hide Window Controls: %s"
"avDocRememberViewQ=Reopen to this page the next time this document is opened?"
"avDocOpenPanelBookmarksAndPage=Bookmarks Panel and Page"
"avDocOpenPanelThumbsAndPage=Pages Panel and Page"
"avDocOpenPanelOCAndPage=Layers Panel and Page"
"avDocOpenPanelShowFileName=File Name"
"avDocOpenPanelShowDocTitle=Document Title"
"avCryptHandlerTitle=Security Method: %s"
"avEncryptLevel=Encryption Level: %s"
"avOpenPW=Document Password: %s"
"avOwnerPW=Author Password: %s"
"avAllowPrinting=Printing: %s"
"avChangingDoc=Changing the Document: %s"
"avSelectTextAndGraphics=Content Copying or Extraction: %s"
"avChangingAnnots=Adding or Changing Annotations and Form Fields: %s"
"avFillAndSign=Fill and Sign: %s"
"avAccessibility=Accessibility: %s"
"avDocAssembly=Document Assembly: %s"
"avHighPrint=Print High Quality: %s"
"avExtract=Extract Text and Graphics: %s"
"avSecurityExplanation=The document's Security Method is used to restrict what can be done to the document. To remove security restrictions set the Security Method to 'No Security'."
"avSecurityExplanationReader=The document's Security Method is used to restrict what can be done to the document."
"avCompatibilityAcro0=All versions of Acrobat"
"avCompatibilityAcro3=Acrobat 3.0 and later"
"avCompatibilityAcro4=Acrobat 4.0 and later"
"avCompatibilityAcro5=Acrobat 5.0 and later"
"avCompatibilityAcro6=Acrobat 6.0 and later"
"avCompatibilityNotSupported=No version upto Acrobat 6.0"
"avCompatibilityNoInfo=Information not available."
"avBatchStdSecurityGetPassword=Please enter password to open files."
"avBatchPrintDialog=The values for this command are set when you use this Batch sequence."
"avSecurityStandardHandler40=Low (40-bit RC4)"
"avSecurityStandardHandler128=High (128-bit RC4)"
"avSecurityStandardHandlerCustom=Custom (RC4)"
"avSecurityHandlerNoInfoSupport=The security method used in this document cannot provide that information."
"avSecurityStandardHandlerAcro3=Acrobat 3.0 and later"
"avSecurityStandardHandlerAcro5=Acrobat 5.0 and later"
"avSecurityStandardHandlerAcro6=Acrobat 6.0 and later"
"avSecurityStdChgDocAsmbly=Inserting, deleting, and rotating pages"
"avSecurityStdChgFormFill=Filling in form fields and signing"
"avSecurityStdChgAnnotFill=Commenting, filling in form fields, and signing"
"avSecurityStdChgEditDoc=Page layout, filling in form fields, and signing"
"avSecurityStdChgAll=Any except extracting pages"
"avSecurityStdPrntBasic=Low Resolution (150 dpi)"
"avSecurityStdPrntPS=High Resolution"
"avPrefsPanelDisplay=Page Display"
"avPrefsPanelColor=Color Management"
"avPrefsPanelFullScreen=Full Screen"
"avPrefsPanelTrustManager=Trust Manager"
"avBrowserCheckReader=&Check browser settings when starting Reader"
"avPrefsPanelGrid=Units & Guides"
"avPrefsPanelBatch=Batch Processing"
"avPrefsPanelConversionToPDF=Convert To PDF"
"avPrefsPanelConversionFromPDF=Convert From PDF"
"avDDRSet1=Set 1 of 2"
"avDDRSet2=Set 2 of 2"
"avPrefsPanelSmoothingStep1=This step selects the response curve Acrobat will use for your display. Adjust the LCD display to your normal viewing angle. Choose the sample where the slanted line patterns are smoothest and most uniform."
"avPrefsPanelSmoothingStep2=This step adjusts color balance. Choose a pair, A,B or C,D with a more neutral color, neither yellowish or bluish. Then choose the sample that looks sharpest, but without color fringing. Your choice in this set will affect the appearance of the six samples in the first set."
"avPrDescRGBProfile=Choose a profile for untagged RGB objects."
"avPrDescCMYKProfile=Choose a profile for untagged CMYK objects."
"avPrDescGrayProfile=Choose a profile for untagged gray objects."
"avPrDescCMEngine=The Engine setting specifies the Color Management System (CMS) or Color Matching Method (CMM) used to convert colors between color spaces."
"avPrDescCMBlackPoint=Use Black Point Compensation controls whether to adjust for differences in black points when converting colors between color spaces. When enabled, the full dynamic range of the source space is mapped into the full dynamic range of the destination space. When disabled, the dynamic range of the source space is simulated in the destination space (which can result in blocked or gray shadows)."
