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- /**!!SDK_COMMON!!**/
- /**++SDK_PRIVATE++**/
- /**++SDK_COMMON++**/
- /******************************************************************************
- **
- ** Copyright 1992-98 Adaptec, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
- **
- ** This software contains the valuable trade secrets of Adaptec. The
- ** software is protected under copyright laws as an unpublished work of
- ** Adaptec. Notice is for informational purposes only and does not imply
- ** publication. The user of this software may make copies of the software
- ** for use with parts manufactured by Adaptec or under license from Adaptec
- ** and for no other use.
- **
- ******************************************************************************/
- /******************************************************************************
- ******************************************************************************/
- /**++SDK_EXCLUDE++**/
- /******************************************************************************
- **
- ** Module Name: srbcmn.h
- **
- ** Description: SRB definitions common to both ASPI for Win16 and ASPI for
- ** Win32. Look in srb16.h and srb32.h for ASPI for Win 16/32
- ** specific structures and definitions.
- **
- ** This file should be combined with srb16.h and cleaned
- ** up to produce the winaspi.h for the SDK. Similarly, this
- ** file should be combined with srb32.h and cleaned up to
- ** produce wnaspi32.h for the SDK.
- **
- ** Programmers: Daniel Polfer (dap)
- **
- ** History: 11/09/95 (dap) Initial creation.
- ** 12/18/95 (dap) Added max timeout value.
- ** 02/20/96 (dap) Added SRB_NO_ERROR_POSTING.
- ** 09/03/96 (dap) Renamed and modified to be shared between
- ** ring-0 and ring-3 code bases.
- ** 09/13/96 (dap) Added queue management structures, etc.
- ** 06/24/98 (dap) Modified to use allow auto-SDK generation.
- ** 11-27-01 (jck) Correct spelling of TOO_BIG.
- **
- ** Notes: This file created using 4 spaces per tab.
- **
- ** This file is NOT a customer deliverable to be included
- ** with the ASPI SDK. It is specific to our ASPI
- ** implementation and contains definitions of private
- ** Adpatec structures.
- **
- ******************************************************************************/
- #ifndef __SRBCMN_H__
- #define __SRBMCN_H__
- /**++SDK_PUBLIC++**/
- /**++SDK_32ONLY++**/
- /******************************************************************************
- **
- ** Module Name: wnaspi32.h
- **
- ** Description: Header file for ASPI for Win32. This header includes
- ** macro and type declarations, and can be included without
- ** modification when using Borland C++ or Microsoft Visual
- ** C++ with 32-bit compilation. If you are using a different
- ** compiler then you MUST ensure that structures are packed
- ** onto byte alignments, and that C++ name mangling is turned
- ** off.
- **
- ** Notes: This file created using 4 spaces per tab.
- **
- ******************************************************************************/
- /**++SDK_32ONLY:++**/
- /**++SDK_32ONLY:#ifndef __WNASPI32_H__++**/
- /**++SDK_32ONLY:#define __WNASPI32_H__++**/
- /**++SDK_16ONLY++**/
- /******************************************************************************
- **
- ** Module Name: winaspi.h
- **
- ** Description: Header file for ASPI for Win16. This header includes
- ** macro and type declarations, and can be included without
- ** modification when Microsoft Visual C++ with 16-bit
- ** compilation. If you are using a different compiler then
- ** you MUST ensure that structures are packed onto byte
- ** alignments, and that C++ name mangling is turned off.
- **
- ** Notes: This file created using 4 spaces per tab.
- **
- ******************************************************************************/
- /**++SDK_16ONLY:++**/
- /**++SDK_16ONLY:#ifndef __WINASPI_H__++**/
- /**++SDK_16ONLY:#define __WINASPI_H__++**/
- /**++SDK_COMMON++**/
- /*
- ** Make sure structures are packed and undecorated.
