Click the drop-down arrow to select the category your images will reside in. The Palm OS only supports a maximum of 15 categories. Once these are present on the system, the next HotSync places images in the Unfiled category regardless of which category you specify. To remove a category, delete all the images in that category or transfer them to another.
.topic 104
The file list contains file names, size and any comments associated with the image.
.topic 106
Click the Plus Sign to open the Add Category dialog. Type a new name in the text field and click OK.
.topic 114
Click Crop to change your mouse pointer to the crop tool. To crop, click in the image and drag the window. To remove the crop, click anywhere outside of the crop window.
.topic 120
This option works in conjunction with the Security (Privacy) feature on your Palm. Depending on the Privacy option selected, the images will either be masked or completely hidden, with or without a password.
.topic 118
The Description tab contains an area to add comments to an image, as well as Privacy control.
.topic 112
Clicking Help opens the Help File.
.topic 121
Defines whether images are sent to the Palm device or the SD card or Memory Stick.
.topic 116
The Preview tab contains a preview of the image based on any altered crop, color depth and dimension settings.
.topic 119
Enter text in this area to add a description to the image.
.topic 101
Clicking Next moves to the next image in the file list.
.topic 102
Click Add to open the Add Images dialog. Select an image or images and click OK.
.topic 115
Clicking the Square Selection button squares the crop dimensions.
.topic 100
Clicking Previous moves to the previous image in the file list.
.topic 103
Select a file and click Remove to clear it from the file list.
.topic 108
To send images to your Palm, select the device name in the Destination field, or choose Directory to save to your computer.
.topic 107
Select a name in the Category Field and click the Minus Sign to remove it.
.topic 110
Click OK to create and export the .pdb images.
.topic 113
The Original tab contains crop tools as well as the dimensions of the original and cropped images.
.topic 109
The Settings dialog contains global Output (color depth), Dimension, and Privacy options. The Dimension and Privacy settings can be overridden and set for each image through the Preview and Description tabs.
.topic 111
Click Cancel to close ACDSee Mobile for Palm OS(R) without saving changes.
.topic 117
Adjust the size of the exported image by moving the slider to the left or right. This does not alter the size of the original image.