"avPrDescFontPolicy1=Send at Start"
"avPrDescFontPolicy2=Send by Range"
"avPrDescFontPolicy3=Send for Each Page"
"avPrDescFontPolicy=Control when fonts and resources should be downloaded. At Start: fonts and resources used on more than one page are downloaded at the beginning of the document (this is the fastest but uses more printer memory). By Range: fonts and resources are downloaded on the first page that uses them and removed when they are no longer needed (this option uses less memory). For Each Page: fonts and resources downloaded on each page used (this option uses the least amount of printer memory)"
"avPrDescRotateOutput=Enable automatic page rotation for page images close to paper margins (like Acrobat 4)"
"avPrDescGeneric=This field provides a description of an option above."
"avPrSameAsSource=Same As Source (No Color Management)"
"avPrPostScriptCM=Printer/PostScript Color Management"
"avPrSaveAsEPS=Encapsulated PostScript"
"avPrDescSetPage=Pick paper tray by PDF page size, not by Page Setup"
"avPrDescASCII=Select ASCII to create a PostScript file in ASCII format."
"avPrDescBinary=Select Binary to create a PostScript file in Binary format."
"avPrDescPSLevel=Choose the PostScript language level compatibility you wish to use."
"avPrDescFontInclusion=Control which fonts should be included in the PostScript file. Embedded fonts are taken directly from the PDF, Referenced fonts are taken from the system in use."
"avPrDescComments=Select this option to preserve the appearance of comments in the resulting PostScript file."
"avPrDescConvertTT2T1=Select this option to convert TrueType fonts to Type 1 fonts in the resulting PostScript file. Some older PostScript output devices may require this conversion."
"avPrDescPageRange=Choose a range of pages to save to the PostScript file."
"avPrDescAll=Select this option to save all pages into the PostScript file."
"avPrDescOutputIntents=If the PDF document includes an Output Intent profile, allow the Output Intent to override the Document Working space when viewing and during printing."
"avPrPSLevel=PostScript level: %D"
"avPrBinary=Binary: %D"
"avPrFromTo=From: %M to: %N"
"avPrPreview=Preview: %D"
"avPrFontOption=Font emitting: %D"
"avPrTransLevel=Transparency level: %D"
"avPrNoFonts=No fonts"
"avPrAllFonts=All fonts"
"avPrEmbeddedFonts=Embedded fonts"
"avPrProfile=Profile: %D"
"avConvTT2T1=Convert TrueType to Type 1: %D"
"avEmitRGBLab=Emit RGB/Lab images: %D"
"avPrEmitComments=Emit Comments: %D"
"avPrEmitHalftones=EmitHalftones: %D"
"avPrEmitTransfer=Emit Transfer Functions: %D"
"avPrEmitUCR=Emit Undercolor removal: %D"
"avApplyOverprint=Overprint: %D"
"avPrApplyWorking=Apply Working Space: %D"
"avPrWhatColors=Color: %D"
"avPrApplyProof=Apply Proof Settings: %D"
"avPrUseMaxJP2KRes=Use Maximum Available JPEG2000 Image Resolution: %D"
"avPrPrintDPI=Line Art and Text: %D"
"avPrgradDPI=Gradient and Meshes: %D"
"avPrFormsAsPSForms=Emit PS Form Objects: %D"
"avPrPrintPolicy=Font and Resource Policy: %D"
"avPrDownloadAsian=Download Asian Fonts: %D"
"avPrCvtText2Outlines=Convert All Text to Outlines: %D"
"avPrCvtStrokes2Outlines=Convert All Strokes to Outlines: %D"
"avPrDescAllowRGB=Select this option to allow the EPS file to be generated when RGB or LAB images are present with in the PDF. If this option is not enabled, the EPS file will not be created when RGB or LAB images are present. RGB and LAB images are prohibited in PostScript Level 1 EPS files."
"avPrDescIncludePreviewWin=Select this option to create a TIFF Preview for the EPS file."
"avPrDescIncludePreviewMac=Select this option to create a PICT or TIFF preview for the EPS file."
"avPrDescIncludePreviewPICT=Select this option for a PICT preview."
"avPrDescIncludePreviewTIFF=Select this option for a TIFF preview."
"avPrDescHalftones=Some PDF objects may contain halftone (screening) information. Choose this option to emit the embedded halftones, instead of using the halftones in the output device."
"avPrDescTransfers=Some PDF objects may contain transfer functions. Choose this option to emit the embedded transfer functions."
"avPrDescPrintAsImage=Select this option to print a low-resolution bitmap representation of the document. The resolution of the final output will be approximately 300 dpi, depending on the resolution of the output device, and the security of the document."
"avPrDescUCRBG=Device RGB PDF Objects may contain undercolor removal (UCR) and black generation (BG) information. Choose this option to apply embedded UCR and BG transformations to Device RGB PDF objects on output."
"avPrDescDoOPP=Simulate the effects of overprinting for composite output. Some PostScript 3 devices will do this natively."
"avPrDescWorkingSpaces=Select this option to apply the CMYK working space profile as a Source Profile for uncalibrated color objects in the document."
"avPrDescDownloadAsian=Choose this option to print documents with Asian fonts that are not installed on the printer or embedded in the PDF (they must be present on the system in use)."
"avPrDescCrops=To indicate the PDF Crop Box Boundaries, this will place a mark at each of the four corners of a page."
