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- README.txt for Tux Paint
- Tux Paint - A simple drawing program for children.
- Copyright 2002 by Bill Kendrick
- bill@newbreedsoftware.com
- http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/tuxpaint/
- June 14, 2002 - September 25, 2002
- About:
- ------
- Tux Paint is a drawing program for young children. (Say, 3-10 years old.)
- It is mainly being developed to fill an educational/edutainment need
- for the Open Source "Linux" operating system, but is compatible with
- many other platforms, including Windows, MacOS, BeOS, other Unix variants,
- etc.
- License:
- --------
- Tux Paint an Open Source project, released under the
- GNU General Public License (GPL). It is free, and the 'source code'
- behind the program is available. (This allows others to add features,
- fix bugs, and use parts of the program in their own GPL'd Open Source
- software.)
- See COPYING.txt for the full text of the GPL license.
- Objectives:
- -----------
- Easy and Fun
- ------------
- Tux Paint is meant to be a simple drawing program for young children.
- It is not meant as a general-purpose drawing tool. It IS meant to be
- fun and easy to use. Sound effects and a cartoon character help let
- the user know what's going on, and keeps them entertained.
- There are also extra-large cartoon-style mouse pointer shapes.
- Extensibility
- -------------
- Tux Paint is extensible. Brushes and "rubber stamp" shapes can be
- dropped in and pulled out. For example, a teacher can drop in a
- collection of animal shapes and ask their students to draw an
- ecosystem. Each shape can have a sound which is played, and
- textual facts which are displayed, when the child selects the shape.
- Portability
- -----------
- Tux Paint is portable among various computer platforms:
- Windows, Macintosh, Linux, etc. The interface looks the same among
- them all. Tux Paint runs suitably well on older systems (like a
- Pentium 133), and can be built to run better on slow systems.
- Simplicity
- ----------
- There is no direct access to the computer's underlying intricacies.
- The current image is kept when the program quits, and reappears when
- it is restarted. Saving images requires no need to create filenames
- or use the keyboard. Opening an image is done by selecting it from
- a collection of thumbnails.
- Other Documentation
- -------------------
- Other documentation included with Tux Paint (in the "docs" folder/directory)
- include:
- AUTHORS.txt - List of authors and contributors
- CHANGES.txt - Summary of changed between releases
- COPYING.txt - Copying license (The GPL)
- INSTALL.txt - Instructions for compiling/installing, when applicable
- PNG.txt - Notes on creating PNG format images for use in Tux Paint
- README.txt - (This file)
- TODO.txt - A list of pending features or bugs needing fixed
- Using Tux Paint
- ---------------
- Building Tux Paint
- ------------------
- To compile Tux Paint from source, please refer to INSTALL.txt.
- Loading Tux Paint
- -----------------
- Linux/Unix Users
- ----------------
- Run the following command at a shell prompt (e.g., "$"):
- $ tuxpaint
- It is also possible to make a launcher button or icon
- (e.g. in GNOME or KDE). See your desktop environment's
- documentation for details...
- If any errors occur, they will be displayed on the terminal
- (to "stderr").
- Windows Users
- -------------
- Simply double-click the "tuxpaint.exe" icon in the Tux Paint
- folder.
- If any errors occur, they will be stored in a file named
- "stderr.txt" in the Tux Paint folder.
- See "INSTALL.txt" for details on making a 'Shortcut' icon to Tux Paint,
- which lets you easily set command-line options.
- To run Tux Paint and provide command-line options directly, you will
- need to run "tuxpaint.exe" from an MSDOS Prompt window.
- (See "INSTALL.txt" for details.)
- Macintosh Users
- ---------------
- Simply double-click the "Tux Paint" icon in the Tux Paint
- folder.
- [ how to issue comamnd-line options under MacOS? Option-double-click? ]
- Options
- -------
- Configuration File
- ------------------
- You can create a simple configuration file for Tux Paint, which it
- will read each time you start it up.
