1013 "%2" has spent more than %4 using the Internet
1014 "%2" has spent more than %4 browsing the Internet
1015 "%2" tried to send or receive data
1016 "%2" tried to become a server for port %5
1021 "%2" tried to contact %6
1022 "%2" tried to become a server for port %5
1023 "%2" tried to accept a connection from %6
1031 "%2" tried to receive %1, type %3 from %6
1032 "%2" tried to sent %1, type %3 to %6
1033 Requested permission to be a parent.
1034 Requested permission to access the internet.
1050 "%2" tried to access %6 via %1
1051 "%2" tried to access newsgroup %7
1301 Continued
1302 Delayed
1303 Redirected
1304 Stopped
1305 Stopped all access
1400 Local Firewall
1401 %1 on %2 (%3)
1402 Remote Firewall
1410 %1
1411 %2 internet access to/from %3
1412 Packet sent from %4 (%10) to %5 (%6) was blocked
1413 %7 changed from %8 to %9
1414 Packet sent from %4 to %5 (%6) was blocked
1420 Failed
1421 Blocked
1422 Unblocked
1423 Block
1424 Unblock
1430 Accepted
1431 Error
1432 Unknown
1433 Source Routed
1434 Dest. Routed
1435 Dropped
1436 Rejected
1437 Verify
1438 Verified
1440 Security levels (LAN/External)
1441 low
1442 medium
1443 high
1446 srvok
1447 srvblk
1448 firewall off
1449 Firewall stopped
1450 Lock
1451 off
1452 standard
1453 emergency
1454 standard (manager)
1455 emergency (manager)
1456 This is a security check from the TrueVector security engine. If you are uninstalling or upgrading an EZ Firewall product or are changing the "load at start-up" option, click Yes. Otherwise, Click No.
1457 This is a security check from the TrueVector security engine. If you are uninstalling or upgrading an EZ Firewall product or are changing the "load at start-up" option, click Yes. Otherwise, Click No.
1458 EZ Firewall TrueVector service
1459 Packet sent from %4 (%10) to %5 (%6) was allowed
1460 Packet sent from %4 to %5 (%6) was allowed
2001 TrueVector driver is loaded.
2002 TrueVector driver is not loaded (check system configuration).
2999 a restricted address
3000 a loopback address
3001 the limited broadcast address
3002 a class A broadcast address
3003 a class B broadcast address
3004 a class C broadcast address
3005 a subnet broadcast address
3006 a multicast address
3007 a one hop multicast address
3008 the all hosts multicast address
3009 the all routers multicast address
3101 Stopped
3102 Paused
3103 Playing
3104 Recording
3201 The remote firewall has started.
3202 The remote firewall has stopped.
3203 The remote firewall has engaged the emergency lock.
3204 The remote firewall has disengaged the lock.
3205 The connection to the remote firewall has been lost.
3206 The remote firewall has engaged the Internet lock.
3280 TrueVector service has shut down
3281 %s (%sPort %hu)
3282 %sPort %hu
3283 Firewall Alert: %08lx
3289 Computer found
3290 Computer called back
3291 Computer shut down
3292 Title
3293 Author
3294 Copyright
3295 Desc
3296 Rating
3297 Title:%s
3298 Artist:%s
3299 Copyright:%s
3300 Name:%s
3301 Info:%s
3302 You do not have permission to install the TrueVector Internet Monitor in the service control manager.
3303 You do not have permission to uninstall the TrueVector Internet Monitor from the service control manager.
16385 Name
16386 Path
16387 File
16388 Type
16389 File Extension
16390 IP Address
16391 Default File Extension
16392 Status
16393 Last Site
16394 URL Base
16395 Client Path
16396 Server Path
16397 Title
16398 Requested URL
16399 Internet Address
16400 Text
16401 Statistics
16402 Domain
16404 Command Line
16408 Mail Subject
16409 Mailbox
16410 Mail Sender
16411 Mail Recipient
16416 News Group
16417 Mime Type
16418 Site Name
16419 Version
16420 Global User ID
16421 Proxy Server
16422 Proxy IP Address
16423 Listen Ports
16424 Full Name
16425 Connection Name
16432 Icon Data
16433 Verb
16434 Driver Status
16435 Company Name
16436 File Version
16437 Internal Name
16438 Copyright
16439 Original Filename
16440 Product Name
16441 Language
16442 Trademarks
16443 Referring URL
16444 User Agent
16445 Local Name
16446 Local IP Address
16447 Gateway Type
16448 Gateway
16449 Rule
16450 Adapter ID
16451 Password
16452 Check Password
16453 From File
16454 Password (Admin)
16455 Blocked Page Text
16464 Target IP Address
16465 Source IP Address
16466 Destination IP Address
16467 Source Physical Address
16468 Destination Physical Address
16480 MD5 Digest Value
16481 File Description
16482 Icon Path
16483 Product Version