"avPrDescTrims=Selecting this option will place marks at each of the four corners of the PDF Trim Box."
"avPrDescBleeds=Selecting this option will place marks at each of the four corners of the PDF Bleed Box."
"avPrDescRegMarks=Place registration marks outside the crop area of the page"
"avPrDescColorBars=Place a color bar at the top of the page outside the crop area. The color bar contains a single box for each color in the document that is a spot color, or process color. Spot colors converted to process colors are represented using process colors."
"avPrDescPageInfo=Emit page information outside the crop area of the page."
"avPrDescAllMarks=Select this option to toggle all marks on or off simultaneously."
"avPrDescMarksStyle=Select which type of Printer^}s Marks are created; Western marks or Eastern Marks"
"avPrDescTrapAnnots=If TrapNet Annotations are present, choosing this option will output the Trap Annotations with the document."
"avPrDescFlip=Select an option to change the orientation of the page to the media. Flip horizontal for wrong-reading documents, flip vertical to change the vertical orientation."
"avPrDescNegative=Select this option to print the document reversed. For example, Black will appear as White on the resulting output."
"avPrDescJP2KMaxRes=Select the highest available resolution of JPEG 2000 images for printing. Leaving this setting unchecked will result in the default resolution being used."
"avPrDescBitmapRes=Select or enter a resolution for rasterized text and line art created during flattening. Setting this value to a high resolution will improve quality, but decrease performance. This should closely reflect the resolution of the output device."
"avPrDescGradientRes=Select or enter a resolution for rasterized gradients created during flattening. This resolution can be lower than the resolution of the output device."
"avPrDescApplySoft=Select this option to simulate the output of one device on another. This option will simulate the output condition defined in the Proof Setup dialog on the current output device."
"avPrDescConvertText=Preserve the width of text during flattening. This may cause your fonts to appear thicker in the resulting output."
"avPrDescStrokesToOutline=Preserve stroke weights during flattening. This may cause stroked lines to appear thicker in the resulting output."
"avPrDescClipComplex=Ensure that the boundaries between vector artwork and rasterized artwork fall along object paths. This reduces stitching artifacts that result when part of an object is flattened while another part of the object remains in vector form, but may result in paths too complex for the printer to handle."
"avPrDescBrokenCRD=Select this option if you are experiencing severe discoloration during printing, such as white backgrounds printing as yellow."
"avprDescFormsAsForms=Emit PostScript form objects for Form XObjects within the PDF. This may reduce the overall size of the print job, but it will increase the printer memory that is used. Form XObjects are used to create a single description for complex objects that can appear many times in a single document, like background images, for example."
"avPrDescColorIntro=Choose Composite or Separated output. Separations are only available on PostScript devices. Composite output will produce one page of output per page. Printing Separations will cause the document colors to be separated according to the parameters described in the Ink Manager dialog below. InRip separations are only available on PostScript 3 devices."
"avPrDescScreening=Choose Lines Per Inch and Dots Per Inch combinations from the Printer Description file (PPD)."
"avPrDescFlatten=Select a threshold for the transparency flattener rasterization. Selecting a higher value will cause less of the document to be rasterized during flattening, but will increase printing time."
"avPrDescPlate=Choose Convert all spots to process to force all spot colors to be converted to process colors on output."
"avPrDescTrans=Select a threshold for the transparency flattener rasterization. Selecting a higher value causes less of the document to be rasterized, but increases printing time. The amount of rasterization that occurs depends on the amount of RAM available to the program, the complexity of the page, and the types of overlapping objects."
"avPrDescTrans1=The entire page will be rasterized. Use this setting for printing or exporting complex pages with many transparent objects. Ideal for fast output at low resolution; higher resolution will yield higher quality but increase processing time. Size of saved files or print spool files may be large."
"avPrDescTrans2=Maintains simpler vector objects, but rasterizes more complex areas involving transparency. Ideal for artwork with only a few transparent objects. Some printers may yield rough transitions between bordering vector and raster objects and make hairlines appear thicker. Appropriate for low-memory systems."
"avPrDescTrans3=Maintains most objects as vector data, but rasterizes very complex transparent regions. Generally the best setting for printing and exporting most pages. With some printers, improves transition issues between bordering vector and raster objects."
"avPrDescTrans4=Maintains most of the page content as vectors, rasterizing only extremely complex areas. Produces high quality output that is generally resolution-independent. Higher occurrences of transparent regions will increase processing time. With some printers improves transition issues between bordering vector and raster objects."
"avPrDescTrans5=The entire page is printed or exported as vector data, to the greatest extent possible. This produces the highest quality resolution-independent output. Processing of complex pages may be very time and memory intensive"
"avPrDescProfile=Select an ICC Profile that describes the target output device. If 'Printer/PostScript Color Management' is selected, convert any ICC profiles to PostScript CSAs, and color will be managed in the printer RIP. If 'Same as Source (No Color Management)' is selected, embedded profiles are ignored, and only device values are sent."
"avPrDescConvertToProcess=Emit this plate by converting it to one or more process colors."
