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- 140 Arachne Keywords, Allowed Values and Ranges: with some explanation.
- General Information:
- The HEADINGS in Arachne.cfg are IGNORED by Arachne.
- Unrecognized or bogus keywords are also IGNORED.
- The CASE of both the keyword and value is IGNORED.
- Keywords may appear or be placed under any heading
- that helps in the visual or mental organization.
- The ORDER of keywords is irrelevant except where the
- same keyword appears more than once. Then it is the
- first occurrence that takes precedence.
- Where the value assigned to the keyword can be a list,
- it is safe to separate items by a comma.
- Default value for undefined keywords is NUL or 0.
- Portability:
- Some of the values are recognized only by Linux version of
- Arachne, some are valid only for DOS version.
- Convention: Range of allowed argument is shown literally, or as
- alternatives separated by "|" or as "[]" which must
- be replaced by the text or numbers described by the
- contents of [] and any explanation following in ().
- "ASCIIwidth" 40-255 (Printer width in characters)
- "AcceptCharset" [List of official ISO names and/or *] (See note #1)
- "AfterPOP3" [Action or URL] (Arachne:[cmd] or http:[],file:[],smtp:)
- "AfterSMTP" [Action or URL] (Arachne:[cmd] or http:[],file:[],pop3:)
- "AltGateway" [n.n.n.n] (Alternate fixed gateway for LAN)
- "AltNameServer" [DNS#] (Domain NameServer) (Alternate DNS from your ISP)
- "AltSysFont" 0-3 (For textarea, plaintext, HTMLsource view: 0=disable)
- "AltTab" Yes|No (Optional Hotkey to repaint ENTIRE screen)
- "AutoF3key" Yes|No (Yes overrides F3 key definition)
- "Autodial" Yes|No
- "Autologin" Yes|No
- "Background" [Your favorite.bmp/.gif/.jpg]|NUL (Desktop Background)
- "Base" 0x[HHH] (HHH=Hex COM port address, used when Port = 0)
- "BgColor" #[RRGGBB] (RRed,GGreen,BBlue = Hex background Intensity)
- "BigFont" Yes|No
- "Cache2TEMP" Yes|No
- "CacheFonts" Yes|No
- "CacheIndex" [Path+Filename] (to Cache Index)
- "CachePath" [Path+Name] (to your "cache" directory)
- "Colors" [0-15] [0-15] (Text entry areas: Text,Background)
- "Connection" READY|@[PPP Program name and any operations]|NUL
- "CookieFile" [Path+Filename] (to your cookies)
- "Cookies" Yes|No
- "DialPage" [URL for dialing operations] (Such as file:[]|pop3:|smtp:)
- "DialString" ATDT|ATDP|ATX3DT|ATX3DP (Plus any valid modem commands)
- "Dialer" [Dial Program name and any operations] (Mime.cfg format)
- "DownloadPath" [Path+Name] (to your "download" directory)
- "eMail" [Your email address]
- "ESC" Exit|Back|Ignore
- "EditHotlistEntry" Yes|No
- "ExitOnHangup" Yes|No
- "ExpireDynamic" 0-??? (Seconds of life for CGI scripts etc., 0=never)
- "ExpireStatic" 0-??? (Seconds of life for unvisited HTMLpages in cache)
- "F3key" [Filename+extension] (or any URL or part of a URL)
- "FTPhost" [Your FTP provider]
- "FILEargs" -d|-l (Icons in directory listings on|off, for WWWMAN)
- "FTPpassword" [Your File Transfer Protocol Password]
- "FTPpath" [Full filename to last upload document on server]
- "FTPproxy" [Your Proxy Servername for FTP]
- "FTPserver" [Your FTP server] (From your ISP)
- "FTPusername" [Your FTP User Name]
