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- DGI - Dos Gateway Interface
- ---------------------------
- xChaos software anounces new chance for developers of DOS applications - DGI.
- DGI can be described as component-oriented enviroment for DOS compatible
- operating system. Most of Arachne extensions are implemented as DGI
- components.
- Why DGI ?
- ---------
- Today, there are crowds of programers who know how to write simple
- command-line, text-mode applications in different programming
- languages, including DOS shell (*.BAT), Basic, C, Turbo Pascal, etc.
- But the common usage of window-oriented operating systems made it hard
- for these programmers to make their programs easy-to use for common users,
- who are expecting graphical interface.
- Fortunately, there appeared new, even easier communication standard
- than windows and pull-down menus - WWW pages.
- They are both easier to use and easier to create than windows
- applications, and it is possible to use also much more beautiful design.
- (Note: I'm speaking about windows based interfaces generaly, not about
- Microsoft (TM) Windows (TM), also known as "Windoze", or "Wir95").
- The application enviroment and word of explanation (help, manual) are
- perfectly integrated in WWW applications, based on CGI standard (Common
- Gateway Interface). CGI is thousand times more popular than Java, partly
- because all browsers support CGI forms, and partly because CGI scripts are
- in fact simple text-mode applications, which can be written
- in many different programming languages. 90% of simple PC applications
- do not require any real-time data input from user - user is simply
- asked to fill some form, for example values of A and B and desired
- operator, than the form has to be "submitted" and program then prints
- the output - it makes no difference if you use only plain text, or
- hypertedt markup language (HTML). You can use as simple commands as
- eg. PRINT "<H1>This is title</H1>" to create nice looking output.
- My idea is: you don't have to run CGI's on server - you can run it in DOS!
- If you want do distribute CD-ROM with default WWW browser, and if you want
- to use CGI scripts instead of Java or Javascript, you should try Arachne.
- New standard is called DGI (Dos Gateway Interface) instead of CGI (Common
- Gateway Interface). Just copy your scripts from server to your PC and
- run them ! (of course, the opposite process - developing of CGI in DOS
- enviroment is also possible. DOS debugging tools are often more user friendly
- than those running at Un*x command line...).
- All you need is browser supporting DGI calls - for example Arachne.
- What is DGI component ?
- -----------------------
- DGI must be DOS executable (it means even *.BAT !) able to read standard CGI
- query string from command line or from file specified as program argument
- and must be able to output HTML page to stdout or to file specified as
- program argument.
- DGI should work only with files and standart input/output; not with
- video memory, either in text or graphics mode. That's all. But even
- this offers interesting possibilities: DGI can access Arachne cache
- index file. DGI can for example write outgoing mail message to
- Arachne MAIL directory (file with extension *.TBS) and then return HTML
- page with message "Outgoing mail prepared" and button "Send now".
- This can be used for example to encrypt content of online forms using
- PGP.
- DGI is also more secure then Active X, because user must modify Arachne
- configuration file to install new DGI - after scanning it for viruses,
- etc.
- How to add DGI to Arachne ?
- ---------------------------
- Arachne uses configuration file MIME.CFG for configuring plugins and DGI
- components. Installation of new components to Arachne is very easy, if
- you learn to use Arachne Package manager - see files APM.HTM and APM.TXT
- for details. APM cares about updating MIME.CFG, WWWMAN.CFG and even
- ARACHNE.CFG, so you application progrmmers don't have to write their
- own setup utility.
- Line added in MIME.CFG can look for example like that:
- file/myapp.cgi >HTM|[200]c:\myapp\myapp.exe -q%s>%2
- Syntax of MIME.CFG up to [200] symbol is not important; it is included
- in the comments in MIME.CFG. The command line itself says: "Execute
- c:\myapp\myapp.exe with at least 200 kb of DOS memory free, post the
- CGI query string as an argument called -q and redirect output to file
- with extension HTM which will be displayed after finishing program.
- So the command assembled by Arachne can look for example like:
- c:\myapp\myapp.exe -qSEARCHFOR=SOME+WORDS&MODE=1>TMP.HTM
- How to add DGI to HTML pages ?
- ------------------------------
- It is clear, that the same HTML pages will be used on WWW server as
- well as for DGI components. So for calling DGI described in previous
- example use following <FORM> tag syntax:
- <FORM ACTION="myapp.cgi">
- After putting this page online, just create script "myapp.cgi" in the
- same directory as the page is located and make it do the same job as
- prgram myapp.exe. When accessing online pages, any browser will be
- able to access this script. When accessing offline pages with Arachne,
- DGI component will be executed instead.
- Ok, but I am not interested in DOS - what next ?
- ------------------------------------------------
- DGI components are in fact only the earliest version of new, revolution
- technology, based on component oriented programming. xChaos software
- is researching new powerful component based technology - Virtual File
- System. It will be easy, user and programmer friendly way to make
- any system or network resource available for any application. Target
- platform for this technology is Linux operating system.