"avPrDescEmitPlate=Emit this plate"
"avPrDescDontEmitPlate=Don't emit this plate"
"avPrDescInkListEntry=Double-click on the plate entry to edit the frequency and angle for it"
"avHandV=Horizontal and Vertical"
"avPrPreparingStatus=Preparing "
"avPrPrintingStatus=Printing "
"avPrFlatteningStatus=Flattening "
"avEmitAllPlates=Emit All Plates"
"avConvertAllSpotsToProcess=Convert All Spots to Process"
"avDummyScreen=Default Screen"
"avBatchEditMenuItem=&Batch Processing..."
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"avScrollDownButton=Scroll Down"
"avThumbGoTo=Go to page"
"avCheckingForUpdates=Checking for updates..."
"avConfirmRemoveSecurity=Are you sure you want to remove security from this document?"
"avConfirmChangeSecurity=Are you sure you want to change the security on this document?"
"avConfirmChangeSecurityAndSigs=You cannot change or remove the security settings of a signed document. Please clear all signature fields in this document before changing or removing security settings."
"avDigSigMenu=Digital Signatures"
"avShowSignatures=Show Signatures"
"avDocSig=Document contains signatures"
"avDocEncrypted=Document is encrypted"
"avDocSigAndEncrypted=Document is signed and encrypted"
"avInvalidEmail=The email address must be of the form yourname@corporation.com."
"avIdentityHint=Your identity information is used with comments, reviews, and digital signatures. Information entered here is secure and not transmitted beyond this application without your knowledge."
"avADMOutOfBoundsMsg=The value must be between %s and %s."
"avADMIllegalNumberMsg=Invalid numeric value."
"avADMPSOutOfBoundsMsg=A number between %s and %s is required. Closest value inserted."
"avADMSelectFile=Select ^^Q%s^^Q"
"avADMFontProblemWarning=The Adobe UI font could not be loaded. For best results, please exit the program and either install it or uninstall other fonts."
"avADMQUnits= Q"
"avADMPixelUnits= px"
"avAboutPluginsNoAdobePlugins=No Adobe Plug-ins"
"avAboutPluginsCopyright=Copyright 1992-2003 Adobe Systems Incorporated and its licensors. All rights reserved."
"avBadNameTreeTitle=Corrupt Destinations"
"avBadNameTreeMsg=The destinations are corrupt. It is recommended that you delete all destinations before proceeding. If you do not, new destinations cannot be created."
"avBadNameTreeDeleteButton=Delete Destinations"
"avInternetSettingsIncorrectMac=Adobe Acrobat is not correctly configured as an internet browser helper application. Would you like the configuration repaired?"
"avInternetSettingsIncorrect=Adobe PDF documents on the Web can be viewed inside Netscape and Internet Explorer. However, this feature is currently disabled, and PDF documents on the Web will open in a separate window.\n\nWould you like to enable this feature so you can view PDF documents in Netscape or Internet Explorer?"
"avInternetSettingsCheckOnStartup=Always perform this check when starting Acrobat."
"avPDFDoc=Adobe Acrobat Document"
"avFormsDoc=Adobe Acrobat Forms Document"
"avRMFDoc=Acrobat Rights Management Document"
"avErrCouldNotOpenNonOfficeDocReader=Adobe Reader could not open '%s' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been corrupted (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded)."
"avAccPrefsHints=Screen reading and reading order options are available on the Reading panel. Multimedia accessibility options are available on the Multimedia panel. Other document color settings are found on the Forms, Full Screen, and Units & Guides preferences."
"avAccPrefsColorsAreSame=Please select different colors for Document Text and Page Background."
"avReadAloudSubMenu=Re&ad Out Loud"
"avBatchMissingFile=Missing File"
"avBatchMissingFolder=Missing Folder"
"avBatchCouldNotRunMissingSourceFiles=Could not run this sequence because one or more source files cannot be found."
"avBatchCouldNotRunMissingSourceFolder=Could not run this sequence because the source folder cannot be found."
"avBatchCouldNotRunMissingOutputFolder=Could not run this sequence because the output folder cannot be found."
"avNoMSAASupportTitle=No Screen Reader Support"
"avNoMSAASupportMsg=This version of the Adobe Reader does not support screen readers. Information about downloading a version with screen reader support is available at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/alternate.html"
"avPrefsChooseAppLanguage=Choose at application startup"
"avReaderWarnCleanBrowserDocsOnQuit=One or more PDF documents are open inside a web browser. If you exit Adobe Reader now, those documents will be closed. Are you sure you want to exit?"
"avReaderWarnDirtyBrowserDocsOnQuit=One or more PDF documents are open inside a web browser and have been changed. If you exit Adobe Reader now, the changes will be discarded and the documents will be closed. Are you sure you want to exit?"
"avWarnUnsavedFormFieldsOnSaveACopy=This document does not allow you to save any changes you have made to it unless you are using Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Standard or Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional. You will only be saving a copy of the original document. Do you want to continue?"
"avOfferToOwnPDF=%ThisApp% is not currently configured to be the default application for PDF files.\n \nWould you like to make PDF files open with %ThisApp% instead of %OtherApp%?"
