198 Information of the disc inserted in Device\n%s could not be retrieved.\n\nThis could indicate that the device is\nnot ready or that no disc is inserted.
199 Writer information from Device\n%s could not be retrieved.
200 Track info for track %d could not be retrieved.
201 Error reading %d sectors from position %d in track %d
202 Write speeds: %s
203 Current: %s
204 Track at Once
205 Track at Once with pauses
206 Disc at Once
207 Session at Once
208 Raw data
209 Overwrite
210 Automatic
211 Variable packet writing
212 Fixed packet writing
213 Recover Support
214 Close Track Support
215 Erasable Support
216 DirectWrite Support
217 Data speeds:
218 Audio speeds:
219 Read ISRC
220 Read UPC
221 Read bar code
222 Read CD Text
223 ISRC
224 UPC
225 Simulation
226 CD Text
227 Index
228 CD-ROM
229 CDDA
230 CDI
231 CD-ROM Mode2 XA
232 Medium types:
233 CD-ROM
234 CD-R
235 CD-RW
238 DVD-R
239 DVD+RW
240 DVD-RW
241 DDCD-R
243 DVD+R
244 DVD RZone
245 Recordable
246 Read Only
247 Blank Disc
248 %d Track(s), %d Session(s)
249 Empty
250 %.0n sectors
251 The device %s is not ready.\nCheck if an appropriate media is inserted.
252 Operation Aborted.
253 An abnormal program termination has left temporary files.\n\nShall they be deleted now?
254 Preparing writing...
255 Creating table of contents...
256 Finishing disc...
257 Finishing session...
258 Starting track %d...
259 Writing track %d of %d track(s)
260 %n MB of %n MB
261 %n MB of %n MB (%.2f MBytes/sec)
262 (Track %d)
263 Finishing track %d...
264 Canceling...
265 Sector %d of %d
266 Reading Track
267 Error while write command (Track: %d, Position: %d).
268 An error occured while writing track %d at position %d.
269 Information about device %s could not be retrieved.
270 The device "%s" could not be initialized.
271 Error while writing pre gap for track %d.
272 Error while setting track %d.
273 Error while writing post gap for track %d.
274 Error while creating the table of contents.
275 Error writing the lead in.
276 Error writing the lead out.
277 Error finishing track.
278 Device: %s\n%s\n\n%s
279 Verifying Track %d of %d
280 Starting verification
281 Verifying disc...
282 Data mismatch at position %d.
283 Data mismatch at position %d up to...
284 ... position %d.
285 Insert Disc
286 Please insert a recordable disc with at least\n%s free space.\n\nPress Retry after the disc is inserted.
287 Please insert the destination disc into the device %s.\n\nPress Retry after the disc is inserted.
288 Resetting destination device...
289 Reading destination disc information ...
290 Extended information:#1
291 User Data (2048 Bytes)
292 Form 1 and Form 2 (2336 Bytes)
293 Raw Data (2352 Bytes)
294 CDDA (2352 Bytes)
295 CD+G (2448 Bytes)
296 InstantCopy
297 ISO/UDF Creator
298 ASAPI Interface
299 ASAPI Driver
300 InstantDisc
301 CD-R Drivers
302 JukeBox Support
303 %.0n MB (%.0n Sectors)
304 %s Minutes (%.0n Sectors)
