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- Time Adjuster v2.9
- This program is FREEWARE.
- Author: Irek Zielinski, Krakow, Poland (irekz@yahoo.com)
- Check out other my software at: http://www.ireksoftware.com
- -----------------------------------DISTRIBUTION AND USE-----------------------------------------
- You can copy & use that application whatever you want.
- Please keep the package in one piece (including this file).
- Time Adjuster is distributed in two versions:
- LIGHT: In order to seduce file size this version doesn't have HELP file.
- STANDARD: This is FULL version of Time Adjuster. It has HELP file attached.
- And that's why is near twice bigger than LIGHT version.
- -----------------------------------HELP AND FEEDBACK--------------------------------------------
- 1) E-MAIL:
- All comments, suggestions & questions please send to: irekz@yahoo.com
- 2) PHONE:
- In urgent situations you can also call me at: ++48 503-741-408
- I can provide help in ENGLISH and POLISH langauges.
- Please remember also about time zones and call between: 8AM - 10PM
- Central European Time (GMT + 2)
- Visit Time Adjuster's web forum at:
- http://www.geocities.com/irekz/TA/board_ref.html (available also by button & menu in TA)
- Visit Time Adjuster's web page:
- http://www.ireksoftware.com/ta/ (available also by button & menu in TA)
- 5) FAQ:
- In English & some other languages is attached to Time Adjuster and is available
- trought Time Adjuster's menu and Windows Start Menu.
- ---------------------------------------CURRENT WORKS-------------------------------------------
- I'm working right now on:
- - REPAIR functions
- ----------------------------------------KNOWN BUGS---------------------------------------------
- Known bugs:
- - when you work on STR & SSA files precision will be cut to 1/10 if second (really small bug ;)
- - sorting SSA files don't work correctly
- ------------------------------------HISTORY OF CHANGES-----------------------------------------
- Version 2.9
- - Added MANY new language files - thanks to many great people!
- - Improvements in upgrade check utility.
- - Removed few minor bugs.
- build Sep 12 2003:
- - Added German language file thanks to: Carsten Stupka, rols_mini@hotmail.com
- Version 2.8
- - BRAZILIAN-Portuguese language support -> Thanks to: Henrique Sambiase, lucki_jr@yahoo.com.br
- - CZECH language support -> Thanks to: Petr "Cherubin" Rybysar, petr.rybysar@upce.cz
- - GREEK language support -> Thanks to: Oikonomou Basilis, oikonomoub@in.gr
- - DUTCH language support -> Thanks to: Bertus Wagenaar, bertuswagenaar@hotmail.com
- - LITHUANIAN langauage support - thanks to: Aurimas Tijunonis alias Savas_j0xxx, j0@xxx.lt
- - a bit better upgrade checker
- - removed some bugs in ENGLISH language file -> Thanks to: DrChair, DrChair@hotmail.com
- - removed some bugs (TA should be now more stable)
- - added some new features !
- Version 2.7
- - added support for hh:mm:ss.xx,hh:mm:ss:xx format
- - CROATIAN language support -> Thanks to: Budimir Skrtic, budimir.skrtic@ka.tel.hr
- - fixed small bugs in "Last 4 directories & synchronization menus, and few others
- - added context menus for file list-windows
- - added some small improvements (like CPU usage monitor ect.)
- Version 2.65
- - fixed bug in spliting SSA files
- - there is far shorter delay now when entering SYNCHRO dialog
- - more options when converting to SSA format
- - removed bug causing lost contact between Time Adjuster & AVI player
- - ROMANIAN language support -> Thanks to: Robert Anton, robert.anton@ntlworld.com
- Version 2.6
- - added support for SubViewer format (*.sub) [00:00:00]
- - added support for Sub Station Alpha format (*.ssa)
- - added Tip of the Day window on startup
- - AVI player remembers it's position now
- - Added full help file to STANDARD version of Time Adjuster. You can still dload
- LIGTH version that does not have this file.
- - SLOVAK language support -> Thanks to: Roman Husarik, gusto.death@inmail.sk
- - HUNGARIAN language support -> thanks to: Mirr Murr (Kara Kßroly), k.kara@flexiton.hu
- Version 2.5
- - fexed bug in "Last 4 directories" menu.