"avOfferToOwnPDFCaveat=\n \nThis change will take effect the next time you log in."
"avInvalidPrefix=Invalid Prefix"
"avRightSaveDoc=Save Document - You may save a copy of this Adobe PDF document including any form data, comments, or digital signatures you may add."
"avRightsForm=Fill In Form: Additional rights may include filling in form fields, saving the document, and importing or exporting form data."
"avRightsFormPref=Documents with Advanced Form Rights"
"avRightsFormTip=This document allows you to fill-in forms"
"avRightsAnnot=Review && Comment: Additional rights include adding sticky notes, stamps, text highlights, file attachments, saving the document, and importing or exporting comments."
"avRightsAnnotPref=Documents with Commenting Rights"
"avRightsAnnotTip=This document allows you to review and comment"
"avRightSignature=Sign: Additional rights include adding your personal digital signature and saving the document."
"avRightSignaturePref=Documents with Digital Signature Rights"
"avRightSignatureTip=This document allows you to sign digitally"
"avRightNone=No features are enabled."
"avRightRequireCertifiedMode=Acrobat is not currently in certified mode. To use Rights-Enabled features, restart the application loading only Adobe certified plug-ins."
"avRightCorruptID=This document contained certain rights to enable special features in Adobe Reader. The document has been changed since it was created and these rights are no longer valid. Please contact the author for the original version of this document."
"avTextAnnotToolBarTitle=Note Navigation Tools"
"avTextAnnotNextMessage=Next Comment"
"avTextAnnotPrevMessage=Previous Comment"
"avTextAnnotReplyMessage=Reply To This Comment"
"avPopupNavEditTemplate=%from% of %to%"
"avPopupReplyCountTipTemplate=%count% replies"
"avPopupReplyCountTipOneReply=1 reply"
"avReplySubjectTemplate=Re: %oldSubj%"
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"avTextAnnotShowPopupToolbarReplies=Show Pop-up Bar Only If Comment Has Replies"
"avTextAnnotShowPopupToolbarNever=Never Show Pop-up Bar"
"avPropToolHelp=Select Object Tool (R)|r"
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"avRedoPaste=&Redo Paste"
"avUseCurrentAppearanceAsDefaultMenuItem=&Use Current Appearance as New Default"
"avGotoViewFilenameRequired=No file has been selected. Please choose a file before proceeding."
"avGotoViewNoCurrentSnapshot=You have not taken any snapshots. Please close any dialog windows and use the Snapshot tool on the main toolbar to create a snapshot view, then return to this dialog to create the action."
"avSnapshotActionUserName=Go to snapshot view"
"avCreateSnapshotView=Create View from Snapshot"
"avConfirmSnapshotMessage=The snapshot on the Clipboard will now be converted to a Go to page destination and will be added to the list of actions."
"avGotoViewNoDestsInThisDoc=The target document does not have any destinations. Please close any dialog windows and use the Destinations pane to create a new destination in the target document before proceeding. To display the Destinations pane, select 'View' from the main menu, followed by 'Navigation Tabs', followed by 'Destinations'."
"avSelGraphics=Selected graphic"
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"avDocumentAttachments=Document File Attachments"
"avPageAttachments=Page %d File Attachments"
"avPageScanningAttachments=Scanning for Page File Attachments..."
"avDataObjOpen=Select a data file to import"
"avDataObjSave=Specify a file to extract to"
"avImportNotesDifferentDoc=%fdfname% does not contain comments from this document. Are you sure you want to import it?"
"avImportNotesDifferentVer=%fdfname% contain comments from a different version of this document. Are you sure you want to import it?"
"avPrefsConversionConvertingToPDF=Converting To PDF"
"avPrefsConversionConvertingFromPDF=Converting From PDF"
"avPrefsConversionCantChangeSettings=There are no settings that can be edited in %HANDLER%."
"avPrefsConversionCantDescribeSettings=Click Edit Settings to view or edit settings for this file type."
"avPictFileFilterDescription=PICT files"
"avFontWaitMessage=Gathering font information... (%d%)"
"avIconProblemWarning=An icon resource could not be loaded. Please reinstall the application."
"avCannotBeUndone=This operation cannot be undone. Would you like to proceed?"
"avSendMailCantLoadMapi=Acrobat is unable to connect to your email program."
"avSendMailSubject=System Information"
"avSendMailBodyText=Your System Information is enclosed as an attachment."
"avAppShutdownNotifyMsg=One or more other users on this computer are currently using Acrobat. \n Do you want to try shutting down all running instances of Acrobat?"
"avAppShutdownNotifyMsg2=One or more instances of Acrobat are busy and can not be shut down. \nTo prevent possible data loss, select Switch User to switch to and exit Acrobat in each logon before continue."
"avSwitchUser=Switch User"
"avLoupeToolHelp=Loupe Tool (Z)|z"
"avLangBrazilian=Portugese Brazil"
"avLangChineseTraditional=Chinese - Traditional"
"avLangChineseSimplified=Chinese - Simplified"
"avLangEnglishUK=English UK"
"avLangEnglishUS=English US"
"avSaveOptmzdAsTitle=Save Optimized As"
"avDocOptErrStr1=Error encountered while "
"avDocOptErrCopyFile=Creating a copy of the file."
