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- ESCAPES.txt for Tux Paint
- Tux Paint - A simple drawing program for children.
- Copyright 2003 by Bill Kendrick
- bill@newbreedsoftware.com
- http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/tuxpaint/
- February 1, 2003 - February 1, 2003
- About Escape Sequences
- ----------------------
- Tux Paint allows the use of HTML escape sequences in the description files
- (".txt" files) it reads when loading Rubber Stamp images.
- (See README.txt for more information on creating your own rubber stamps.)
- The escape sequences provide a way of entering hard-to-type ASCII
- characters into the text file. The escape sequences Tux Paint supports
- are identical to those used in HTML pages on the web.
- A sequence begins with the "&" character (ampersand), and ends with
- the ";" character (semicolon). For example: "ï".
- Using Escape Sequences in Tux Paint
- -----------------------------------
- To use a string containing escape sequences in a rubber stamp description
- file (the ".txt" file that corresponds to the stamps ".png" image file),
- the line containing the translated description should begin with the
- language's "locale code", followed by ".esc=" and the description text.
- For example, a Spanish translation of a string in plain ASCII might look
- like this:
- es=Hola
- A Spanish translation that takes advantage of the HTML-style escape
- sequences might look like this:
- es.esc=¡Hola niños!
- In both cases, the "es" at the beginning of the line corresponds to the
- language of the description: Spanish.
- (See README.txt for a list of languages supported by Tux Paint, and their
- locale codes.)
- In the latter example, the "¡" is an 'escape sequence' that
- represents an inverted (upside-down) exclamation point ("!"), which
- looks like this: "í"
- The "ñ" represents an "n" with a tilde ("~") over it.
- The Spanish character: "±"
- This example could have been easily done using plain ASCII, like so:
- es=íHola ni±os!
- However, depending on the text editor being used, typing that literally
- may not be an easy task. Typing the letters A-Z and punctuation should
- never be a problem, though. This is why escape sequence support was
- added to Tux Paint.
- NOTE: Since the ampersand character ("&") is used to denote the beginning
- of an escape sequence, it itself must be escaped. Use the sequence "&"
- For example, in plain ASCII:
- xx=This & that
- Should be written as follows when using the escape sequence mode:
- xx.esc=This & that
- The following is INCORRECT, and will end up truncated to just the word "This":
- xx.esc=This & that
- Supported Escape Sequences
- --------------------------
- Sequence Character Description
- -------- --------- -----------
- à α Lowercase a grave
- á ß Lowercase a acute
- â Γ Lowercase a circumflex
- ã π Lowercase a tilde
- ä Σ Lowercase a umlaut
- å σ Lowercase a ring
- À └ Uppercase A grave
- Á ┴ Uppercase A acute
- Â ┬ Uppercase A circumflex
- Ã ├ Uppercase A tilde
- Ä ─ Uppercase A umlaut
- Å ┼ Uppercase A ring
- æ µ Lowercase ae ligature
- Æ ╞ Uppercase AE ligature
- ç τ Lowercase c cedil
- Ç ╟ Uppercase C cedil
- ð ≡ Lowercase eth
- Ð ╨ Uppercase Eth
- è Φ Lowercase e grave
- é Θ Lowercase e acute
- ê Ω Lowercase e circumflex
- ë δ Lowercase e umlaut
- È ╚ Uppercase E grave
- É ╔ Uppercase E acute
- Ê ╩ Uppercase E circumflex
- Ë ╦ Uppercase E umlaut
- ì ∞ Lowercase i grave
- í φ Lowercase i acute
- î ε Lowercase i circumflex
- ï ∩ Lowercase i umlaut
- Ì ╠ Uppercase I grave
- Í ═ Uppercase I acute
- Î ╬ Uppercase I circumflex
- Ï ╧ Uppercase I umlaut
- ò ≥ Lowercase o grave
- ó ≤ Lowercase o acute
- ô ⌠ Lowercase o circumflex
- õ ⌡ Lowercase o tilde
- ö ÷ Lowercase o umlaut
- ø ° Lowercase o slash
- Ò ╥ Uppercase O grave
- Ó ╙ Uppercase O acute
- Ô ╘ Uppercase O circumflex
- Õ ╒ Uppercase O tilde
- Ö ╓ Uppercase O umlaut
- Ø ╪ Uppercase O slash
- ù ∙ Lowercase u grave
- ú · Lowercase u acute
- û √ Lowercase u circumflex
- ü ⁿ Lowercase u umlaut
- Ù ┘ Uppercase U grave
- Ú ┌ Uppercase U acute
- Û █ Uppercase U circumflex
- Ü ▄ Uppercase U umlaut
- ñ ± Lowercase n tilde
- Ñ ╤ Uppercase N tilde
- ß ▀ Sharp S
- ý ² Lowercase y acute
- ÿ Lowercase y umlaut
- Ý ▌ Uppercase Y acute
- þ ■ Lowercase thorn
- Þ ▐ Uppercase thorn
- ¡ í Inverted exclamation
- ¿ ┐ Inverte question mark
- « ½ Left angle quotes
- » ╗ Right angle quotes
- ¢ ó Cent sign
- £ ú Pound sign
- ¤ ñ Currency sign
- ¥ Ñ Yen sign
- ´ ┤ Acute
- ¸ ╕ Cedil
- ¨ ¿ Umlaut
- " " Quote
- & & Ampersand
- < < Less than
- > > Greater than
- ± ▒ Plus-minus sign
- × ╫ Times sign
- ÷ ≈ Division sign
- ¬ ¼ Logical not sign
- ° ░ Degree sign
- µ ╡ Micro sign
- ¼ ╝ One quarter (1/4)
- ½ ╜ One half (1/2)
- ¾ ╛ Three quarters (3/4)
- ¹ ╣ Superscript 1
- ² ▓ Superscript 2
- ³ │ Superscript 3
- ¦ ª Broken vertical bar
- § º Section sign
- ¶ ╢ Paragraph sign
- · * Middle dot
- © ⌐ Copyright sign ((C))
- ® « Registered trademark sign ((R))
- ª ¬ Feminine ordinal
- º ║ Masculine ordinal
- ¡ Soft hyphen
- ¯ » Spacing macron