16484 Filename
16485 Network Id
16486 Remote Key
16487 Install Password
16488 Check Install Password
16489 Login Install Password
16496 Streaming Media State
16497 Attributes
16498 IP Fragment Flags/Offset
16505 Destination IP Address List
16506 ReverseDNS(GCV_IPADDR)
16507 ReverseDNS(GDV_SRCADDR)
16508 ReverseDNS(GDV_DSTADDR)
16509 Module Name
16510 New XML Config File
16528 Hard fw rules list (XML format)
16529 Soft fw rules list (XML format)
16530 Current Functionality Info
16531 Firewall Stats
16532 New XML Config File Buffer
32768 Icon Data Length
32769 Icon Checksum
32770 Icon Log Object
32772 Type
32773 Nested Level
32774 Log ID
32775 Session Icon Index
32776 Text Buffer
32777 Text Length
32778 Start/Create Date
32779 End/Destroy Date
32780 Statistics Buffer
32781 Statistics Length
32782 Status ID
32783 Value List
32784 Process ID
32785 Protocol ID
32786 Connection ID
32787 Site ID
32788 Proxy ID
32789 Icon ID
32790 Module ID
32791 History ID
32792 Session ID
32793 User ID
32794 Computer ID
32795 Alert ID
32796 Computer Index
32799 Parent ID
32800 Bytes Received
32801 Bytes Sent
32803 Status
32804 Size
32805 Expected Size
32806 Last access
32807 Live Object
32808 Time Loaded (ticks)
32809 Time Data I/O (ticks)
32810 Time Browsing (ticks)
32811 Timeslice Interval Data
32812 Mime Type
32813 Computer Flags
32814 Initial response (msec)
32815 Final response (msec)
32816 IP Address
32817 Port
32818 Address Family
32819 Done
32820 File Date
32821 File Cached
32822 Log Object Handle
32823 Log Handle
32824 Cached ID
32825 Client ID
32826 Process
32827 Listen
32828 Adapter Flags
32829 Subnet Mask
32830 Gateway IP Address
32831 Adapter Type
32832 Event Code
32833 Adapter Index
32834 Set Subsystem Flags
32835 Clear Subsystem Flags
32836 System Process ID
32837 Proxy Port
32838 Status Code
32839 Local Port
32840 Child Count
32841 Request Time
32842 Supervisor Status
32843 Firewall Alert ID
32844 Checksum
32845 Codesigned
32846 Extended Checksum Index
32847 Default Status
32848 Target IP Address
32849 Source IP Address
32850 Destination IP Address
32851 Source Port
32852 Destination Port
32853 Link Layer Protocol
32854 Network Layer Protocol
32855 Transport Layer Protocol
32856 Protocol-specific Type
32857 Adapter Driver ID
32858 Protocol Driver ID
32859 Security Information
32860 Lock Level
32861 State Find Code
32862 Outgoing
32863 Packet Flags
32864 Check Registration
32865 Startup Monitor
32866 Can Shutdown Monitor
32867 Shutdown Monitor
32868 Count
32869 Source ID
32870 Keep Object
32871 VPN OK
32872 Firewall Action Flags
32873 IP Header Length
32874 IP Length
32875 IP ID
32876 IP Fragment Flags/Offset
32877 TCP Header Length
32878 TCP Flags
32879 Subtype
32880 Attribute Size
32881 Attribute Count
32882 Media Stream Count
32883 Firewall Alert Choke Start
32884 Firewall Alert Choke End
32885 Choked Firewall Alert Count
32886 Gateway ID
32887 Auth Level
32888 Check Auth Level
32889 Auth Mode
32890 Default Status (Private IP)
32891 Driver Status
32892 Configuration Access Level
32893 Manager IP Address
32894 Number of alerts to retrieve
32895 Last TrueVector error
32896 Auth Level 2
32897 Check Auth Level 2
32898 Request announce method
32899 IP Count
32900 Alert suppression code
32901 Firewall Status
32902 Which objects get logged
32903 Last alert queried by a client
32904 CF_PROXY client exists
32905 Status value that will be passed to alert analyzer
32906 CRC32 value
32907 Firewall local zone flags
32908 CMP enabled
32909 Network monitor status
32910 ID of first observation stats object
32912 Register pending callback
32913 Pending callback result
32914 Privacy functionality enabled
32915 Module tracking enabled
32916 Network Flag
32917 Privacy change
32918 Process protection enabled
32928 ID of policy which generated object
32929 Type of VSMON client
32930 Name of policy which generated object
32931 Integrity Connection Status
32932 Corporate Only Policy is Acceptable
32944 Application Known Status
32945 Transfer Type
32946 Approval status
32947 Pending Incident
32948 Module Ticks
32949 App Security Level
32950 Disable Parent Process Protection
32951 Child Process ID of event
32952 Content Filtering Enabled
32960 Hard fw rules xml size
32961 Soft fw rules xml size
32962 Current functionality flags
32963 Client count
32964 Force Redirect
32965 Startup Security Level
32966 BOOL indicating DNS traffic is safe at this moment.