"avDocOptExaminingDoc=Examining document."
"avDocOptprcssImg=Processing images."
"avDocOptStruct=Processing document structure."
"avDocOptFonts=Processing document fonts."
"avDocOptGen=Optimizing document objects."
"avDocOptSaveOpt=Saving the optimized file."
"avDocOptPrcssOlder=Scanning the document for compatibility checks."
"avDocOptErrTempSpace=Please check if you have permission to write to this location and have sufficient disk space."
"avDocOpt128BitErr=This PDF cannot be made compatible with lower versions of Acrobat, because it uses incompatible encryption to secure its contents."
"avDocOptTransparencyErr=This PDF cannot be made compatible with Acrobat 4.0, because it uses transparency."
"avDocOptJPXTransparencyErr=This PDF cannot be made compatible with older versions of Acrobat. It has some JPEG2000 images which contain soft-mask information."
"avDocOptRestoreDefaults=Do you wish to restore the default settings ?"
"avDocOptAlertRmDigSig=This PDF has been digitally signed. The size of digitally signed files cannot be reduced. \nSelect Continue to create the optimized file without the digital signature."
"avDocOptAlertDigSigErr=An error was encountered while trying to remove the digital signature."
"avDocOptAlertDigSig=This PDF has been digitally signed. The size of digitally signed files cannot be reduced."
"avDocOptAlertDigSigRetry=\nPlease remove the signature and retry."
"avDocOptMissingPlugins=Some of the required plug-ins are not available. Some features may be disabled."
"avDocOptNoPerms=You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this task. "
"avDocOptPermInstruct=Please change the security settings from the Document Properties dialog and retry."
"avDocOptResults=Optimization results:"
"avDocOptErrNoDoc=An unexpected error was encountered. "
"avDocOptErrNoSelect=Cannot continue. Please select at least one of the options."
"avDocOptWarnOlder=The following objects could not be updated. Their presence may cause problems while opening the PDF in lower versions of Acrobat.\n"
"avDocOptWarnPredefinedCMAP=- Predefined CMAPs\n"
"avDocOptWarnCharCollections=- Unsupported character collections\n"
"avDocOptWarnEmbeddedCMAP=- Embedded CMAPs\n"
"avDocOptWarnTransprncy=- Transparency\n"
"avDocOptWarnJavaScripts=- JavaScripts\n"
"avDocOptWarnNoDown=The following objects were not downsampled:\n"
"avDocOptWarnMaskedImages=- Masked images\n"
"avDocOptWarnImageMasks=- Images which are image masks\n"
"avDocOptJPXSMaskNoComp=Some JPEG2000 images contained soft-mask information. These images were left untouched."
"avDocOptJupiterWarning=This PDF is a Photoshop Album slideshow. Some image optimization operations were skipped.\n"
"avDocOptJupiterJSWarning=JavaScripts were retained to preserve the Photoshop Album slideshow."
"avDocOptJupiterOlderErr=This PDF cannot be made compatible with Acrobat 4.0 because it is a Photoshop Album slideshow."
"avDocOptNotAcroscannable=Appropriate content for applying Adaptive Compression could not be found. Some image optimization operations were skipped."
"avDocOptReduceWarning=Setting compatibility to later versions of Acrobat will allow greater reduction in file size."
"avSetActionConfirm=The target layer states of the selected actions will be set to the current state."
"avDocAssemblyDialog_TIP_TEXT=Please add the files that you wish to combine.\r\nArrange them in the order in which you want them to appear in the new PDF."
"avDocAssemblyDialog_CANNOT_CONVERT=No PDF file was created because %s could not be converted to PDF. Please remove it from the list and try again."
"avDocAssemblyDialog_CANNOT_ASSEMBLE=No PDF file was created because %s caused an unidentified error. Please remove it from the list and try again."
"avDocAssemblyDialog_FILE_DNE=No PDF file was created because %s does not exist. Please remove it from the list and try again."
"avDocAssemblyDialog_FILE_DNE2=%s could not be added to the list because it does not exist."
"avDocAssemblyDialog_BAD_TYPE=No PDF file was created because %s is a file type that Acrobat cannot convert to PDF. Please remove it from the list and try again."
"avDocAssemblyDialog_MOVE_UP=Move Up"
"avDocAssemblyDialog_MOVE_DOWN=Move Down"
"avDocAssemblyDialog_NO_SOURCES=No PDF file was created because there were no files to combine. Please click Browse to add files to the list and try again."
"avAddBackgroundDlg_NO_SOURCE=<No source PDF selected>"
"avAddBackgroundDlg_FILE_DNE=The source file you specified could not be found. Please try again."
"avAddBackgroundDlg_NO_FORMS=The AcroForm plug-in could not be found. Form fields will not be calculated."