- - new faster & better upgrade check
- - better uninstaller
- - new AVI player (in synchronize menu) - now DirectX powered !
- - ITALIAN language support ! Thanks to: Fabrizio "Rush" Degni, rush@openaccess.it
- - SPANISH language support ! Thanks to: Juan JosΘ Boj≤rquez, jjbm@mail.com
- - far better support to STR files (thanks to Lagoon)
- - program now can detect on loading "empty new lines", errors such no "{" or "}"
- in {xx}{xx} format and some other bugs.
- Version 2.4
- - more compatibility with Windows XP and Windows 2000
- - some functions were optimized - now TA works faster :-D
- - some changes in setup.exe (now it's easier to upgrade old version)
- - added Time Adjuster FORUM (it's web based message board)
- - fixed bug in SRT format (thanks to parix !)
- - TA now performs quick scan of files on loading (helps to detect common errors)
- Version 2.3
- - improved compatibility with Windows XP and Windows 2000
- Thanks once again to Lagoon and friend of mine Pawel Balasz !
- Version 2.2
- - added tool tips for toolbar :-D
- - FRENCH language support ! -> thanks to Lagoon :-D
- - removed small bug: sometimes dialog boxes were disapearing for the screen
- - added new feature: now TA can scan & repair TOO EARLY DISAPEARING LINES
- Version 2.1
- - removed UGLY bug -> sometimes TA used to "eat" first letter of text in new file.
- - added new REPAIR tool: now you can sort lines in subtitle file (sorting is not
- in alphabetical order but is time-based).
- Version 2.0
- - added support for SRT format ( it looks like 00:00:00 --> 00:00:00)
- - splash screen is being shown when program is loading
- - want to take a look at some funny stuff ? leave TA alone for a while :)
- - HUGE changes in CODE - believe near entire code was converted form
- C language to C++ language. All functions are now object oriented
- - what does it mean for you ?
- Not much - except it will be far easier for me to add new functions, formats...
- So I hope new versions of TA will be lunched more often & there will be less bugs :)
- Version 1.9
- - added support for [xxx][xxx] time format (MPL2)
- - now you can decide which "Are you sure" messages have to appear
- - it's possible now to get information about AVI & subtitle files
- - when converting you can pick Frames Per Second (FPS) value form AVI file
- - fixed some bugs
- Version 1.8
- - when synchronizing you can use AVI player to point when selected line has to appear
- - removed some irritating bugs when working on read-only files (ect. form CD-ROM drive)
- - in order to open files - you can DRAG & DROP it at toolbar
- Version 1.7
- - program now can JOIN & SPLIT files (it's possible to join 2CD txt to one file and
- make form 1CD txt -> 2 files)
- - if during time adjustment program will generate invalid values (for example time < than 0)
- it's possible now to skip those lines & continue adjustment (VERY USEFUL & DEMANDED by users)
- - setup.exe has now some bugs fixed
- - some minor bugs were fixed in main program also
- - since now there could be only one working TA in system at the moment
- - in spite of many addition program is now almost THREE TIMES smaller than 1.6 version !
- Version 1.6
- - totally changed outlook of application (now uses MDI technology),
- - synchronization works for ALL supported formats now,
- - you can repair text files dloaded in BINARY mode via FTP,
- - added installation/uninstallation process
- (installator is quite smart: can work with different language versions of Windows),
- - all key program's data are stored in Windows registry now,
- - application remembers FOUR last working directories,
- - application remembers last window size & position,
- - removed some small bugs & made many other improvements....
- Version 1.5
- Fixed bug in "SYNCHRONIZE" function.
- LATVIAN language support ! -> thanks to B[r]3)
- Version 1.4
- Multi language support ! (Polish language-file added)
- Fixed some bugs.
- Version 1.3
- Since this version it's possible to synchronize text with video. Very useful thing !
- Fixed some bugs.
- Version 1.2
- Since this version it's possible to convert files among all supported by TA formats.
- Version 1.1
- Some changes in UPGRADE.EXE program, fixed some minor bugs in main program, added keyboard
- accelerators for menu functions.
- Version 1.0
- First public release.