305 Track %d has an unknown format.
306 The disc in the device %s is unusable.
307 Medium from %s could not\nbe transfered to %s.
308 Track %d can not be written using the sector mode:\n%s using the selected write method.
309 Changing Destination Media
310 Medium from %s to %s
311 %.1n MB of %.1n MB free
312 Select a folder for storage of temporary files.
313 The ASPI interface could not be initialized.
314 The CD-R drivers could not be loaded.
315 The update drivers could not be loaded.
316 Yes
317 No
318 Unkown
319 Unknown (%d)
320 Write Settings:
321 Write to hard disk first
322 Verify after write
323 Write speed: %d
324 Write method
325 TAO
326 DAO
327 RAW
328 SAO
329 OVR
330 Using juke box: %s
331 Closing Method: %s
332 Leave open
333 Close disc
334 Close session
335 Versions:
336 Operating System: %s %d.%.2d (Build %d: %s)
337 Destination Device:
338 Destination Devices:
339 The simulation was canceled.
340 The simulation was successfull.
341 The simulation was canceled.\nDo you wish to write the disc now?
342 The simulation was successfull.\nDo you wish to write the disc now?
343 The Simulation was not sucessfull.
344 The Simulation was not sucessfull.\nPress "OK" to watch the writing log.
345 Writing successfully finished.\nPress "OK" to watch the writing log.
346 The writing was not sucessfull.
347 The writing was not sucessfull.\n\nPress "Retry" to write again.
348 The writing was not sucessfull.\nPress "OK" to watch the writing log.
349 Some changed settings require to restart the program.\n\nThe program will be closed now and you have to restart it yourself.
350 The driver for device %s cannot be changed or removed.
351 Writing disc (Simulated)
352 Writing disc
353 Can not read data for position %d.
354 Unknown manufacturer
355 Long strategy type / Cyanine
356 Short strategy type / Phthalocyanine
357 %d:%.2d Min
358 %.0n MB
359 This DEMO Version does not allow to write CDs bigger than 150.000 sectors.\nThe CD you want to create is too big (%s).
360 %d Disc(s)
361 %d Device(s)
362 selected.
363 %d Disc(s) created
364 Write method not supported.
365 Another application that uses jukeboxes is active.\nShutdown the other application and restart this application.
366 Driver initialization error:\n%s
367 Undefined error.
368 Programming interface could not be initialized.
369 Wrong driver version.
370 %s for %s
371 Windows
372 Windows NT
373 Windows 2000
374 Windows 95
375 Windows 98
376 Sucessfull
377 Sucessfull verified
378 Verify failed
379 Error
380 Unused
381 Caching data...
382 Invalid label file
383 Reading track %d of %d
384 Reading data
385 Compressing track %d of %d
386 Compressing data
387 Recovering read error at position %d (%d/%d)
388 %s free disk space are required\nbut only %s are available.\n\nDelete Files to gain free disk space and press\n"Retry" or press "Abort" to stop the operation.
389 Data directory
390 Default project directory
391 Audio samples directory
392 CD Label directory
393 Temporary directory
394 %s of %s
395 %s of %s free
396 Select the %s.
397 %s remaining
398 %d Minutes
399 %d Seconds
400 Hard Disk
401 ISO Image
402 Wave Audio File
403 MP3 Compressed Audio File
404 File exists
405 %s already exists.\nDo you want to replace it?
406 All data on the disc inserted in device %s will be destroyed.\n\nAre you sure you want to delete the data?
407 Write Disc - %s
408 The battery charge of the device is too low to complete the write operation.\nYou should recharge the battery or use a different power source and try again.\nDo you want to ignore this warning and start writing?
409 AC power supply
410 Rechargeable batteries
411 Dry cells
412 Host PC
413 Sending Track Data
414 Sending Track Data (Simulated)
415 Automatic (Recommended)
416 Maximum
417 Medium
418 Minimum
419 Windows XP
420 Windows ME
421 Erasing disc
422 Finished erasing disc
423 Windows Media Audio File
424 Unknown source filter error.
425 CSS not supported when reading from hard disk.
426 This DVD is CSS copy protected.\n\nThis program allows only copying of non copy protected DVDs and DVD content from harddisk.
427 Cannot read disc key.
428 Region code is invalid.
429 Failed to open drive.
430 Error parsing file system structures.
431 %s of %s
432 Writing Disc
433 Writing Disc %d
434 Error while reading data.\nError: %s
435 %.0n KB/s
436 MP3Pro Compressed Audio File
437 Corrupted DVD source file.
438 Label Template Folder
439 Another CD/DVD burning application is already running.\n\nPlease close the other application and click "Retry".
440 Virtual CD/DVD Drive
441 DVD Writer
442 CD Writer
443 DVD Drive
444 CD Drive
445 General
446 IQƒx
447 Settings
448 Please insert a recordable disc with at least\n%s free space.