"avAddBackgroundDlg_CONFIRM=Backgrounds have already been defined for some of the pages in the specified page range. Click OK to replace these with the new background, or click Cancel to go back and specify a different page range."
"avAddBackgroundDlg_NO_SOURCE_ALERT=No source file for the background or watermark was specified. Please click Browse to locate a source file and then try again."
"avOCGPropsVisibleDefault=Visible When On"
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"avOCGPropsVisibleOff=Never Visible"
"avOCGPropsPrintDefault=Prints When Visible"
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"avOCGPropsPrintOff=Never Prints"
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"avErrorCreating=There was an error saving the %1."
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"avMegaTipMaxWidthTemplate=The Print button sends the current document to your printer."
"avMetadataDialogTitlePrefix=Document Metadata for "
"avLoupeWindowTitle=Loupe Tool"
"avLoupeErrorMessage=Please enter a number between %3.0f and %4.0f."
"avNavigatorWindowTitle=Pan & Zoom"
"avMarkedFilesAndEBooks=Marked Files and eBooks Only"
"avSelfHealAsianLangMsg=$FONTNAME$ font is required to display the page properly.\r\n\nPlease click Yes to install the missing font. This will close all open PDF files and restart Acrobat.\r\nClick No to continue without installing the missing font."
"avSelfHealMissingCMap=CMap is required to display the page properly.\r\n\nPlease click Yes to install CMap. This will close all open PDF files and restart Acrobat.\r\nClick No to continue without installing the missing CMap."
"avSelfHealAsianLangMsg4Rd=$FONTNAME$ font is required to display the page properly."
"avSelfHealMissingCMap4Rd=CMap is required to display the page properly."
"avSelfHealCantDownload=Under the current configuration, this resource is not available."
"avInstallAsianFontErr=The missing CMap or font was not successfully installed.\r\nThis could be due to insufficient privileges.\r\nPlease check with your system administrator to ensure that you have sufficient privileges."
"avSelfHealJapaneseLangMsg=The Japanese Language Support Package is required to display this page properly. \r\rClick OK to install this component. All open PDF files will be closed and Acrobat will restart. You will be given the option to save changes.\r\rIf you choose to continue without installing the missing component, you may do so later by running the Acrobat installer."
"avSelfHealSimpChineseLangMsg=The Simplified Chinese Language Support Package is required to display this page properly. \r\rClick OK to install this component. All open PDF files will be closed and Acrobat will restart. You will be given the option to save changes.\r\rIf you choose to continue without installing the missing component, you may do so later by running the Acrobat installer."
"avSelfHealTradChineseLangMsg=The Traditional Chinese Language Support Package is required to display this page properly. \r\rClick OK to install this component. All open PDF files will be closed and Acrobat will restart. You will be given the option to save changes.\r\rIf you choose to continue without installing the missing component, you may do so later by running the Acrobat installer."
"avSelfHealKoreanLangMsg=The Korean Language Support Package is required to display this page properly. \r\rClick OK to install this component. All open PDF files will be closed and Acrobat will restart. You will be given the option to save changes.\r\rIf you choose to continue without installing the missing component, you may do so later by running the Acrobat installer."
"avSelfHealJapaneseLangMsg4Rd=The Japanese Language Support Package is required to display this page properly."
"avSelfHealSimpChineseLangMsg4Rd=The Simplified Chinese Language Support Package is required to display this page properly."
"avSelfHealTradChineseLangMsg4Rd=The Traditional Chinese Language Support Package is required to display this page properly."
"avSelfHealKoreanLangMsg4Rd=The Korean Language Support Package is required to display this page properly."
"avDocStatusSecurityHelp=This document has been encrypted and may use security features that prevent you from modifying certain aspects of it.\r\nUse the Security panel in the Document Properties dialog to view these settings."
"avDocStatusOCGHelp=This document contains layers. Some layers may not be visible when the document is first opened.\r\nUse the Layers tab to show and hide layers."
"avDocStatusOCGAlwaysInform=Do&cuments with Layers"
"avStatusHelp=Document Status icons are always located at the bottom-left corner of the document window. Click a Document Status icon to view this dialog again."
"avGraphicsCopied=The selected area has been copied to the clipboard."
"avCantOpenEBookFile=The current file cannot be vieto view wed. Viewing this file requires the eBook plug-in, which is not available in the current configuration."
"avReinstallProduct=The '%s' plug-in has been removed. Please re-install Acrobat to continue viewing the current file."
"avCantUsePluginFinder=The current file cannot be viewed because a plug-in is not available in the current configuration."
"avSAPDFStartDetection=Parsing document for Older Version features."
"avSAPDFStartConversion=Processing document for Conversion of Alternate Images."
"avTrustManagerMediaPlayerPerm=Permission for %s is set to %p"
"avTrustManagerPromptCoreMsg=You have opened a document that contains %p MultiMedia content. You can decide whether to play content now and also set options for what to do when you open this document in future."