- The file is simply a plain text file containing the options
- you want enabled:
- fullscreen=yes
- --------------
- Run the program in full screen mode, rather than in a window.
- nosound=yes
- -----------
- Disable sound effects.
- noquit=yes
- ----------
- Disable the on-screen "Quit" button.
- (Pressing the "Escape" key or clicking the window close button
- still works.
- noprint=yes
- -----------
- Disable the printing feature.
- printdelay=SECONDS
- ------------------
- Restrict printing so that printing can occur only once every
- SECONDS seconds.
- printcommand=COMMAND
- --------------------
- Use the command COMMAND to print a PNG file.
- If not set, the default command is:
- pngtopnm | pnmtops | lpr
- Which converts the PNG to a NetPBM 'portable anymap',
- then converts that to a PostScript file, and finally
- sends that to the printer, using the "lpr" command.
- simpleshapes=yes
- ----------------
- Disable rotation mode in shape tool. Click, drag, release is
- all that's needed to draw a shape.
- uppercase=yes
- -------------
- All text will be rendered only in uppercase (e.g., "Brush" will
- be "BRUSH"). Useful for children who can read, but who have only
- learned uppercase letters so far.
- grab=yes
- --------
- Tux Paint will attempt to 'grab' the mouse and keyboard, so that
- the mouse is confined to Tux Paint's window, and nearly all keyboard
- input is passed directly to it. This is useful to disable
- operating system actions that could get the user out of Tux Paint
- [Alt]-[Tab] window cycling, [Ctrl]-[Escape], etc. Especially
- useful in fullscreen mode.
- nowheelmouse=yes
- ----------------
- This disables support for the wheel on mice that have it.
- (Normally, the wheel will scroll the selector menu on the right.)
- saveover=yes
- ------------
- This disables the "Save over the old version...?" prompt when
- saving an existing file. With this option, the older version
- will always be replaced by the new version, automatically.
- saveover=new
- ------------
- This also disables the "Save over the old version...?" prompt
- when saving an existing file. This option, however, will always
- save a new file, rather than overwrite the older version.
- saveover=ask
- ------------
- (This option is redundant, since this is the default.)
- When saving an existing drawing, you will be first asked whether
- to save over the older version or not.
- Linux Users
- -----------
- The file you should create is called ".tuxpaintrc" and it
- should be placed in your home directory.
- (a.k.a. "~/.tuxpaintrc" or "$HOME/.tuxpaintrc")
- Windows Users
- -------------
- The file you should create is called "tuxpaint.cfg" and it
- should be placed in Tux Paint's folder.
- Command-Line Options
- --------------------
- Options can also be issued on the command-line when you start Tux Paint.
- --fullscreen
- --nosound
- --noquit
- --noprint
- --printdelay=SECONDS
- --simpleshapes
- --uppercase
- --grab
- --nowheelmouse
- --saveover
- --saveovernew
- -----------
- These enable the options described above.
- --windowed
- --sound
- --quit
- --print
- --printdelay=0
- --complexshapes
- --mixedcase
- --dontgrab
- --wheelmouse
- --saveoverask
- -----------
- These options can be used to override any settings made in
- the configuration file. (If the option isn't set in the
- configuration file, no overriding option is necessary.)
- --lang language
- ---------------
- Run Tux Paint in one of the supported languages.
- Choices available currently include:
- english
- bokmal
- danish dansk
- dutch
- finnish suomi
- french francais
- german deutsch
- italian italiano
- norwegian nynorsk
- spanish espanol
- swedish svenska
- turkish
- --locale locale
- ---------------
- Run Tux Paint in one of the support languages.
- See "Choosing a Different Language" below for the
- locale strings (e.g., "de_DE@euro" for German) to use.
- (If your locale is already set, e.g. with the
- "LANG" environment variable, this option is not necessary,
- since Tux Paint honors your environment's setting, if possible.)
- Command-Line Info. Options
- --------------------------
- The following options display some informative text on the screen.
- Tux Paint doesn't actually start up and run afterwards, however.
