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- ###############################################################################
- ## ##
- ## File: WinDGPS-readme.txt ##
- ## Author: Wolfgang Rupprecht <wolfgang@capsicum.wsrcc.com> ##
- ## Created: Mon Feb 1 14:11:46 PST 1999 ##
- ## Contents: README file for Andreas Bormann's WinDGPS program ##
- ## ##
- ## $Id: WinDGPS-readme.txt,v 1.4 1999/02/22 21:17:25 wolfgang Exp $
- ###############################################################################
- The official dgps-ip web page is below. Please check that for
- updates, announcements etc.
- http://www.wsrcc.com/wolfgang/gps/dgps-ip.html
- You can get the WinDGPS from:
- http://www.wsrcc.com/wolfgang/ftp/
- Grab the highest numbered WinDGPSxx.zip file. Unzip with your unzip
- utility. This will create a file WinDGPS.exe. This is your
- executable. Under win95 you should see this file appear as an icon
- with a blue globe in a half gray, half white box with the label
- "WinDGPS" underneath it.
- To run, double click on the WinDGPS icon. This will pop up the main
- WinDGPS window. The first time you run the program you'll have to
- choose the com port that the GPS data-cable will be plugged into and
- the baud rate that the GPS is set to.
- If you have a Garmin GPS use the "PAGE" button to cycle to the menu
- page. Use the down arrow key to highlight "INTERFACE", and press the
- enter key. Now use the down-arrow key to highlight the protocol.
- Press enter. Now use the down-arrow key to scroll through the
- choices. Depending on your GPS model number and type one of the
- choices is either "RTCM/NMEA" or "NMEA/RTCM". The G12 and G12xl will
- have the former choice. The G-II/G-III's will have the latter. Press
- enter again when the above RTCM protocol appears. If your GPS lets
- you chose the baud rate, you may do so now. The Garmin default is
- 4800 baud. The WinDGPS default is 9600 baud. Either one will work,
- just make sure they are the same. Now page back to the satellite view
- page on the GPS and hit the connect button on WinDGPS. You should see
- the DGPS data scrolling across the one-line window at the bottom of
- the WinDGPS window.
- If you don't see the DGPS data scrolling by, something is wrong. If
- you have a telnet program you can try to telnet to "host
- dgps.wsrcc.com port 2101". If this doesn't work, and you are trying
- to connect to the internet from behind a corporate firewall, then your
- firewall is most likely blocking the connection. You'll have to
- arrange with your network admin to unblock port 2101.
- If you see the dgps data scroll by, then the computer is getting the
- DGPS data delivered to it. Now check the satellite page on the gps.
- On the Garmins 12's the top left will have a notation that should
- normally say "3D-NAV". When the GPS goes into differential mode this
- will change to "3D-DIFF". On the G12 series the bars will also hollow
- out for the satellites that don't have any differential correction
- data available. Unless you are really far away from the reference
- station, almost all of the satellites bars should stay black.
- On Garmin GPS's the "INTERFACE" page will also have some Beacon
- station information displayed. If all is running well, you should
- immediately see the beacon's baudrate and frequency appear. If the
- gps has recent software, there should also be a beacon distance field.
- This will initially be blank, but after 15 minutes or so a beacon
- distance should also appear.
- Thats it. Enjoy! Feel free to send success or horror stories to the
- addresses below.
- Please send WinDGPS bug reports to Andreas Bormann at
- <windgps@procyon.ping.de> . Feel free to CC <dgpsip@wsrcc.com>, you
- might well be seeing a server bug.