"avTrustManagerPromptPlayOnce=Play the MultiMedia content this &one time"
"avTrustManagerPromptPlayAndTrustDoc=Play the multimedia content and a&dd this document to my list of trusted documents"
"avTrustManagerPromptEnableMMforTrustedDocs=Allow all documents you have &marked as trusted to play this type of media content"
"avTrustManagerPromptTrustAuthor=Trust all documents from the &author of this document"
"avTrustManagerPromptEnableMMWarning=Note that making this choice will change the way this type of multimedia content will be treated for all documents you have marked as trusted"
"avDocManCheckinOnClose=This document is checked out. Do you want to check it in?"
"avDocManConfirmUndoCheckout=If you cancel your check-out of this document, all of your changes since check-out will be lost. Are you sure you want to cancel the check-out?"
"avAppSkipRemainingActions=One of the actions closed the document. The actions following that action were not executed. To execute all actions, move the action that closes the document to the end."
"avDocCustomHelp=You can add custom properties to this document. Each custom property requires a unique name, which must be different from the standard property names found on other Document Properties panels."
"avPaperCaptureSubMenu=Paper Capt&ure"
"avAllToolButtonLabels=All labels"
"avDefaultToolButtonLabels=Default labels"
"avNoToolButtonLabels=No labels"
"avToolBarsDockOne=Dock in Toolbar &Well"
"avOpenSaveDialogFileNameText=File &name:"
"avOpenSaveDialogFileTypeText=File of &type:"
"avFillInFormSubMenu=Fill-i&n Form"
"avAVTextUndoTyping=&Undo typing"
"avAVTextRedoTyping=&Redo typing"
"avAVTextUndoTextColorChange=&Undo text color change"
"avAVTextRedoTextColorChange=&Redo text color change"
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"avAVThumbnailsCantInsertNonPDFFile=You can't drop files of that type to the Pages pane. Only PDF files can be dropped here. Use the 'Create PDF' menu item to import the file."
"avAVTextFontLicenseCantEmbed=The selected font cannot be embedded in the PDF file because of licensing restrictions. If the PDF file is viewed on a system that does not have this font installed, Acrobat will simulate the appearance of the font. To preview the simulated font appearance, turn off Advanced > Use Local Fonts.\r\rTo avoid this situation, use a font that can be embedded in the file or a font known to be installed on all systems where the PDF file will be viewed."
"avAVTextFontLicenseCantEmbedRdr=The selected font cannot be embedded in the PDF file because of licensing restrictions. If the PDF file is viewed on a system that does not have this font installed, Acrobat will simulate the appearance of the font.\r\rTo avoid this situation, use a font that can be embedded in the file or a font known to be installed on all systems where the PDF file will be viewed."
"avAVTextFontCantEmbedCustEnc=The selected font has a custom encoding and cannot be embedded in the PDF file because of licensing restrictions. If the PDF file is viewed on a system that does not have this font installed, Acrobat may not display the text correctly. To preview this appearance turn off Advanced > Use Local Fonts.\r\rTo avoid this situation, use a font that can be embedded in the PDF file, a font that does not have a custom encoding or a font that is known to be on all systems where the PDF file will be viewed."
"avAVTextFontCantEmbedCustEncRdr=The selected font has a custom encoding and cannot be embedded in the PDF file because of licensing restrictions. If the PDF file is viewed on a system that does not have this font installed, Acrobat may not display the text correctly.\r\rTo avoid this situation, use a font that can be embedded in the PDF file, a font that does not have a custom encoding or a font that is known to be on all systems where the PDF file will be viewed."
"avAVTextFontLicenseCantEmbedMulti=One or more of the selected fonts cannot be embedded in the PDF file because of licensing restrictions. If the PDF file is viewed on a system that does not have these fonts installed, Acrobat will simulate the appearance of the missing fonts. To preview this appearance, turn off Advanced > Use Local Fonts.\r\rTo avoid this situation, use fonts that can be embedded in the file or fonts known to be installed on all systems where the PDF file will be viewed."
"avAVTextFontLicenseCantEmbedRdrMulti=One or more of the selected fonts cannot be embedded in the PDF file because of licensing restrictions. If the PDF file is viewed on a system that does not have these fonts installed, Acrobat will simulate the appearance of the missing fonts.\r\rTo avoid this situation, use fonts that can be embedded in the file or fonts known to be installed on all systems where the PDF file will be viewed."
"avAVTextFontCantEmbedCustEncMulti=One or more of the selected fonts have custom encodings and cannot be embedded in the PDF file because of licensing restrictions. If the PDF file is viewed on a system that does not have these fonts installed, Acrobat may not display the text correctly. To preview this appearance turn off Advanced > Use Local Fonts.\r\rTo avoid this situation, use fonts that can be embedded in the PDF file, fonts that do not have custom encodings or fonts that are known to be on all systems where the PDF file will be viewed."
"avAVTextFontCantEmbedCustEncRdrMulti=One or more of the selected fonts have custom encodings and cannot be embedded in the PDF file because of licensing restrictions. If the PDF file is viewed on a system that does not have these fonts installed, Acrobat may not display the text correctly.\r\rTo avoid this situation, use fonts that can be embedded in the PDF file, fonts that do not have custom encodings or fonts that are known to be on all systems where the PDF file will be viewed."