- "FakeFTPeMail" [Dummyuser@domain] (For anonymous FTP)
- "FontPathSuffix" iso-8859-1|iso-8859-2 (Linux only - selects fond codepage)
- "FontShift" +2..0..-2 (Font size steps for ALL text on HTML pages)
- "ForwardString1" [Text to precede forwarded messages]
- "ForwardString2" [Text to follow forwarded messages]
- "Frames" Yes|No
- "Gateway" [n.n.n.n] (Fixed gateway for LAN)
- "GraphicsMode" HI.I|HI.J|HI.K (Linux only - name of graphics mode)
- "HTMLbgColor" #[RRGGBB] (RRed,GGreen,BBlue = Hex intensity)
- "HTMLlink" #[RRGGBB] (RRed,GGreen,BBlue = Hex intensity)
- "HTMLtext" #[RRGGBB] (RRed,GGreen,BBlue = Hex intensity)
- "HTTPproxy" [Your Proxy Servername for HTTP]
- "HTTPreferer" Yes|No (Send "REFERER" information during HTTP sessions)
- "HTTPretry" [Number of times to re-try download before giving up]
- "Hangup" @[PPP Shutdown Program name + operations]
- "History" [Path+Filename] (to History List)
- "HomePage" [URL] (Your first location online - could be a file)
- "Hotlist" [Path+Filename] (to your Addresses/Bookmarks/Favorites)
- "IP_Address" [Fixed n.n.n.n]|PPP|BOOTP|%MYIP%|WATTCP (See Note #2)
- "IP_Grab" [Text expected preceeding IP address in PPP.log]
- "Index" [Dir. template] (*.[ext]|[name].* eg: *.htm,*.txt,*.*)
- "InitString" AT[modeminitstring]
- "Irq" 3-13 (non-standard COM port Irq #, used when Port = 0)
- "JPEGargs" -bmp|-bmp -fast (used by MIME.CFG macro $j)
- "KeepOnServer" Yes|No (Leave downloaded mail on server if permitted)
- "Keymap1" [1st 64 mapped characters above ASCII 127]
- "Keymap2" [2nd 64 mapped characters above ASCII 127]
- "Kill468x60" Yes|No (Ignore some advertising banners) (See note #4)
- "KillSent" Yes|No (Delete sent mail messages)
- "Link" #[RRGGBB] (RRed,GGreen,BBlue = Hex Intensity for link)
- "LoadImages" Yes|No
- "Logo" 0-????? (12000|2000|0 = Logo Animation slow|fast|disabled)
- "MailBodyEncoding" 7bit|8bit|Quoted-printable
- "MailEncoding" Mime|Uuencode
- "MailIdxTemplate" [Path+Filename] (Mail inbox format: default=idxhead.htp)
- "MailIsDesktop" Yes|No (mail will use Desktop colors instead of HTML page)
- "MailPath" [Path+Name] (to your "mail" directory)
- "MailSortOrder" DateRcv|DateSnt|Address|Subject
- "MinDiskSpace" [0-nnn] (kb: Minimum space for no "DiskFull" warning)
- "Mode" [DPS] (#Databits $Paritybits #Stopbits)
- "MouseColors" [0-15] [0-15] (Selected/activated Text,Background)
- "Multitasking" Yes|No|Safe
- "MyCharset" [US-ASCII|ISO-Latin-2|Windows-CE] (Out mail characterset)
- "NameServer" [DNS#] (Domain NameServer) (From your ISP)
- "Netmask" [n.n.n.n] (Typically, never 255,255,255,255)
- "NoFTPproxy" [fullnameNoFTPproxy1,fullnameNoFTPproxy2,etc.]
- "NoHELO" Yes|No (Disable SMTP "HELO" protocol for your mail server)
- "NoProxy" [fullnameNoproxy1,fullnameNoproxy2,etc.]
- "Organization" [Any text you want]
- "POP3log" Yes|No
- "POP3password" [Your email Password]
- "POP3server" [Your incoming mailserver] (From your ISP)
- "POP3username" [Your email User Name]
- "PPPpassword" [Your PPP Password]
- "PPPusername" [Your PPP User Name]
- "PersonalName" [Your Real Name]
- "PhoneNumber" [ISP Phone Number]
- "Port" 0|1-4 (COM port #, 0 stands for non-standard Irq/Base)
- "PostScriptHeight" 0-??? (Printer output height mm.)
