261 Receiving information from ACDInTouch server...
262 Connecting to ACDInTouch server...
263 #
264 Your trial period has been extended.\nYour new trial period ends in %d days.
265 You have received %d new messages.\nThanks for using the ACDInTouch service!
266 There are no new messages.\nThanks for using the ACDInTouch service!
267 Date and time
268 Subject
269 You have %d unread messages from the ACDInTouch service.\nWould you like to read them now?
270 In order to continue using this software, you must purchase the Full Version.
271 In order to continue using this software after the trial period, you must purchase the Full Version.
273 You have just received %d new InTouch messages.\nDo you want to read them now?\nTo read them later, select the\n[Help | ACDInTouch Service...] command from the menu.
287 You can now connect to the ACDInTouch service for the first time.
596 The ACDInTouch server could not be contacted.\nYou may need to adjust your connection settings.\nOthewise, please try again later.
597 Sorry, your trial period may not be extended at this time.
600 The connection period must be between 1 and 30 days.
601 Proxy authorization failed. Retry?
1000 ///////////////// MAIN DIALOG CONTROL STRINGS /////////////////
1001 Previous
1002 Next
1003 Settings...
1007 Add...
1008 Remove
1009 Previous
1010 Category:
1011 Destination:
1012 Images
1013 Total Size:
1014 Original
1015 Preview
1016 Description
1017 Name
1018 Size
1019 Description
1020 Palm User:
1021 Unfiled
1022 Directory...
1023 Choose directory where files are to be saved.
1024 Handheld
2008 Supported image formats
3000 ///////////////// ORIGINAL TAB CONTROL STRINGS /////////////////
3001 Crop
3002 Square Selection
3003 Dimensions
3004 Original:
3005 Cropped:
4000 ///////////////// DESCRIPTION TAB CONTROL STRINGS /////////////////
4001 Privacy
4002 Use the security application on your Palm OS« device to hide or mask images marked as private. Please see the online help for more details.
4003 Mark image as private
5000 ///////////////// PREVIEW TAB CONTROL STRINGS /////////////////
5001 Dimensions
5002 Output:
5003 Fit to Palm OS«
5004 Original Size
6000 ///////////////// SETTINGS WINDOW CONTROL STRINGS /////////////////
6001 Settings
6002 Output Device
6003 Default Export Dimensions
6004 Privacy
6005 Specify the color depth supported by your Palm OS« device. Please note that setting this higher than what the Palm OS« device supports will result in a less than optimal viewing experience. Please consult the help file for additional information.
6006 Specify the default scaling applied to all images before they are sent to the Palm OS« device. The scaling factor for each image can be adjusted in the Preview tab.
6007 Use the security application on the Palm OS« device to hide or mask private images. Individual images can be marked as private under the description tab.
6008 2-bit grayscale
6009 4-bit grayscale
6010 8-bit color
6011 16-bit color
6012 Fit to Palm OS«
6013 Original Size
6014 Mark all images as private
7000 ///////////////// ADD-CATEGORY WINDOW CONTROL STRINGS /////////////////
7001 Add Category
7002 Name:
8000 ///////////////// TRIAL WINDOW CONTROL STRINGS /////////////////
8001 %d days remaining in the Trial Period
8002 Your Trial Period has expired.
9000 ///////////////// REMINDER DIALOG CONTROL STRINGS /////////////////
9001 CX_Palm
9002 The next time you perform a HotSync« operation the listed image(s) will be installed on your handheld.
9003 Do not show this dialog again
10000 //////////////// ABOUT DIALOG CONTROL STRINGS ////////////////
10001 Name :
10002 Company :
10003 License Key :
10004 ACDSee Mobile for Palm OS« Trial Version
10005 ACDSee Mobile for Palm OS«
10006 Purchase Info...
10007 Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and
10008 criminal penalties, and will be\nprosecuted to the maximum extent\npossible under the law.
10009 About ACDSee Mobile for Palm OS«
10100 /////////////////// NAG DIALOG CONTROL STRINGS ///////////////////
10101 ACDSee Mobile for Palm OS«
10102 Thank you for trying ACDSee Mobile for Palm OS«
10103 %d days remaining in Trial Period.
10104 In order to continue using this plug-in after the trial period, you must buy the Full Version.
10105 Purchase Info...
10106 Purchase Full Version...
10107 Run in Trial Mode
10108 Your Trial Period has expired.
10109 In order to continue using this plug-in , you must buy the Full Version.
10110 Cancel
10200 //////////////////// MENU ITEMS ////////////////////