- --version
- ---------
- Display the version number and date of the copy of Tux Paint
- you are running.
- --copying
- ---------
- Show brief license information about copying Tux Paint.
- --usage
- -------
- Display the list of available command-line options.
- --help
- ------
- Display brief help on using Tux Paint.
- Choosing a Different Language
- -----------------------------
- Tux Paint has been translated into a number of languages.
- To access the translations, you can use the "--lang" option on
- the command-line to set the language (e.g. "--lang spanish").
- Tux Paint also honors your environment's current locale.
- (You can override it on the command-line using the "--locale" option
- (see above))
- The following are supported:
- da_DK - Danish
- de_DE@euro - Deutsch / German
- es_ES@euro - Espanol / Spanish
- fi_FI@euro - Suomi / Finnish
- fr_FR@euro - Francais / French
- is_IS - Islenska / Icelandic
- it_IT@euro - Italiano / Italian
- nb_NO - Norsk (bokmal) / Norwegian Bokmal
- nn_NO - Norsk (nynorsk) / Norwegian Nynorsk
- nl_NL@euro - Dutch
- sv_SE@euro - Svenska / Swedish
- tr_TR@euro - Turkish
- Setting Your Environment's Locale
- ---------------------------------
- Changing your locale will affect much of your environment.
- As stated above, along with letting you choose the language at
- runtime using command-line options ("--lang" and "--locale"),
- Tux Paint honors the global locale setting in your environment.
- If you haven't already set your environment's locale, the following
- will briefly explain how:
- Linux/Unix Users
- ----------------
- First, be sure the locale you want to use is enabled by
- editing the file "/etc/locale.gen" on your system and
- then running the program "locale-gen" as root.
- Note: Debian users may be able to simply run the command
- "dpkg-reconfigure locales".
- Then, before running Tux Paint, set your "LANG" environment
- variable to one of the locales listed above. (If you want all
- programs that can be translated to be, you may wish to place
- the following in your login script; e.g. ~/.profile,
- ~/.bashrc, ~/.cshrc, etc.)
- For example, in a Bourne Shell (like BASH):
- export LANG=es_ES@euro ; tuxpaint
- And in a C Shell (like TCSH):
- setenv LANG es_ES@euro ; tuxpaint
- Windows Users
- -------------
- TuxPaint will recoginse the current locale and use the appropriate
- files by default. So this section is only for people trying different
- languages.
- The simplest thing to do is to use the '--lang' switch in the
- shortcut (see "INSTALL.txt"). However, by using an MSDOS Prompt
- window, it is also possible to issue a command like this:
- set LANG=es_ES@euro
- ...which will set the language for the lifetime of that DOS window.
- For something more permanent, try editing your computer's
- 'autoexec.bat' file using Windows' "sysedit" tool:
- Windows 95/98:
- --------------
- 1) Click on the 'Start' button, and select 'Run...'.
- 2) Type "sysedit" into the 'Open:' box (with or without quotes).
- 3) Click 'OK'.
- 4) Locate the AUTOEXEC.BAT window in the System Configuration Editor.
- 5) Add the following at the bottom of the file:
- set LANG=es_ES@euro
- 6) Close the System Configuration Editor, answering yes to save
- the changes.
- 7) Restart your machine.
- To affect the ENTIRE MACHINE, and ALL APPLICATIONS, it is possible to
- use the "Regional Settings" control panel:
- 1) Click on the 'Start' button, and select 'Settings|Control PAnel'.
- 2) Double click on the "Regional Settings" globe.
- 3) Select a language/region from the drop down list.
- 4) Click 'OK'.
- 5) Restart your machine when prompted.
- Title Screen
- ------------
- When Tux Paint first loads, a title/credits screen will appear.
- Once loading is complete, press a key or click on the mouse to continue.
- Main Screen
- -----------
- The main screen is divided into the following sections:
- Left Side: Toolbar
- ------------------
- The toolbar contains the drawing and editing controls.
