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- Arachne RAMDISK (and memory use) Howto Revised 01/01/14
- Written by Clarence Verge
- The most likely reason to consider running Arachne on a RAMDISK (RD)
- is to improve running speed. Another possible reason could be to run
- a portable install without accessing the Hard Disk.
- This Howto will focus on the need for speed.
- You must have a MINIMUM of 4Mb total ram to consider the use of an
- RD for Arachne to be a viable option.
- Memory must be divided between:
- 1) The first meg. You need this for DOS and any drivers you load high.
- 2) Your HD cache. The HD will be required for normal operations and
- to load to, and save from, the RD.
- 3) Free XMS. Arachne needs XMS memory to work properly.
- 4) The Ramdisk itself.
- PART 1 - MAKING the ramdisk
- Regardless of other considerations, the first thing needed is a way
- to make the RD and the necessary RD install instructions.
- If you use MSDOS or Windows, you probably already have RAMDRIVE.SYS.
- An alternative shipped with other OSs may be VDISK.SYS (Virtual Disk)
- Both of the above must be installed via config.sys and cannot be
- re-sized or removed.
- A candidate for command line install and removal is:
- ftp://ftp.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet/msdos/ramdisk/fu_rd19i.zip
- Other freeware RD drivers claim to be faster than the standard RDs.
- This excerpt from documentation for TDSK (Turbodsk) says it all:
- (WINDOWS 3.1) (DR-DOS 6.0) v2.1
- Maximum size 32 Mb 32 Mb 64 Mb
- Conventional memory support Yes Yes Yes
- EMS support Yes Yes Yes
- Extended memory driven by INT 15h: No Yes No
- XMS memory support Yes No Yes
- Files in root directory 4-1024 4-512 1-65534
- Sector size supported 128-1024 128-512 32-2048
- Dynamic memory allocation No No Yes
- Programmable cluster size No No Yes
- 32-bit bus used with 386 and 486: No No Yes
- Conventional mem. used MS-DOS 5.0: 1184-1232 2096-2608 432-608
- MS-DOS 5.0 Data transfer rate (Kb/sec)
- Sectors are 512 bytes type.
- 386-25 MHz (no cache) RD in XMS: 17105 6838 17095
- 486-25 MHz (8Kb cache) RD in XMS: 10278 7370 10278
- TDISK.zip is available at:
- ftp://ftp.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet/msdos/ramdisk/tdsk21.zip
- Usually, older and slower computers don't have as much ram as we might
- desire. Sometimes no more can be added. We must be selective in not
- only WHAT we put on the RD, but even how MANY files and/or directories
- we use, because a single directory entry or a file with only one byte
- in it takes up a FULL cluster. So programmable cluster size is good.
- *
- To create an RD with Ramdrive.sys, place a line similar to this in
- your config.sys file near the top, but after the line that specifies
- your expanded memory manager:
- device=DRV:\PATH\Ramdrive.sys 1024 512 512 /e
- The first number is the size in kb allocated to the ramdisk an is the
- minimum suggested if you only have 4Mb total unless you COMPRESS it.
- The remaining 2048k can be split between HD cache and free XMS.
- You should have about 15 buffers assigned. Too many will slow down
- the RD response.
- The second number is the sector size. Changing this can't help unless
- cluster size is also programmable to reduce total empty space wasted
- by very small files.
- The third number is the number of directory entries permitted in the
- root. A value of 512 will permit placing the main Arachne dir at root
- level, thus shortening the paths for some commands.
- There has been a problem with long path names in the past.
- The last item specifies that the ramdisk be placed in extended memory.
- That's the only useful way to go !
- *
- The syntax for VDISK is almost identical but some VDISKs use a very
- different way to claim XMS memory. These must be loaded BEFORE the
- memory manager and the manager only uses what remains.
- The parameter /e:n is used to specify placing the Vdisk in extended
- memory and the :n specifies the number of sectors (1-8) to transfer
- as a block.
- PART 2 - LOADING the ramdisk
- If you have less than 4Megs TOTAL ram, maybe only 2Megs, Arachne was
- designed to make use of a small TEMP dir on a ramdisk to make your
- Arachne install run faster. Create a ramdisk of at least 384kb, copy
- command.com to the ROOT of that RD and make a subdirectory on it
- called \TEMP. Place these lines in the batch file that calls Arachne:
- where RD: is the name of your ramdrive.
- Install Arachne on your HD and in Arachne.cfg specify: Cache2TEMP Yes
- This technique is also useful to make a fast computer even faster when
- the complete Arachne install stays on HD. You should set your comspec
- back to C:\ if you want to shutdown your ramdisk.
- *
- With a supersize RD, (6Megs) you can make the initial install directly
- to the ramdisk; but FIRST, create RD:\ARACHNE and RD:\ARACHNE\TEMP and
- put a copy of command.com in RD:\ARACHNE. Do the install with the
- source file on hard disk or floppy, NOT on the ramdisk.
- Temporarily, SET ARACHNETEMP=RD:\ARACHNE\TEMP - this will change.
- Get Arachne working properly and then exit.
- In Arachne.cfg set the following:
- Cache2TEMP Yes
- Delete RD:\ARACHNE\cache.idx, history.lst, *.tmp and the contents
- On the HD make an ARACHNE directory and a DOWNLOAD subdirectory.