- "PostScriptWidth" 0-??? (Printer output width mm.)
- "PrintURL" [Action or URL for instant printing]
- "Profile" [Name.acf of your current Arachne.cfg]
- "QADT" Yes|No (Quick and Dirty table preview)
- "RefreshDelay" 0-??? (Seconds between screen refreshes while downloading)
- "ReplyString" [Text preceeding quote for e-mail reply] (See Note #3)
- "Response1" - "6" [Login response text] (Lines 1-4)
- "SMTPlog" Yes|No
- "SMTPserver" [Your outgoing mailserver] (From your ISP)
- "SavePasswords" Yes|No
- "ScreenMode" Auto|Smart|Nice
- "ScreenSaver" 0-32768 (Minutes. 0=disable)
- "ScreenSaverColors"[0|1] (Two color schemes)
- "ScreenSaverMess 0-20 (Number of objects)
- "ScreenSaverStyle" L|R|C (Lines|Rectangles|Circles)
- "ScrollBarSize" 0-20 (Width Pixels)
- "ScrollBarStyle" NextStep|Windows|Arachne|X
- "ScrollStep" 0-1000 (Scan lines/vertical pixels for smooth scrolling)
- "SearchPage" [URL] (Your favorite Search Engine)
- "ShiftF1" - "F10" [Any user defined Action/URL] (See AfterPOP3, SearchPage)
- "SignatureFile" [Filename containing email signature line(s)]
- "SmoothScroll" Yes|No (Requires virtual screens)
- "Speed" [DTE Rate] (Bits/Sec: 2-4x Modem baudrate: Max=115200)
- "TCPconfig" [Filename of WatTcp configuration]
- "TerminalWindow" [Terminal Program name + any operations] (Mime.cfg format)
- "Text" #[RRGGBB] (RRed,GGreen,BBlue = Hex Intensity for text)
- "TimeZone" +1200 to -1200 (Hours relative to GMT)
- "Toolbar" [Path+Filename] to your toolbar.cfg
- "UseCDescr" Yes|No (Add extra content description to mail attachments)
- "UseCID" Yes|No (Add extra content identifier to mail attachments)
- "UseFTPproxy" Yes|No
- "UseKeyMap" Yes|No
- "UseProxy" Yes|No
- "UseSignature" Yes|No
- "UseTerminal" Yes|No
- "VirtualScreen" 0-???? (Size in scanlines or vertical pixels. 0=disable)
- "VFAT" Yes|No (support links to long filenames in Win 9x DOS box)
- "WaitFor1" - "6" [Text expected requesting a login response] (Lines 1-4)
- "XMS4allgifs" 0-???? (kilobytes of XMS for animated GIFs. 0=disable)
- "XMS4onegif" 0-????? (max. bytes for one animated GIF)
- ****************************************************************************
- Note #1: iso-8859-1,iso-8859-2,cp-1251,cp-895,koi8-r,windows-1250,
- windows-1251,iso-8859-8,* (any) (lower case is preferred)
- Note #2: Sources for IP address:
- IP_Address n.n.n.n ... fixed IP address
- IP_Address PPP ... get address from PPP.LOG
- IP_Address BOOTP ... WatTcp attempts to use BOOTP protocol
- IP_Address %enviro% ... enviroment variable, like %MYIP%
- IP_Address WATTCP ... use values from TCPconfig (variable "my_ip")
- IP_Grab string ... text in PPP.LOG ("IP address set to")
- Note #3: [text]%s, %s[text] e.g. On (fills in date), (fills in name) wrote:
- Note #4: works only with registration key
- ****************************************************************************
- Coming Attractions:
- "NNTPserver" [Newsservername]
- "ICQaway" [Text explaining why you have set your status to away]
- "ICQonline" Yes|No|Away
- "ICQpassword" [your ICQ password]
- "ICQpath" [Path+Name] (to your icq message archive directory)
- "ICQuin" [ICQ unique number]
- "IRCserver" [InternetRelayChatserver]
- "IRCchannel" [#???]
- "IRCnick" [Your IRC nickname]
- "Embed" [Yes|No] (All embeded objects on/off)