7 Download Finished. Do you want to install the virus update files now?
8 Your virus data files are up to date
9 You are currently running %s. There are no longer any anti-virus signature files available for this version.\n\nHowever, there is a new full version available from our Web site at <%s>. You should download this new version in order to keep your anti-virus software up to date.
11 Invalid customer number.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your customer number in the Options Wizard.\n\nIf you do not yet have a customer number, you can register free of charge at http://antivirus.cai.com.
12 Access to Update Server denied
13 Query Error
14 Unable to allocate memory to display Internet error code. Error code:
15 Unable to get Internet error. Error code:
16 ERROR 404: Not Found. Make sure AutoDownload is connecting to a valid server address
17 Cannot connect to the AutoDownload server. Check your proxy server settings and try again.
18 Save virus update file
19 Error when creating file %s
20 Error when saving virus update file
21 Unspecified error when downloading update
22 The AutoDownload service is unavailable
23 Invalid customer number. Please check that you have entered your customer number in the Options Wizard.
24 Surname:
25 E-mail address:
26 http://www.vet.com.au
27 http://antivirus.cai.com
28 activeupdate
29 cgi-bin/ipe/autodownload.pl
30 Connecting to %s
31 Downloading Update from %s
32 Closing connection to %s
33 Disconnected
34 Finished Download
35 %d:%02d:%02d left (At %.1f kB / sec)
36 %d kB / %d kB (%d%%)
37 Web server needs authentication.
38 Proxy server needs authentication.
39 http://downloads.My-eTrust.com
40 Antivirus/GetSignature/autodownload.pl
41 Password:
42 Invalid customer number.\n\nPlease check that you have entered your customer number in the Options Wizard.\n\nIf you do not yet have a customer number, you can register at <http://www.My-eTrust.com/commerce/reg.it/>.
43 Internet connection is currently offline.
44 Autodownload received an invalid response.\nCheck %s for more details.
45 Autodownload has detected that you are not currently online.\n\nWould you like Autodownload to connect for you?\n\n(Autodownload will automatically disconnect when the download is complete).
46 Unable to load product key validation library.
47 Connected to %s
48 eTrust EZ Antivirus Real-Time Protection Status
49 Unable to load decryption function to validate product key.