- Copy Hotlist.HTM and Cookies.LST from RD to HD:\ARACHNE.
- Delete the copies on the Ramdisk.
- Xcopy RD:\ARACHNE\MAIL\*.* HD:\ARACHNE\ /s /e.
- Now, from the ARACHNE directory of the ramdisk execute the line:
- PKZIP -rp HD:\ARACHNE\ARCN1Nn.ZIP .\*.* (Replace 1Nn with version #)
- This will place a complete and hopefully working copy of your install
- in the ARACHNE dir of the HD.
- When you re-start, you will be starting with empty cache, no history.
- If the cache is on RD there is no need to have Cache2TEMP Yes except
- it will improve mail performance when the mail directory is on the HD.
- Here is a batch file to load Arachne to RD and start her. If you exit
- and re-start, the Cache contents and history for the day will persist.
- SPIDER.bat (sometimes called simply A.bat)
- @Echo off
- If not "%ARACHNETEMP%"=="" goto RERUN
- RD:
- Call Arachne
- HD:
- All cookies, download, and mail transactions will be made to the HD.
- The ramdisk and it's contents can just evaporate when you're finished.
- *
- In the above scenario, changes made to your configuration while
- running will not be saved. If this is not suitable, do the following:
- Prior to the initial zipup copy ARACHNE.cfg and ARACHNE.pck to HD and
- delete the RD copies. If you expect to create or change .ACFs, do the
- same to *.ACF. Add these lines to SPIDER.bat just before :RERUN.
- Copy >nul HD:\ARACHNE\ARACHNE.* RD:\
- Copy >nul HD:\ARACHNE\*.acf RD:\
- and just after Call Arachne add:
- Copy >nul RD:\*.acf HD:\ARACHNE
- *
- All the RD installs follow the same basic procedure. As you move to
- smaller RDs (less than 4.5Mb) you will have to begin deleting unused
- or seldom used files on the RD and then move functions to the HD.
- Since the Wizards only get used for setup, they will go first.
- In the \SYSTEM\GUI\ subdir, delete WIZ*.*.
- In \SYSTEM\DGI\ delete Wizard.exe.
- Deltree \SYSTEM\PKTDRVRS and \SYSTEM\APM.DB subdirectories.
- Then, for more space, delete all background .GIFs and *.ACF.
- Copy Arachne.cfg to the .ACF name found under it's [Profile] heading.
- If you still have less than 1Meg free on the RD with empty cache then
- the cache dir must be moved to HD. Make this change to ARACHNE.cfg:
- Then Xcopy RD:\CACHE\*.* HD:\ARACHNE\ /s /e and Deltree RD:\CACHE.
- Copy RD:\CACHE.idx to HD:\ARACHNE
- Add this to SPIDER.bat just before :RERUN
- Copy >nul HD:\ARACHNE\CACHE.idx RD:\
- and just after Call Arachne add:
- Copy >nul RD:\CACHE.idx HD:\ARACHNE
- *
- Ramdisk too small for even the initial install ? Difficult !!
- If you still want to try a Ramdisk, these instructions should help,
- but you will need at least 4Mb total memory for a 2152kb ramdisk and
- you will have to COMPRESS it with Stacker or Doublespace and allocate
- only 340k to disk cache leaving 576k for XMS.
- Do an initial install to HD:\ARACHNE. Zip it up into a different
- directory. (<--Important) PKZIP -rp HD:\DUMMY\ARCN1Nn.ZIP .\*.*
- Delete EVERYTHING mentioned above, including: deltree .\MAIL,
- and .\CACHE, .\DOWNLOAD, .\DOC, and .\EXAMPLES.
- Delete .\*.txt. Examine the remainder for anything you are SURE
- you don't need and delete it. Xcopy what remains to an RD that
- already has COMMAND.COM on it and nothing else - including no dirs.
- The command is: Xcopy HD:\ARACHNE\*.* RD:\ /s /e
- Check the space available. It will be used for TEMP. It should be
- greater than 384k - preferably greater than 500k. If you have the
- minimum, manually edit ARACHNE.cfg to this state:
- [system]
- History .\HISTORY.LST
- CacheIndex .\CACHE.IDX
- Cache2TEMP Yes
- [auto-added]
- POP3log No
- SMTPlog No
- KeepHTT No
- CacheFonts Yes
- XMS4allGIFs 0
- XMS4oneGIF 0
- MinDiskSpace 128
- Then in the directory HD:\ARACHNE, do deltree .\*.* and
- from the ROOT directory of the ramdisk execute the line:
- This will place a compressed copy of your distilled install in
- the ARACHNE dir of the HD.
- Finally, referring to the directory containing the INITIAL install,
- PKunzip -d HD:\DUMMY\ARCN1Nn.ZIP HD:\ARACHNE . This makes the deleted
- document files available to you by surfing the HD.
- Create the first SPIDER.bat shown above, but just before :RERUN add:
- Copy >nul HD:\ARACHNE\ARACHNE.cfg RD:\
- Copy >nul HD:\ARACHNE\*.pck RD:\
- and just after Call Arachne add:
- Copy >nul RD:\ARACHNE.cfg HD:\ARACHNE
- Copy >nul RD:\*.pck HD:\ARACHNE
- Type SPIDER and if we didn't miss anything, you are off to the races!