ocr: if(a_duFlags & TF_URITEBUFFERS) L t - - f topen("1b.txt". "a"): I plode->ntType = LEAF_TYPE; 1 compute middle of the leaf x pHode-arbounds101x + uiVidth/2; y - pHode-Jarsoundstol-y + uiHeight/2; 1 get location that is around the middle point for(i = 0: i < _iLoccount: i++) if( LarLoc(1).arEounds(0).x < X Sede _arloc(1).arBounds(0).y <= y &ede LarLocliJ.artounds13).X >= x &ede erioctil.eriomdall.y > y) pNode->plocation = sm_arLoc(i): if(m_dwFlags & TF_URITEBUFFERS) t printi(f, "nNode denLocation ud'n->n", LerLeaves.size0). plode->pLocation-JR_VID): ) break; J pNode->bVis = FALSE: LorLeaves.pusn ...