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- DAEMON Tools V3.41 - New generation of CD-Protection emulation.
- (C)2000-2003 DAEMON'S HOME
- Check our homepage at
- http://www.daemon-tools.cc or http://www.daemon-tools.cd
- for all informations and new versions!
- Development/Programming - Andrew Naiden (VeNoM386)
- Support/Distribution/Webpage - LocutusofBorg / Andareed
- Help File/phpcoding(Portal) - Andareed
- Beta-Testers (in alphabetical order):
- Alan Martin, Aldo Vargas, BardiA, Harald Breitner, CeeJay, Chuky, Cisco,
- Copytrooper, Olivier Gaudy, ghost_zero, KKH, LIGHTNING UK!, LoneWolf, NARS,
- Netsurfer, R!Co, Sergei.Gradski, Sloopy_DE, XiT
- eMail: support@daemon-tools.cc
- ********************************************************************************
- The manual can be found in 'Help' menu after installation.
- ********************************************************************************
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------
- This software may only be used to create or run backup copies of legally owned
- CDs.
- We DO NOT SUPPORT software piracy in any form!
- We cannot be held responsible if you are going to use this software for illegal
- activities such as copyright infringement or software piracy.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Info:
- This is an advanced application for multiprotection emulation.
- DAEMON Tools is further development of Generic Safedisc emulator and
- incorporates all its features.
- This program allows:
- 1. Running BACKUP copies of SafeDisc (C-Dilla), Securom and Laserlok protected
- games.
- 2. Mounting CUE, ISO, CCD, BWT, CDI, NRG, PDI and MDS image files as virtual
- DVDROM drives.
- It works under Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP with all types of CDROM drives (IDE/SCSI).
- If you are using Windows95 then you must have at least Win 95B (with installed
- USB Supplement and Internet Explorer 4 or higher).
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------
- - System crashes and/or blue screen of death on some systems having (or had)
- Adaptec (Roxio) EasyCD installed. Older versions of this burning program are
- known to cause lots of trouble in combination with other burning soft or
- DAEMON Tools.
- Do so at your OWN RISK! Moreover we will not give any support if you ignore
- this recommendation and run into problems. Make sure to COMPLETELY (see below)
- remove EasyCD before installing DAEMON Tools!
- As EasyCD cannot create working copies or images of protected CDs we cannot
- recommend it at all. However newer versions (4.2x and higher) seem to be less
- incompatible. Anyway these versions are still not able to create 'good' images
- or even copies.
- If you encounter problems and have or had EasyCD installed plz note that a
- standard uninstall of EasyCD DOES NOT solve your problems as some drivers of
- EasyCD are not deinstalled and still loaded when booting your system.
- The easiest way to remove or disable these drivers is to use the (very good)
- audio CD burning program 'Feurio' (www.feurio.com). This program runs a system
- check after installation (can also be started manually by selecting 'Extras'
- --> 'System Check') pointing to all potential 'trouble-makers' on your system
- allowing to disable/remove them.
- - Crash during installation on some 9x systems having Nero installed.
- The crash may be caused by nerocd95.vxd module when new devices are added to
- system. To solve this issue rename/remove this module (in SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS)
- temporarily, reboot and install Daemon Tools. Then you can rename/restore
- nerocd95.vxd.
- - System lockup after image is mounted and accessed or after reboot with
- 'Automount' option enabled. This appears to happen only on some systems if
- you replaced the default hard disk controller busmaster drivers installed by
- Windows with an updated version from the chipset manufacturer.
- This issue has been fixed since DAEMON Tools 2.88. Nevertheless please inform
- us if you still have this problem.
- Current solutions: Reinstall the busmaster IDE drivers coming with your
- Windows version.
- - "Virtual SCSI driver not detected" error message in Windows XP
- after having updated from earlier OS. This is a known bug in Windows XP.
- Solution:
- Uninstall and then reinstall DAEMON Tools.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------
- Installation in Windows 95/98/ME:
- ---------------------------------
- To run DAEMON Tools setup in Windows 95 you MUST have at least Win 95B with
- installed USB supplement, Year 2K Patch and/or Internet Explorer 4 or higher!
- It is highly recommended you install latest IE as it isn't only a browser but
- updates A LOT of system files. It is also required for full Y2K compatibility
- of Win95. You may deinstall IE again if you don't want to use it - the system
- update remains!
- Installation of DAEMON Tools v2.60 and higher requires the latest version of
- Windows Installer (MSI). It is the latest MS installation technology and already
- integrated in Windows ME but also available as upgrade for Win 9x.
- DAEMON Tools setup will automatically offer to download the latest version for
- you if it isn't found on your system.
- Alternatively you can download Windows Installer for 9x from the following
- location:
- Check our Homepage for latest MSI-Installer Files
- Anyway we recommend to just run DAEMON Tools setup as several newer programs
- (e.g. Office 2000, Disc Juggler 3.x) automatically install Windows Installer so
- you may already have it installed.
