home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- @echo off
- rem usage: clrcache.bat (cache.idx) (cache path) (TEMP path) (filemask)
- rem cache path or TEMP path MUST NOT be the same as Arachne installation dir.!
- if exist %1 del %1
- if exist %3$roura$.BAT copy %3$roura$.BAT bat.tmp>NUL
- for %%f in (%2*.*) do del %%f
- for %%f in (%2headers\*.*) do del %%f
- for %%f in (%3*.*) do del %%%f
- if exist bat.tmp copy bat.tmp %3$roura$.BAT>NUL
- if exist bat.tmp del bat.tmp