- */
- /**++SDK_32ONLY++**/
- #ifdef __BORLANDC__
- #pragma option -a1
- #endif //__BORLANDC__
- /**++SDK_COMMON++**/
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #pragma pack(1)
- #endif //__MSC_VER
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif //__cplusplus
- //*****************************************************************************
- //*****************************************************************************
- #define SENSE_LEN 14 // Default sense buffer length
- #define SRB_DIR_SCSI 0x00 // Direction determined by SCSI
- #define SRB_POSTING 0x01 // Enable ASPI posting
- #define SRB_ENABLE_RESIDUAL_COUNT 0x04 // Enable residual byte count reporting
- #define SRB_DIR_IN 0x08 // Transfer from SCSI target to host
- #define SRB_DIR_OUT 0x10 // Transfer from host to SCSI target
- /**++SDK_32ONLY++**/
- #define SRB_EVENT_NOTIFY 0x40 // Enable ASPI event notification
- #define RESIDUAL_COUNT_SUPPORTED 0x02 // Extended buffer flag
- #define MAX_SRB_TIMEOUT 108000lu // 30 hour maximum timeout in s
- #define DEFAULT_SRB_TIMEOUT 108000lu // Max timeout by default
- /**++SDK_EXCLUDE++**/
- #define SRB_NO_ERROR_POSTING 0x02 // Do not post completion on error
- #define SRB_HEAD_OF_QUEUE 0x20 // Insert SRB at queue head
- #define SRB_BYPASS_QUEUE 0x80 // Bypass queue management
- /**++SDK_PRIVATE++**/
- /**++SDK_32ONLY++**/
- #define SRBQ_ENABLE_QUEUEING 0x01 // Enable queueing for a target
- #define SRBQ_FREEZE_QUEUE 0x02 // Freeze a target queue
- #define SRBQ_UNFREEZE_QUEUE 0x03 // Unfreeze a target queue
- #define SRBQ_CLEAR_QUEUE 0x04 // Clear a frozen target queue
- #define SRBQ_QUERY_QUEUE 0x05 // Return queue status
- #define SRBQ_SET_CDB_DELAY 0x06 // Set delay on a select CDB
- #define SRBQ_DISABLE_QUEUEING 0x00 // Disable queueing for a target
- /**++SDK_PUBLIC++**/
- /**++SDK_COMMON++**/
- //*****************************************************************************
- // %%% ASPI Command Definitions %%%
- //*****************************************************************************
- #define SC_HA_INQUIRY 0x00 // Host adapter inquiry
- #define SC_GET_DEV_TYPE 0x01 // Get device type
- #define SC_EXEC_SCSI_CMD 0x02 // Execute SCSI command
- #define SC_ABORT_SRB 0x03 // Abort an SRB
- #define SC_RESET_DEV 0x04 // SCSI bus device reset
- #define SC_SET_HA_PARMS 0x05 // Set HA parameters
- #define SC_GET_DISK_INFO 0x06 // Get Disk information
- #define SC_SEEPROM 0xe1 // Get SEEPROM Contents
- #define SC_EEPROM 0xe2 // Get EEPROM Contents
- #define SC_PCIINFO 0xe3 // Get SEEPROM Contents
- #define SC_NEGO_XFER_RATE 0xe4 // Get SEEPROM Contents
- #define OC_SEEPROM_READ 0xa1 // Read SEEPROM Contents
- #define OC_SEEPROM_WRITE 0xa2 // Write SEEPROM Contents
- #define OC_SEEPROM_DETECT 0xa3 // Detect SEEPROM
- #define OC_SEEPROM_ERASE 0xa4 // Erase SEEPROM
- #define OC_EEPROM_READ 0xb1 // Read SEEPROM Contents
- #define OC_EEPROM_WRITE 0xb2 // Write SEEPROM Contents
- #define OC_PCIINFO_READ 0xc1
- #define OC_PCIINFO_WRITE 0xc2
- #define OC_NEGO_XFER_RATE_READ 0xd1
- #define MAX_SCSI_DEVS 16
- /**++SDK_32ONLY++**/
- #define SC_RESCAN_SCSI_BUS 0x07 // ReBuild SCSI device map
- #define SC_GETSET_TIMEOUTS 0x08 // Get/Set target timeouts
- /**++SDK_PRIVATE++**/
- #define SC_MANAGE_QUEUE 0xC8 // Manage per-target SRB queues
- /**++SDK_PUBLIC++**/
- /**++SDK_COMMON++**/
- //*****************************************************************************
- // %%% SRB Status %%%
- //*****************************************************************************
- #define SS_PENDING 0x00 // SRB being processed
- #define SS_COMP 0x01 // SRB completed without error
- #define SS_ABORTED 0x02 // SRB aborted