- Simply start the download file to begin installation. First the 'DAEMON Tools
- End User License agreement will pop up and you will have to agree to it before
- installation proceeds. Then you will be asked if you want to change the path
- where the installation files shall be unpacked to but we recommend NOT to
- change it. Afterwards close the readme.txt (after reading it, of course) and
- you will be asked if you want to start 'setup.exe'. Answer yes and the
- installation will start. If you're installing DAEMON Tools for the first time
- you will be asked for an installation path - change it or leave it as default.
- If you're updating you will get two options:
- - Update/Repair DAEMON Tools
- and
- - Remove DAEMON Tools
- Make sure the first one is selected and click on 'Finish' and DAEMON Tools will
- be installed on your system.
- All necessary files will now be copied and two new devices will be installed in
- your system, a virtual SCSI Controller and the "Generic DVD-ROM SCSI CDRom
- Device".
- After setup has finished the 'DAEMON Tools' shortcut is placed on your desktop
- and the DAEMON manager icon will appear in the notification area of your
- taskbar. Right-click on it to see the popup menu. The 'DAEMON Manager' allows
- you to enable or disable Safedisc, Securom, Laserlock and RMPS emulation. It is
- also used to mount and unmount images to DAEMON Tools' virtual Generic DVD-ROM
- drive, to set the number of how many Generic DVDROMs will be installed (number
- can be '0' to '4') and to set several other options. Moreover you use it to
- access help menu. A left-click on the icon allows quick mounting/dismounting
- of images. Directly after installation Windows assigns the next free drive
- letter to the newly installed Generic DVD-ROM drive. If you ever want to
- change CDROM drive letter(s) right click the DAEMON Tools tray icon and select
- 'Virtual CD/DVD-ROM' --> 'Device 0 ...' (for example, same for Device 1 etc.)
- --> 'Set Device Parameters'
- or go to
- "Start" --> "Settings" --> "ControlPanel" --> "System" --> "DeviceManager"
- --> "CDROM"
- then select "Generic DVD-ROM" and click on "Properties". Select "Settings" in
- the window coming up and set "Reserved Drive Letters" (First AND Last) to the
- desired value (must be HIGHER than ALL letters used at the moment!!!). We suggest
- using "V" = Virtual.
- Installation in Windows NT:
- ---------------------------
- The installation of DAEMON Tools v2.60 and higher requires the latest version of
- Windows Installer (MSI). It is the latest MS installation technology and
- available as upgrade for Win NT.
- DAEMON Tools setup will automatically offer to download the latest version for
- you if it isn't found on your system.
- Alternatively you can download Windows Installer for NT from the following
- location:
- Check our Homepage for latest MSI-Installer Files
- Anyway we recommend to just run DAEMON Tools setup as several newer programs
- (e.g. Office 2000, Disc Juggler 3.x) automatically install Windows Installer so
- you may already have it installed.
- Simply start the download file to begin installation. First the 'DAEMON Tools
- End User License agreement will pop up and you will have to agree to it before
- installation proceeds. Then you will be asked if you want to change the path
- where the installation files shall be unpacked to but we recommend NOT to
- change it. Afterwards close the readme.txt (after reading it, of course) and
- you will be asked if you want to start 'setup.exe'. Answer yes and the
- installation will start. If you're installing DAEMON Tools for the first time
- you will be asked for an installation path - change it or leave it as default.
- If you're updating you will get two options:
- - Update/Repair DAEMON Tools
- and
- - Remove DAEMON Tools
- Make sure the first one is selected and click on 'Finish' and DAEMON Tools will
- be installed on your system.
- All necessary files will now be copied and two new devices will be installed in
- your system, a virtual SCSI Controller and the "Generic DVD-ROM SCSI CDRom
- Device". You will be asked to reboot for changes to take effect.
- After reboot the DAEMON manager icon will appear in the notification area of
- your taskbar. Right-click on it to see the popup menu. The 'DAEMON Manager'
- allows you to enable or disable Safedisc, Securom, Laserlock and
- RMPS emulation. It is also used to mount and unmount images to DAEMON Tools'
- virtual Generic DVD-ROM drive, to set the number of how many Generic DVD-ROMs
- will be installed (number can be '0' to '4') and to set several other options.
- Moreover you use it to access help menu. A left-click on the icon allows quick
- mounting/ dismounting of images. When the installation has finished and your
- system has rebooted you'll notice that Windows has assigned the next free
- drive letter to the newly installed Generic DVD-ROM drive. If you ever want to
- change your CDROM drive letter(s) make sure you're logged in with
- administrative privileges and then right click the DAEMON Tools tray icon and
- select
- 'Virtual CD/DVD-ROM' --> 'Device 0 ...' (for example, same for Device 1 etc.)
- --> 'Set Device Parameters'
- or go to
- "Start"-->"Programs"-->"Administrative Tools (Common)"-->"Disk Administrator".
- Right click on the CDROM drive you want to change and select "Assign Drive
- Letter". The selected drive letter will be assigned immediately.
- Note: You can activate DAEMON manager after install even without reboot, but
- Windows NT will assign drive letter for new CDROM ('Generic DVD-ROM') after
- reboot only. If it does not bother you, you can use all emulation features
- immediately without reboot.
