7 Ted Williams his .406 in 1941. The last person to hit over .400.
8 Main
9 Cookie Control protects your privacy while you browse the Web. The recommended Medium setting blocks cookies from third party spying sites.\n\nAd Blocking stops ads from disrupting your Internet work. The recommended Medium setting stops pop-up and slow-loading ads.\n\nMobile Code Control blocks active page elements that can be distracting or malicious.\nNote: Turning this feature on may prevent some pages from loading.
10 Site List
11 This is a list of all the Web sites you have visited in the current session as well as any sites you have edited privacy settings for.\n\nTo customize privacy settings for a site, left-click in the Cookie Control or Mobile Code column.\n\nFor more options, right-click in any column, then choose Options.\n\nTo add a site to the list, click Add.
12 Site
13 Mobile\n Code
14 Session
15 Persistent
16 3rd Party
185 Help\
187 ::/privacy_overview.htm
188 ::/privacy_programs.htm
189 Customize cookie control for all future Web sites you visit.
190 Customize cookie control for this Web site in the future.
191 Customize ad blocking for all future Web sites you visit.
192 Customize ad blocking for this Web site in the future.
193 Customize mobile code protection for all future Web sites you visit.
194 Customize mobile code protection for this Web site in the future.
195 Unable to delete privacy settings for site.
196 Edited
197 Off
198 On
199 Medium
200 High
201 Custom
202 Custom settings are in effect.
203 To view/change settings, click Custom
204 Custom settings are in effect.\nTo view/change settings, click Custom
205 Blocks all but session cookies\nMay prevent some sites from loading
206 Blocks cookies from tracking sites\nAllows cookies for personalized services
207 Cookie control is disabled\nAllows all cookies
208 Blocks all banner ads
209 Blocks all Pop-up/pop-under and animated ads
210 Block banner ads that do not load in 3 seconds
211 Blocks all Pop-up/pop-under and animated ads
212 Ad blocking disabled
213 Allows all ads
214 Mobile code control is enabled\nBlocks embedded objects, mime objects, scripts\nChoose Custom to block javascripts
215 Mobile code control is disabled\nAllows embedded objects, mime objects, scripts and javascripts
216 Entry Detail
217 Add
218 Add Site
219 Site Name
220 Mobile code
221 Session cookies
222 Persistent cookies
223 3rd Party cookies
224 Cookie Control
225 Allow
226 Block
227 Ask
228 Unknown
229 Cookies
230 Ad Blocking
231 Mobile Code
232 Custom Privacy Settings
233 Site Options
234 Privacy Info Dialog
235 Do you want to remove the following site from %z:\n%s
236 Do you want to remove the following sites from %z:\n%s
237 za.chm
238 zaplus.chm
239 zapro.chm
240 iclient.chm
241 Privacy has blocked:
242 \n " Cookies
243 \n " Ads
244 \n " Animation
245 \n " Web Bug
246 \n " Private Headers
247 \n " Scripts
248 \n " Objects (Java, MIME...)
249 \n\nClick to view details
250 Privacy Advisor is disabled.\nElements maybe blocked on web sites without an alert.
251 Privacy Advisor is enabled.\nThe Privacy Advisor will alert you when elements are blocked on web sites.