- Middle: Drawing Canvas
- ----------------------
- The largest part of the screen, in the center, is the drawing
- canvas. This is, obviously, where you draw!
- Right Side: Selector
- --------------------
- Depending on the current tool, the selector shows different
- things. e.g., when the Paint Brush is selected, it shows
- the various brushes available. When the Rubber Stamp is selected,
- it shows the different shapes you can use.
- Lower: Colors
- -------------
- A palette of available colors are shown near the bottom of the
- screen.
- Bottom: Help Area
- -----------------
- At the very bottom of the screen, Tux, the Linux Penguin,
- provides tips and other information while you draw.
- Available Tools
- ---------------
- Drawing Tools
- -------------
- Paint Brush
- -----------
- The Paint Brush tool lets you draw freehand, using various
- brushes (chosen in the Selector on the right) and colors
- (chosen in the Color palette towards the bottom).
- If you hold the mouse button down, and move the mouse, it will
- draw as you move.
- As you draw, a sound is played. The bigger the brush, the
- lower the pitch.
- Stamp (Rubber Stamp)
- --------------------
- The Stamp tool is like a rubber stamp, or stickers. It lets you
- paste pre-drawn images (like a picture of a horse, or a tree, or
- the moon) in your picture.
- As you move the mouse around, a rectangular outline follows the
- mouse, showing where the stamp will be placed.
- Different stamps can have different sound effects.
- Lines
- -----
- This tool lets you draw straight lines using the various
- brushes and colors you normally use with the Paint Brush.
- Click the mouse and hold it to choose the starting point of the
- line. As you move the mouse around, a thin 'rubber-band' line
- will show where the line will be drawn.
- Let go of the mouse to complete the line. A "sproing!" sound will
- play.
- Shapes
- ------
- This tool lets you draw some simple filled, and un-filled shapes.
- Select a shape from the selector on the right (circle, square,
- oval, etc.).
- In the canvas, click the mouse and hold it to stretch the shape
- out from where you clicked. Some shapes can change proportion
- (e.g., rectangle and oval), others cannot (e.g., square and circle).
- Let go of the mouse when you're done stretching.
- Normal Mode
- -----------
- Now you can move the mouse around the canvas to rotate the shape.
- Click the mouse button again and the shape will be drawn in the
- current color.
- Simple Shapes Mode
- ------------------
- If simple shapes are enabled ("--simpleshapes" option),
- the shape will be drawn on the canvas when you let go of the
- mouse button. (There's no rotation step.)
- Text
- ----
- Choose a font and a color. Click on the screen and a cursor will
- appear. Type text and it will show up on the screen.
- Push [Enter] or [Return] and the text will be drawn onto the picture
- and the cursor will move down one line.
- Click elsewhere in the picture and the text will move there.
- Magic (Special Effects)
- -----------------------
- The magic tool is actually a set of special tools. Select one of
- the "magic" effects from the selector on the right, and then
- click and drag around the picture to apply the effect.
- Mirror
- ------
- When you click the mouse in your picture with the "Mirror"
- magic effect selected, the entire image will be reversed,
- turning it into a mirror image.
- Flip
- ----
- Similar to "Mirror." Click and the entire image will be turned
- upside-down.
- Blur
- ----
- This makes the picture fuzzy wherever you drag the mouse.
- Blocks
- ------
- This makes the picture blocky looking ("pixelated") wherever
- you drag the mouse.
- Negative
- --------
- This inverts the colors wherever you drag the mouse.
- (e.g., white becomes black, and vice versa.)
- Fade
- ----
- This fades the colors wherever you drag the mouse.
- (Do it to the same spot many times, and it will eventually become
- white.)
- Rainbow
- -------
- This is similar to the paint brush, but as you move the mouse
- around, it goes through all of the colors in the rainbow.
- Sparkles
- --------
- This draws glowing yellow sparkles on the picture.
- Chalk
- -----
- This makes parts of the picture (where you move the mouse)
- look like a chalk drawing.
- Drip
- ----
- This makes the paint "drip" wherever you move the mouse.
