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- {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DIIconv - libiconv character set conversion library for Borland Delphi.
- Copyright (c) 2003-2004 The Delphi Inspiration - Ralf Junker
- Internet: http://www.zeitungsjunge.de/delphi/
- E-Mail: delphi@zeitungsjunge.de
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
- MA 02111-1307, USA.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- unit DIIconv;
- {$I DI.inc}
- interface
- const
- EINVAL = 19;
- E2BIG = 20;
- EILSEQ = 50;
- type
- iconv_t = Pointer;
- function iconv_open(
- const tocode, fromcode: PAnsiChar): iconv_t;
- function iconv(
- const CD: iconv_t;
- var inbuf: Pointer;
- var inbytesleft: Cardinal;
- var outbuf: Pointer;
- var outbytesleft: Cardinal): Integer;
- function iconv_close(
- const CD: iconv_t): Integer;
- type
- TAnsiCharArray = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(PAnsiChar) - 1] of PAnsiChar;
- PAnsiCharArray = ^TAnsiCharArray;
- TIconvListFunc = function(const NamesCount: Cardinal; const Names: PAnsiCharArray; const Data: Pointer): Integer;
- procedure iconvlist(do_one: TIconvListFunc; const Data: Pointer);
- function errno: Integer;
- implementation
- uses
- Windows, SysUtils
- ;
- function _malloc(const Size: Cardinal): Pointer; cdecl;
- begin
- GetMem(Result, Size);
- end;
- procedure _free(const p: Pointer); cdecl;
- begin
- FreeMem(p);
- end;
- function _memcmp(const s1: Pointer; const s2: Pointer; const n: Cardinal): Integer; cdecl;
- label
- Success;
- type
- TByte4 = packed record
- b0, b1, b2, b3: Byte;
- end;
- PByte4 = ^TByte4;
- var
- p1, p2: PByte4;
- b1, b2: Byte;
- l: Cardinal;
- begin
- p1 := s1;
- p2 := s2;
- if p1 = p2 then goto Success;
- l := n;
- repeat
- if l = 0 then goto Success;
- b1 := p1^.b0; b2 := p2^.b0;
- if b1 <> b2 then Break;
- Dec(l);
- if l = 0 then goto Success;
- b1 := p1^.b1; b2 := p2^.b1;
- if b1 <> b2 then Break;
- Dec(l);
- if l = 0 then goto Success;
- b1 := p1^.b2; b2 := p2^.b2;
- if b1 <> b2 then Break;
- Dec(l);
- if l = 0 then goto Success;
- b1 := p1^.b3; b2 := p2^.b3;
- if b1 <> b2 then Break;
- Inc(p1);
- Inc(p2);
- Dec(l);
- until False;
- Result := b1 - b2;
- Exit;
- Success:
- Result := 0;
- end;
- function _memset(const s: Pointer; const c: Integer; const n: Cardinal): Pointer; cdecl;
- begin
- Result := s;
- FillChar(Result^, n, c);
- end;
- type
- TQSortCompareFunc = function(const p1, p2: Pointer): Integer; cdecl;
- procedure _qsort(
- const baseP: Pointer;
- const NElem: Cardinal;
- const Width: Integer;
- const comparF: TQSortCompareFunc); cdecl;
- procedure Exchange(leftP, rightP: PAnsiChar);
- var
- i: Integer;
- c: AnsiChar;
- begin
- i := Width;
- while i > 0 do
- begin
- c := rightP^;
- rightP^ := leftP^;
- Inc(rightP);
- leftP^ := c;
- Inc(leftP);
- Dec(i);
- end;
- end;
- procedure qSortHelp(pivotP: PAnsiChar; NElem: Integer);
- label
- TailRecursion, qBreak;
- var
- leftP, rightP, pivotEnd, pivotTemp, leftTemp: PAnsiChar;
- lNum: Integer;
- retval: Integer;
- begin
- TailRecursion:
- if NElem <= 2 then
- begin
- if NElem = 2 then
- begin
- rightP := pivotP + Width;
- if comparF(pivotP, rightP) > 0 then
- Exchange(pivotP, rightP);
- end;
- Exit;
- end;
- rightP := (NElem - 1) * Width + pivotP;
- leftP := (NElem shr 1) * Width + pivotP;
- if comparF(leftP, rightP) > 0 then
- Exchange(leftP, rightP)
- else
- if comparF(leftP, pivotP) > 0 then
- Exchange(leftP, pivotP)
- else
- if comparF(pivotP, rightP) > 0 then
- Exchange(pivotP, rightP);
- if (NElem = 3) then
- begin
- Exchange(pivotP, leftP);
- Exit;
- end;
- leftP := pivotP + Width;
- pivotEnd := leftP;
- repeat
- retval := comparF(leftP, pivotP);
- while retval <= 0 do
- begin
- if retval = 0 then
- begin
- Exchange(leftP, pivotEnd);
- Inc(pivotEnd, Width);
- end;
- if (leftP < rightP) then
- Inc(leftP, Width)
- else
- goto qBreak;
- retval := comparF(leftP, pivotP);
- end;
- while leftP < rightP do
- begin
- retval := comparF(pivotP, rightP);
- if retval < 0 then
- Dec(rightP, Width)
- else
- begin
- Exchange(leftP, rightP);
- if retval <> 0 then
- begin
- Inc(leftP, Width);
- Dec(rightP, Width);
- end;
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- until not (leftP < rightP);
- qBreak:
- if comparF(leftP, pivotP) <= 0 then
- Inc(leftP, Width);
- leftTemp := leftP - Width;
- pivotTemp := pivotP;
- while (pivotTemp < pivotEnd) and (leftTemp >= pivotEnd) do
- begin
- Exchange(pivotTemp, leftTemp);
- Inc(pivotTemp, Width);
- Dec(leftTemp, Width);
- end;
- lNum := (leftP - pivotEnd) div Width;
- NElem := ((NElem * Width + pivotP) - leftP) div Width;
- if NElem < lNum then
- begin
- qSortHelp(leftP, NElem);
- NElem := lNum;
- end
- else
- begin
- qSortHelp(pivotP, lNum);
- pivotP := leftP;
- end;
- goto TailRecursion;
- end;
- begin
- if Width = 0 then Exit;
- qSortHelp(baseP, NElem);
- end;
- var
- LocaleCharset: array[0..12] of AnsiChar = 'CP';
- function locale_charset: PAnsiChar; cdecl;
- var
- s: ShortString;
- begin
- Str(GetACP, s);
- StrLCopy(@LocaleCharset[2], @s[1], SizeOf(LocaleCharset) - 2);
- LocaleCharset[Length(s) + 2] := #0;
- Result := LocaleCharset;
- end;
- var
- _errno: Integer;
- function errno: Integer;
- begin
- Result := _errno;
- end;
- {$L iconv.obj}
- function iconv_open; external;
- function iconv; external;
- function iconv_close; external;
- procedure iconvlist; external;
- end.