38 There is enough memory to complete the operation.
39 Could not contact the EZ Firewall update server.
40 The EZ Firewall update server did not indicate whether a new version was available or not.
41 An update is available for %s.
42 No update is available for %s at this time.
43 The operation could not be completed because an unknown error occurred.
44 Update Agent
45 %s\nDo you want to get the update now?
46 Cannot determine your currently installed version. Your program may be installed incorrectly.
47 Done...
48 Initializing...
49 Checking for Update
50 Registering program
51 Registering %s %s...
52 The EZ Firewall server did not accept the registration information.
53 No update is available at this time (version was not recognized).
54 %s Service Agent
55 en
56 US
115 Set your personal EZ Firewall password so that only you can change your security settings.
117 A blank password will allow anyone to change EZ Firewall's settings!\nAre you sure that you do not want a password?
118 Password warning
119 Your EZ Firewall password must contain at least 6 characters and no more than 31 (no spaces).\nPlease enter a new password.
120 Password error
121 The passwords you typed do not match. Type the new password in both text boxes.
122 Set password
123 Please enter your administrator password.
124 Enter password
125 To change your password, please type your old EZ Firewall password and then type a new one.
126 Change password
127 EZ Firewall TrueVector service
128 This is a security check from the TrueVector security engine. If you are uninstalling or upgrading an EZ Firewall product or are changing the "load at start-up" option, click Yes. Otherwise, Click No.
133 Please enter your Integrity password.
3001 Echo
3002 Discard
3003 Systat
3004 Daytime
3005 Netstat
3006 Chargen
3007 FTP Data
3008 FTP
3009 Ssh
3010 Telnet
3011 SMTP
3012 Time
3013 Name
3014 Whois
3015 XNS Time
3016 DNS
3017 MTP
3018 DHCP
3019 TFTP
3020 Gopher
3021 RJE
3022 Finger
3023 HTTP
3024 TTYLink
3026 POP3
3027 NNTP
3028 NetBIOS Name
3029 NetBIOS Datagram
3030 NetBIOS Session
3031 IMAP4
3032 HTTPS
3033 RTSP
3034 MMS
3035 AOL
3036 PNA
3037 AOL Proxy
3038 Exec
3039 Login
3040 Command
3041 EFS
3042 Biff
3043 Who
3044 Route
3045 IDENT
3046 Unknown error in the Update Agent.
3047 An application called '%s', possibly BackOrifice
3049 %s-%s
3050 Every day
3051 Unknown Process: %d (Invalid Handle Error)
3052 Unknown Process: %d (Toolhelp Error)
3053 Unknown Process: %d (Find Error)
3054 Unknown Process: %d (Initialization Error)
3055 Unknown user
3056 Printed by %s on %s
3057 Printed by %s at %s on %s
3058 The password you supplied is incorrect. You cannot be logged into the TrueVector security service.
3059 TrueVector login error
3060 You have previously set a password for EZ Firewall. Please enter your old password now to allow your new password to replace it.
3061 Change Password
3062 You did not type in your old password correctly.\nPlease try again.
3063 Monitors internet traffic and generates alerts for disallowed access.
3064 Writes alert text to a log file.
3065 A blank password will allow only Administrators to change EZ Firewall's settings!\nAre you sure that you do not want a password?