Labels:dialog box | monitor | window OCR: Environmental setting General CPU Sound External tool VFAPI plug-in Name Priority DirectS how Multimedia File Reader BMP /PPM/TGA/JPG File Reader AV|2(OpenDML] File Reader V Wave File Reader Avisynth/VirtualDub script reader 0.1 ReadAVS V DVD2AVI Project File Reader 1.76 DVD2AVI vtp TMPGEnC Project File Reader 2.59 TMPGEnc. vo The file can nol be loaded m2v.vfp AVIVEW compatibilitu Reader VFAPI[Video File API] plug-in expands movie formats which are supported hi authoring software are supporting VFAPI VFAPI plug-ins pue development Kits can be downloaded the following URL [Japanese) http: www tmpgenc. net/e vfapi.html OK Cancel AVI20pen DMLI lWave scripl BeadAVS AVIVFW compatibility spuedxa that VEAPL Mwww