- Thick
- -----
- This makes the darker colors in the picture become thicker
- wherever you drag the mouse.
- Thin
- ----
- Similar to "Thick," except dark colors become thinner
- (light colors become thicker).
- Fill
- ----
- This floods the picture with a color. It lets you quickly
- fill parts of the picture, as if it were a coloring book.
- Eraser
- ------
- This tool is similar to the Paint Brush. Wherever you click
- (or click and drag), the picture will be erased to white.
- As you move the mouse around, a very large square outline follows
- the pointer, showing what part of the picture will be erased to white.
- As you erase, a "squeaky clean" eraser/wiping sound is played.
- Other Controls
- --------------
- Undo
- ----
- Clicking this tool will undo the last drawing action. You can
- undo more than once.
- Note: You can also press [Control]-[Z] on the keyboard.
- Redo
- ----
- Clicking this tool will redo the drawing action you just "undid."
- As long as you don't draw again, you can redo as many times as you
- had "undone."
- Note: You can also press [Control]-[R] on the keyboard.
- New
- ----
- Clicking the "New" button will start a new drawing.
- You will first be asked whether you really want to do this.
- Note: You can also press [Control]-[N] on the keyboard.
- Open
- ----
- This shows you a list of all of the pictures you've saved.
- If there are more than can fit on the screen, use the "Up"
- and "Down" arrows at the top and bottom of the list to scroll
- through the list of pictures.
- Click a picture to select it, then...
- * Click the green "Open" button at the lower left of the list to
- load the selected picture.
- Alternatively, you can double-click the picture's icon
- (within 1 second) to load it.
- * Click the brown "Erase" (trash can) button at the lower right of the
- list to erase the selected picture. (You will be asked to confirm.)
- * Or click the red "Back" arrow button at the lower right of the list
- to cancel and return to the picture you were drawing.
- If choose to open a picture, and your current drawing hasn't been
- saved, you will be prompted as to whether you want to save it or not.
- (See "Save," below.)
- Note: You can also press [Control]-[O] on the keyboard to get the
- 'Open' dialog.
- Save
- ----
- This saves your current picture.
- If you haven't saved it before, it will create a new entry in
- the list of saved images. (i.e., it will create a new file)
- Note: It won't ask you anything (e.g., for a filename).
- It will simply save the picture, and play a "camera shutter" sound
- effect.
- If you HAVE saved the picture before, or this is a picture you
- just loaded using the "Open" command, you will first be asked
- whether you want to save over the old version, or create a new
- entry (a new file).
- Note: You can also press [Control]-[S] on the keyboard.
- Print
- -----
- [ Note: Printing only works under Linux and Unix at the moment,
- and requires the NetPBM tools. See docs/INSTALL.txt ]
- Click this button and your picture will be printed!
- Disabling Printing
- ------------------
- If the "noprint" option was set (either with "noprint=yes" in
- Tux Paint's configuration file, or using "--noprint" on the
- command-line), the "Print" button will be disabled.
- See the "Options" section above.
- Restricting Printing
- --------------------
- If the "printdelay" option was used (either with
- "printdelay=SECONDS" in the configuration file, or using
- "--printdelay=SECONDS" on the command-line), you can only print
- once every SECONDS seconds.
- For example, if "printdelay=60", you can print only once a minute.
- See the "Options" section above.
- Other Printing Options
- ----------------------
- The command used to print is actually a set of commands that
- convert a PNG to a PostScript and send it to the printer:
- pngtopnm | pnmtops | lpr
- This command can be changed by setting the "printcommand" value
- in Tux Paint's configuration file.
- See the "Options" section above.
- Quit
- ----
- Clicking the "Quit" button, closing the Tux Paint window, or
- pushing the "Escape" key will quit Tux Paint.
- NOTE: The "Quit" button can be disabled (with the "--noquit"
- command-line option), but the "Escape" key will still work.
- You will first be prompted as to whether you really want to quit.
