home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ; Windows 95 / 98 / NT4 Personality
- ; This is a .UIS Version 2 file
- ; For use ONLY with WindowBlinds or WindowFX by Stardock Systems, Inc
- ; File Created with BuilderBlinds
- [TitlebarSkin]
- SkinName=XPLuna
- SkinAuthor=Dan Campeanu
- AuthorEmail=dancamp@iname.com
- SpecialNotes=Based on Windows XP Luna UI
- Generator=SkinStudio ver 1.0.4, Build 322 - http://www.skinstudio.net
- WBVer=200
- [Personality]
- Top=XPLuna\Homestead_FrameTop.bmp
- Left=XPLuna\Homestead_FrameLeft.bmp
- Right=XPLuna\Homestead_FrameRight.bmp
- Bottom=XPLuna\Homestead_FrameBottom.bmp
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- MenuBorders=XPLuna\MenuFrame.bmp
- MaxBorderCutLeft=2
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- ; Close button
- ;_________________________________________________
- [Button0]
- ButtonImage=XPLuna\Homestead_Close.bmp
- XCoord=25
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- Align=1
- Action=0
- Visibility=0
- [Button1]
- ButtonImage=XPLuna\Homestead_CloseHover.bmp
- Action=0
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- YCoord=5
- Visibility=31
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- ButtonImage=XPLuna\Homestead_CloseDisabled.bmp
- XCoord=25
- YCoord=5
- Align=1
- Action=-6
- Visibility=55
- ; Maximize button
- ;_________________________________________________
- [Button3]
- ButtonImage=XPLuna\Homestead_Maximize.bmp
- XCoord=49
- YCoord=5
- Align=1
- Action=22
- Visibility=4
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- ButtonImage=XPLuna\Homestead_MaximizeHover.bmp
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- YCoord=5
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- XCoord=49
- YCoord=5
- Align=1
- Action=-6
- Visibility=21
- Visibility1=22
- ; Restore button
- ;_________________________________________________
- [Button6]
- ButtonImage=XPLuna\Homestead_Restore.bmp
- XCoord=49
- YCoord=5
- Align=1
- Action=22
- Visibility=3
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- XCoord=49
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- Align=1
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- Visibility=21
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- Visibility2=3
- ; Minimize button
- ;_________________________________________________
- [Button9]
- ButtonImage=XPLuna\Homestead_Minimize.bmp
- XCoord=73
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- Visibility=22
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- Visibility2=2
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- XCoord=73
- YCoord=5
- Align=1
- Action=-6
- Visibility=23
- Visibility1=20
- ; Help button
- ;_________________________________________________
- [Button12]
- Action=3
- Align=1
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- ButtonImage=XPLuna\Homestead_Help.bmp
- YCoord=5
- Visibility=13
- Visibility1=26
- [Button13]
- Action=3
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- YCoord=5
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- ; System button
- ;_________________________________________________
- [Button16]
- XCoord=7
- YCoord=4
- Align=0
- Action=11
- ;_________________________________________________
- ;
- ; Controls
- ;_________________________________________________
- [Buttons]
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- Bitmap=XPLuna\Homestead_Button.bmp
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- [SunkEdge]
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- TopHeight=4
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- Image=XPLuna\Homestead_Tab.bmp
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- TopHeight=4
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