home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 2003-05-27 | 3.8 KB | 181 lines |
- [User Identification]
- Name=
- Company=
- Customer Number=
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Vet Program Directory]
- Vet Directory=C:\Program Files\CA\eTrust EZ Armor\eTrust EZ Antivirus
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Vet Password]
- Protect Options=0
- Auto Prompt=0
- Password=0
- [AutoDownload]
- Autodown Password=
- Enable AutoDownload=1
- Proxy Setting=1
- Proxy Server=
- Proxy Port=0
- Keep Downloaded File=0
- Interactive Update=1
- Verb=Antivirus/GetSignature/autodownload.pl
- Url=http://downloads.My-eTrust.com
- Engine=
- ProxyAuthenticate=0
- ProxyUserPass=
- Auto Prompt=0
- [On-Demand Scan Options]
- Scan Type=2
- Subfolders=1
- Scan Network Files=1
- Heuristic Scan=1
- Scan Compressed Archives=0
- Skip Renamed=0
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Scan File Types]
- Scan All Files=1
- Extension List=asp,bat,bin,ceo,chm,com,dll,doc,dot,drv,dvb,eml,exe,hta,htm,html,htt,ini,jpe,jpeg,jpg,jsp,lnk,mdb,mso,nws,ocx,ovl,php,pif,pot,pps,ppt,prc,qpw,rtf,scr,shs,sys,txt,vba,vbs,vsd,vss,vst,vxd,xla,xls,xlt
- Archive Extensions=arj,b64,cab,eml,exe,gz,jar,lzh,mme,mim,mqp,rar,uue,uu,zip
- Context Menu=1
- Auto Prompt=0
- [On-Demand File Infection Actions]
- Infected Action=2
- Suspect Action=0
- Auto Prompt=0
- [On-Demand Cleaning Options]
- Delete Trojans=1
- Delete Damaged=1
- Enable Reg Cleaning=1
- Enable Ini Cleaning=1
- Kill Processes=1
- Rebootable Clean=1
- Auto Prompt=0
- [On-Demand Reporting]
- Report Infections=2
- Write Log=1
- Cumulative=1
- Limit Log=1
- Max Log Size=32768
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Admin Console]
- Enable Console=0
- Console Machine=
- Download=1
- Type Daily=0
- Day Of Week=0
- Go Online=0
- If Idle=0
- Time Of Day=720
- Interval=1440
- Auto Prompt=0
- [On-Demand Boot Sector Scanning]
- Enable=1
- Protection Level=2
- Replace Bad=1
- Check Large IDE=0
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Scheduled Scan]
- Scan Type Idle=0
- Scan Type Daily=0
- Day Of Week=0
- Time Of Day=720
- Only If Idle=0
- Use Custom Command=0
- Custom Scan Command=C:\Program Files\CA\eTrust EZ Armor\eTrust EZ Antivirus\vet32.exe /AllLocalDisks /Display=Full /Exit
- Auto Prompt=0
- [On-Demand Memory Scanning]
- Enable=1
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Resident Protection Components]
- Protect Floppy=1
- File Monitor=1
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Resident Floppy Disk Boot Sector Protection]
- Protection Level=2
- Replace Bad=1
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Resident File Monitor]
- Execute=1
- File Open=1
- File Close=1
- Scan Network Files=0
- Heuristic Scan=1
- Scan All Files=0
- Extension List=asp,bat,bin,ceo,chm,com,dll,doc,dot,drv,dvb,eml,exe,hta,htm,html,htt,ini,jpe,jpeg,jpg,jsp,lnk,mdb,mso,nws,ocx,ovl,pif,php,pot,pps,ppt,prc,qpw,rtf,scr,shs,sys,txt,vba,vbs,vsd,vss,vst,vxd,xla,xls,xlt
- Delay Pipe=0
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Resident File Infection Actions]
- Infected Action=2
- Suspect Action=1
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Resident File Monitor Reporting]
- Write Log=0
- Log File=RT_LOG.TXT
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Virus Alerting]
- On Demand Mail=0
- Resident Message=1
- Resident Mail=0
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Mail Configuration]
- Mail Server=mail.x.y.z
- Mail From=Alert@x.y.z
- Mail To=Virus-Alert@ca.com; Admin@x.y.z
- Header Data=0
- Mail Subject=Virus Alert
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Vet Desktop Options]
- Desktop Icon=0
- Taskbar Icon=1
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Vet Scheduler]
- Enable=1
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Out of Date]
- Suppress Warning=1
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Out of Date Remind]
- Number of Days=7
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Out of Date Download]
- Interval=1440
- Day Of Week=0
- Time Of Day=720
- Go Online=0
- Download=1
- Idle=0
- Use Master=0
- Use Autodown=1
- Type Daily=0
- Auto Prompt=0
- [AUTOEXEC Clean Up]
- Clean Up=1
- Auto Prompt=0
- [DOS Vet Clean Up]
- Clean Up=1
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Read Me File]
- Display Read Me=0
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Boot Sector Template]
- Create Templates=1
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Reference Disk]
- Create Reference=0
- ReferencePath=
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Scan Hard Disk]
- Scan Hard Disk=0
- Allow Cancel=1
- Auto Prompt=0
- [Info Dialogs]
- Splash Screen=0
- Welcome Screen=0
- Licence Agreement=0
- Confirm Install=0
- Confirm Config=0
- Allow Dialog Cancel=1
- [Automatic Completion]
- Completion=1