- If you choose to quit, and you haven't saved the current picture,
- you will first be asked if wish to save it. If it's not a new image,
- you will then be asked if you want to save over the old version,
- or create a new entry. (See "Save" above.)
- NOTE: If the image is saved, it will be reloaded automatically
- the next time you run Tux Paint!
- Loading Other Pictures into Tux Paint
- -------------------------------------
- Since Tux Paint's 'Open' dialog only displays pictures you created with
- Tux Paint, what if you want to load some other picture or photograph
- into Tux Paint to edit?
- To do so, you simply need to convert the picture into
- a PNG (Portable Network Graphic) image file, and place it in Tux Paint's
- "saved" directory. ("~/.tuxpaint/saved/" under Linux and Unix,
- "userdata\saved\" under Windows.)
- Using 'tuxpaint-import'
- -----------------------
- Linux and Unix users can use the "tuxpaint-import" shell script which
- gets installed when you install Tux Paint. It uses some NetPBM tools
- to convert the image ("anytopnm"), resize it so that it will fit in
- Tux Paint's canvas ("pnmscale"), and convert it to a PNG ("pnmtopng").
- It also uses "date" to get the current time and date, which is the
- filenaming convention Tux Paint uses for saved files. (Remember, you
- are never asked for a 'filename' when you go to Save or Open pictures!)
- To use 'tuxpaint-import', simply run the command from a command-line prompt
- and provide it the name(s) of the file(s) you wish to convert.
- They will be converted and placed in your Tux Paint 'saved' directory.
- (Note: If you're doing this for a different user - e.g., your child,
- you'll need to make sure to run the command under their account.)
- Example:
- $ tuxpaint-import grandma.jpg
- grandma.jpg -> /home/username/.tuxpaint/saved/20020921123456.png
- jpegtopnm: WRITING A PPM FILE
- The first line ("tuxpaint-import grandma.jpg") is the command to run.
- The following two lines are output from the program while it's working.
- Now you can load Tux Paint, and a version of that original picture will
- be available under the 'Open' dialog. Just double-click its icon!
- Doing it Manually
- -----------------
- Windows users must currently do the conversion manually.
- Load a graphics program that is capable of both loading your picture
- and saving a PNG format file. (See "PNG.txt" for a list of suggested
- software.)
- Reduce the size of the image to no wider than 448 pixels across and
- no taller than 376 pixels tall. (e.g., maximum size is 448 x 376 pixels)
- Save the picture in PNG format. It is HIGHLY recommended that you
- name the filename using the current date and time, since that's
- the convention Tux Paint uses:
- YYYYMMDDhhmmss
- e.g.:
- 20020921130500 - for September 21, 2002, 1:05:00pm
- Place this PNG file in your Tux Paint 'saved' directory. (See above.)
- Under Windows, this is in the "userdata" folder.
- Extending Tux Paint
- -------------------
- If you wish to add or change things like Brushes and Rubber Stamps
- used by Tux Paint, you can do it fairly easily by simply putting
- or removing files on your hard disk.
- Note: You'll need to restart Tux Paint for the changes to take effect.
- Where Files Go
- --------------
- Standard Files
- --------------
- Tux Paint looks for its various data files in its data directory.
- Linux and Unix
- --------------
- Where this directory goes depends on what value was set for
- "DATA_PREFIX" when Tux Paint was built. See INSTALL.txt for details.
- By default, though, the directory is:
- /usr/local/share/tuxpaint/
- Windows
- -------
- Where this directory goes depends on what folder you told the
- installer to put Tux Paint in.
- [ What's the default? ]
- Personal Files
- --------------
- You can also create brushes, stamps and fonts in your own directory
- for Tux Paint to find.
- Linux and Unix
- --------------
- Your personal Tux Paint directory is "~/.tuxpaint/".
- That is, if your home directory is "/home/karl", then
- your Tux Paint directory is "/home/karl/.tuxpaint/".
- Don't forget the period (".") before the word 'tuxpaint'!