- #define SS_ABORT_FAIL 0x03 // Unable to abort SRB
- #define SS_ERR 0x04 // SRB completed with error
- /**++SDK_PRIVATE++**/
- #define SS_ABORTED_QUEUE_FROZEN 0x42 // SRB aborted, target queue frozen
- #define SS_ERR_QUEUE_FROZEN 0x44 // SRB completed with error, target queue frozen
- #define SS_BUFFTOBIG_QUEUE_FROZEN 0x4F // SRB buffer too big, target queue frozen
- /**++SDK_PUBLIC++**/
- #define SS_INVALID_CMD 0x80 // Invalid ASPI command
- #define SS_INVALID_HA 0x81 // Invalid host adapter number
- #define SS_NO_DEVICE 0x82 // SCSI device not installed
- #define SS_INVALID_SRB 0xE0 // Invalid parameter set in SRB
- #define SS_OLD_MANAGER 0xE1 // ASPI manager doesn't support Windows
- #define SS_BUFFER_ALIGN 0xE1 // Buffer not aligned (replaces OLD_MANAGER in Win32)
- #define SS_ILLEGAL_MODE 0xE2 // Unsupported Windows mode
- #define SS_NO_ASPI 0xE3 // No ASPI managers resident
- #define SS_FAILED_INIT 0xE4 // ASPI for windows failed init
- #define SS_ASPI_IS_BUSY 0xE5 // No resources available to execute cmd
- #define SS_BUFFER_TO_BIG 0xE6 // Buffer size to big to handle!
- #define SS_BUFFER_TOO_BIG 0xE6 // Buffer size toobig to handle!
- #define SS_MISMATCHED_COMPONENTS 0xE7 // The DLLs/EXEs of ASPI don't version check
- #define SS_NO_ADAPTERS 0xE8 // No host adapters to manage
- #define SS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES 0xE9 // Couldn't allocate resources needed to init
- #define SS_ASPI_IS_SHUTDOWN 0xEA // Call came to ASPI after PROCESS_DETACH
- #define SS_BAD_INSTALL 0xEB // The DLL or other components are installed wrong
- //*****************************************************************************
- // %%% Host Adapter Status %%%
- //*****************************************************************************
- #define HASTAT_OK 0x00 // Host adapter did not detect an // error
- #define HASTAT_SEL_TO 0x11 // Selection Timeout
- #define HASTAT_DO_DU 0x12 // Data overrun data underrun
- #define HASTAT_BUS_FREE 0x13 // Unexpected bus free
- #define HASTAT_PHASE_ERR 0x14 // Target bus phase sequence // failure
- #define HASTAT_TIMEOUT 0x09 // Timed out while SRB was waiting to beprocessed.
- #define HASTAT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT 0x0B // Adapter timed out processing SRB.
- #define HASTAT_MESSAGE_REJECT 0x0D // While processing SRB, the // adapter received a MESSAGE
- #define HASTAT_BUS_RESET 0x0E // A bus reset was detected.
- #define HASTAT_PARITY_ERROR 0x0F // A parity error was detected.
- #define HASTAT_REQUEST_SENSE_FAILED 0x10 // The adapter failed in issuing
- /**++SDK_EXCLUDE++**/
- //*****************************************************************************
- // %%% SRB - HEADER %%%
- //*****************************************************************************
- typedef struct // Offset
- { // HX/DEC
- BYTE SRB_Cmd; // 00/000
- BYTE SRB_Status; // 01/001
- BYTE SRB_HaId; // 02/002
- BYTE SRB_Flags; // 03/003
- DWORD SRB_Hdr_Rsvd; // 04/004
- }
- SRB_Header, *PSRB_Header, FAR *LPSRB_Header;
- /*
- ** SCSI address of a target. Just a convenient way to group the HA/ID/LUN
- ** together and be able to use them individually or as a DWORD path variable.
- */
- typedef union
- {
- struct
- {
- BYTE Lun;
- BYTE TargetId;
- BYTE HaId;
- BYTE Flag;
- } by;
- struct
- {
- DWORD Path;
- } dw;
- }
- /*
- ** Restore compiler default packing and close off the C declarations.
- */
- #ifdef __BORLANDC__
- #pragma option -a.
- #endif //__BORLANDC__
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #pragma pack()
- #endif //_MSC_VER
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif //__cplusplus
- #endif //__SRBCMN_H__