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- Copyright (c) 1994 by K.H. Weiss All rights reserved. Revision 3/9/94
- Written by:
- K.H. Weiss Internet: <khweis1@mvmhp.ciw.uni-karlsruhe.de>
- Eulenweg 2 Phone : (49)-721-608-2418
- 76536 Weingarten (49)-7244-1792
- Germany
- comtool
- -------
- This is a new version of my comtool program. This version has
- hardwarehandshake built in. The local buffer is increased
- to 1kB now. This fixed the problems with lost characters
- when using 57600bps or 115.200bps under windows. I added a
- new command wich allows you to enable/disable the fifo if
- you have a serial port with a 16550 uart (^Fn)
- I wrote 'comtool' because I needed a small program for testing and
- commanding my serial ports and my modem. I use it for example to clear
- the uart, set the baudrate and the control-lines of my modem or send some
- 'AT'- command sequences with it. You can even use it as a simple terminal
- programm. (hint: install an ANSI-driver, nnansi is a good one).
- You may invoke comtool either by defining portadress and hardware interrupt
- or by writing only the number of comport (using a 'standard'-port)
- comtool <Port-address> <irq> <Commands> or
- comtool <number_of_ComPort> <Commands>
- Each command begins with a 'caret' like this one ^. If there is no caret,
- the following text will be send 'as is'.
- Some Commands:
- ^fn Enable/disable Fifo (if you have a 16550 uart). The hexadecimal
- value n is written to the FCR (baseaddress + 2).
- n=0 disable fifo
- n=1 enable fifo, triggerlevel is 1
- n=41 triggerlevel is 4
- n=81 triggerlevel is 8
- n=c1 triggerlevel is 14
- ^tn wait n/10 seconds
- ^cr send cr-character
- ^lf send lf-character
- ^sp send space-character
- ^^ send 'caret'
- ^d1 set dtr on
- ^d0 set dtr off
- ^h hangup
- ^bn set baudrate, n=0 115200
- n=1 57600
- n=2 38400
- n=3 19200
- n=4 9600
- n=5 4800
- n=6 2400
- n=7 1200
- ^kn send break-character, duration is n/10 seconds
- ^CDn wait n/10 seconds for carrier-detect-signal. Set errorlevel 8 if
- time over or user breaked, otherwise set errorlevel to 4
- ^wn string1 string2 string3
- wait n/10 seconds for string1 (or 2 or 3), set the errorlevel
- to 1, 2 or 3 if found or 8 if user breaked or time was over
- ^0n send character with asci-value n. n is a hexadecimal expression < 256
- Special keys:
- Alt-H Hangup the modem (may not work on all modems)
- Alt-E Exit comtool (may not work with all keyboards)
- Ctrl-Break (or Ctrl-C) Breaks comtool (if Alt-E does'nt work)
- new in comtool:
- Alt-S Stops/Resumes transfer of data. The RTS handshakesignal is toggled.
- (The modem must be programmed for hardwarehandshake of course)
- Don't use the '<' - characters on commandline, because this is
- used for redirection. That means: you can create a comandfile with
- one or more comandlines in it and redirect this to comlog with '< cmdfile'
- on the commandline.
- If the last charcter on the commandline is NOT a caret, then you are in the
- terminal-mode. You can type AT-sequences, connect to a site with 'atdt ...'
- or do whatever you want. You leave this mode with Alt-E and if this doesn't
- work (a keyboard-problem, one day I'll fix it ;-), then try Ctrl-C or
- Ctrl-Break. If the last Character was a caret, then the programm returns to
- DOS automatically. You can recall this programm whenever you want:
- All Interrupts and the uart-state are restored carefully. You may shellout
- from an other communication-application, start comlog, do something with it
- and return to your application without any effect on your application.
- It work's even with windows ...
- Errorlevel
- ----------
- The bit relevant errorlevel delivered by 'COMTOOL', means:
- 8 comtool breaked (ctrl-c, alt-e...)
- 4 carrier detected by the ^CD- command
- 1,2 or 3 one of three strings in datastream detected (^W -command)
- example for an autodial batch (comport 1 used):
- @echo off
- :rep
- COMTOOL 1 ^B2 +++ ^T6 atZ ^CR atdp072441792 ^CR ^W600 CONNECT BUSY NO^
- if errorlevel 8 goto ende
- if errorlevel 3 goto ende
- if errorlevel 2 goto rep
- if errorlevel 1 goto termi
- goto rep
- :termi
- :ende
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- **********************************************************************
- * This program executable, help file, and related text files may be *
- * distributed freely and used without fee by any individual for *
- * non-commercial use. This version of COMTOOL may NOT be *
- * distributed as part of any commercial package. *
- * *
- **********************************************************************
- Report bugs and comments to khweis1@mvmhp.ciw.uni-karlsruhe.de
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------