- Windows
- -------
- Your personal Tux Paint directory is named "userdata".
- [ Where is it now? ]
- To add brushes, stamps and fonts, create subdirectories under
- your personal Tux Paint directory named "brushes", "stamps" and "fonts",
- respectively.
- (For example, if you created a brush named "flower.png", you
- would put it in "~/.tuxpaint/brushes/" under Linux or Unix.)
- Brushes
- -------
- The brushes used for drawing with the Brush and Lines tools in
- Tux Paint are simply greyscale PNG images.
- The alpha (transparency) of the PNG image is used to determine the shape
- of the brush, which means that the shape can be 'anti-aliased' and even
- partially-transparent!
- Brush images should be no wider than 40 pixels across and
- no taller than 40 pixels high.
- Just place them in the "brushes" directory.
- Stamps
- ------
- All stamp-related files go in the "stamps" directory.
- It's useful to create subdirectories and sub-subdirectories
- there to organize the stamps. (For example, you can have a
- "holidays" folder with "halloween" and "christmas" subfolders.)
- Images
- ------
- Rubber Stamps in Tux Paint can be made up of a number of separate
- files. The one file that is required is, of course, the picture itself.
- The Stamps used by Tux Paint are PNG pictures. They can be full-color
- or greyscale. The alpha (transparency) of the PNG is used to determine
- the actual shape of the picture (otherwise you'll stamp a large
- rectangle on your drawings).
- The PNGs can be any size, but in practice, a 100 pixels wide by
- 100 pixels tall (100x100) is quite large for Tux Paint.
- Description Text
- ----------------
- Text (".TXT") files with the same name as the PNG.
- (e.g., "picture.png"'s description is stored in "picture.txt" in the
- same directory.)
- Lines beginning with "xx=" (where "xx" is one of the languages
- supported; e.g., "de" for German, "fr" for French, etc.) will be
- used under the various locales supported.
- If no translation is available for the user's locale, the default
- string (the first line, which should be in English) is used.
- Sound Effects
- -------------
- WAVE (".WAV") files with the same name as the PNG.
- (e.g., "picture.png"'s sound effect is the sound "picture.wav" in the
- same directory.)
- For sounds for different locales (e.g., if the sound is someone saying
- a word, and you want translated versions of the word said),
- also create WAV files with the locale's label in the filename, in
- the form: "STAMP_LOCALE.wav."
- "picture.png"'s sound effect, when Tux Paint is run in Spanish mode,
- would be "picture_es.wav". In French mode, "picture_fr.wav". And so on.
- If no localized sound effect can be loaded, Tux Paint will attempt to
- load the 'default' sound file. (e.g., "picture.wav")
- Stamp Options
- -------------
- Aside from a graphical shape, a textual description, and a sound effect,
- stamps can also be given other attributes. To do this, you need
- to create a 'data file' for the stamp.
- A stamp data file is simply a text file containing the options.
- The file has the same name as the PNG image, but a ".dat" extension.
- (e.g., "picture.png"'s data file is the text file "picture.dat" in the
- same directory.)
- Colored Stamps
- --------------
- Stamps can be made to be either "colorable" or "tintable."
- Colorable
- ---------
- "Colorable" stamps they work much like brushes - you pick the stamp
- to get the shape, and then pick the color you want it to be.
- (Symbol stamps, like the mathematical and musical ones, are an
- example.)
- Nothing about the original image is used except the transparency
- ("alpha" channel). The color of the stamp comes out solid.
- Add the word "colorable" to the stamp's data file.
- Tinted
- ------
- "Tinted" stamps are similar to "colorable" ones, except the
- details of the original image are kept. (To put it techically,
- the original image is used, but its hue is changed, based on the
- currently-selected color.)
- Add the word "tintable" to the stamp's data file.
- Fonts
- -----
- The fonts used by Tux Paint are TrueType Fonts (TTF).
- Simply place them in the "fonts" directory. Tux Paint will load the
- font and provide four different sizes in the 'Font Selector' when
- using the 'Text' tool.