ocr: S: SUB2SSA - Convert: subtitle files to Sub. Station Alpha SSA: scripts X Select input and output Her Inputs SubRip or MicroDVD subtite or SUB2SSA project: El= CHIP =lalulkyledi.sub 1. Open Output> Sub Station, Apha v4 scrpt (SSA fle): El= CHIP ilukylcdl.ssa 2. Select Select and manage styles Override style settings Options About Style: Subbite font Distance & alignment of subtitle. Select font 3. 5. Leit Bottome Right Times New Roman 16 Size: 45 E Auto adjust size Bold,Ralie: 10 (0=0#.1-0nl First POY (SDCCZ) Alignment 2Bottom center Encoding: 238 Second POY (Sdecz) Use playback resolution to ...