ocr: 1 Create VB for terrain and copy all locations if(S_OK == CreateDisplayobject(DISIID_IVertertexBuffer, (void**)am_plerrainvB)) i 1 create vb for all locations 11 kazda lokace ma XxX policek cili X+1 vertexu na kazde strane dwRet : _pTerrainVB-Create(n_ilocCountsLOC_V-SIZE-LOC.VSIZEwsizeof - (VERTEX), D3DUSAGE WRITEONLY, VERTEXFORMAT, D3DPOOL_ DEFAULT); if(dvRet l= S_OK) i XException exp("Terrain is not initialized. Cannot create terrain vertex buffer.". dwRet): THROW(exp): ) 1 copy vertices the the locations for(1 = 0: 1 < m_ilocCount: 1++) € i0: 11 zamknout vertexy pro jednu lokaci 11 lokace ...