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- ===============================================
- |HeadAC3he's legal conditions by Dark Avenger |
- -----------------------------------------------
- |website: http://darkav.de.vu |
- | email: darkav@gmx.net |
- -----------------------------------------------
- This is subject to change! So read this file again with each release of HeadAC3he.
- The software "HeadAC3he" is (c)opyrighted 2001 by Dark Avenger.
- 1) With every new released version of HeadAC3he you loose the permission to use the old version,
- if the license has changed (in that case the old license gets invalid). But you may use the new
- (and old) version according to the newest license.
- 2) This software is free for private use ONLY, ie. you don't use it to save money or earn money
- or use it for making a product by which you/the company save money or earn money. I only expect
- some response by email (see EMail.txt) regarding my software.
- 3) If you really want to use this soft in a non-private environment (though I seriously doubt it),
- please contact me and Midas. We may need some license as well to let this soft be usen
- commercially....
- 4) You are only allowed to use this software on your own risk, i.e. you should be prepared that
- this software could seriously harm your installation. I can not be made responsible for any
- damage done by the use of this software. Of course my aim is not to do anything harmful...
- 5) You are not allowed to alter the contents of the distribution archive (or the archive as such)
- or distribute/use contents in other archives. (This applys to patching the exe as well!)
- To the webmasters:
- 6) I really don't want you to put this software onto your local server. Please link to my home
- (http://darkav.de.vu). If the link is outdated, try http://www.angelfire.com/music/aacleech or
- send me an email and I will tell you the new url.
- This is simply for preventing that old buggy releases swamp the net as it happened with DSEnc.
- Rule 5) and 6) don't (or at least partially don't) apply to trusted sites. If you want to be added
- to the list, just pass an email to me and I'll take a look at your site. You will then be informed
- by email which rules don't apply to you.
- "Trusted" sites:
- Doom9.net - The definitive DVD backup resource (http://doom9.org)
- Digital Digest (http://www.digital-digest.com/dvd/index.html)
- Q-Bert's DVDCOPYWORLD (http://www.q-berts.org/dvd/index.html)
- everwicked.com - The ultimate portal to DivX (http://www.everwicked.com)
- Apu's Headquarter (http://www.rippers-delight.com)
- Media-Video.com : French video scene. Forums, guides and softs (http://www.media-video.com