- Installation in Windows 2000/XP:
- --------------------------------
- Simply start the download file to begin installation. First the 'DAEMON Tools
- End User License agreement will pop up and you will have to agree to it before
- installation proceeds. Then you will be asked if you want to change the path
- where the installation files shall be unpacked to but we recommend NOT to
- change it. Afterwards close the readme.txt (after reading it, of course) and
- you will be asked if you want to start 'setup.exe'. Answer yes and the
- installation will start. If you're installing DAEMON Tools for the first time
- you will be asked for an installation path - change it or leave it as default.
- If you're updating you will get two options:
- - Update/Repair DAEMON Tools
- and
- - Remove DAEMON Tools
- Make sure the first one is selected and click on 'Finish' and DAEMON Tools will
- be installed on your system.
- All necessary files will now be copied and two new devices will be installed in
- your system, a virtual SCSI Controller and the "Generic DVD-ROM SCSI CDRom
- Device".
- After setup has finished the 'DAEMON Tools' shortcut is placed on your desktop
- and the DAEMON manager icon will appear in the notification area of your
- taskbar. Right-click on it to see the popup menu. The 'DAEMON Manager' allows you
- to enable or disable Safedisc, Securom, Laserlock and RMPS emulation. It is
- also used to mount and unmount images to DAEMON Tools' virtual Generic DVD-ROM
- drive, to set the number of how many Generic DVD-ROMs will be installed
- (number can be '0' to '4') and to set several other options. Moreover you use
- it to access help menu. A left-click on the icon allows the quick
- mounting/dismounting of images. Directly after installation Windows assigns
- the next free drive letter to the newly installed Generic DVD-ROM drive. If
- you ever want to change your CDROM drive letter(s) make sure you're logged in
- with administrative privileges and then right click the DAEMON Tools tray icon
- and select
- 'Virtual CD/DVD-ROM' --> 'Device 0 ...' (for example, same for Device 1 etc.)
- --> 'Set Device Parameters'
- or go to
- "Start"-->"Programs"-->"Administrative Tools"-->"Computer Management"
- and open "Storage"-->"Disk Management" folder. Right-click on the CDROM device
- you want to change and select "Change Drive Letter And Path...".
- Since version 2.2 DAEMON Tools is compatible with Win 2K/XP "hibernation" and
- "standby" modes!
- Note for ALL operating systems:
- -------------------------------
- Virtual DAEMON Manager starts with Windows by default. You can disable this
- behaviour in the DAEMON manager's 'Options' menu by unchecking 'Autostart'! You
- can (re-)start the manager manually using the 'DAEMON Tools' shortcut placed on
- your desktop during setup. The protection emulation will not be active until you
- enable one or more of them in DAEMON manager's 'Emulation' menu. The DAEMON
- manager icon will turn green to signalize that one or more emulations are
- active. The protection emulations work for all your CDROM drives.
- After reboot previously mounted Images are remounted if 'Automount' in
- 'Options' menu is enabled. Virtual drives are remounted already before manager
- loads and can be used with programs that access CDROM even before your Desktop
- is fully initialized. If you not need the DAEMON manager tray icon then
- disable the 'Taskbar icon' option. To start the DAEMON manager manually
- use the 'DAEMON Tools' desktop icon. Since version 2.2 it is possible to
- disable ALL virtual Generic DVD-ROM drives. To do so right-click the DAEMON
- Manager icon and select 'Virtual CD/DVD-ROM' --> 'Select number of devices...'
- --> 'Disable'. In Windows NT you will have to reboot to see the effect.
- Note for Windows NT/2000/XP:
- ----------------------------
- Automatic remounting of network images after reboot requires user login and can
- be performed only when 'Virtual DAEMON Manager' starts. If you have Windows
- 'Autoinsert Notification' (AIN) enabled the automatically remounted images will
- 'Autorun' as the mounting of an image is nothing else as putting a physical CD
- to a CDROM drive.
- Uninstalling DAEMON Tools:
- ------------------------------
- To uninstall DAEMON Tools go to
- "Start" --> "Settings" --> "ControlPanel" --> "Software"
- and select 'DAEMON Tools'. DAEMON Tools will be completely removed from your PC.
- Windows requires reboot to completely uninstall the drivers.
- So if you reinstall DAEMON Tools directly after Uninstall a reboot may be
- required to completely remove the previously uninstalled drivers.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Credits:
- Many thanks to all people whose ideas were used and who helped us with
- advices and suggestions.
- Oliver Kastl (CloneCD developer):
- Big thanks for description of CCD format! Your advices are also
- greatly appreciated!
- Jacques (Blindwrite suite developer):
- Thanks for your advices concerning bad sector emulation and the
- description of Blindwrite's BWT format!
- Mirco Caramori (Padus):
- Big thanks for providing pfctoc.dll that allows mounting .cdi images!
- Elicz:
- Thanks for unique code you provided for use in Daemon Tools!
- Pedro (Laxity):
- OK, man! Your Generic SafeDisc Patch inspired me to create this program.
- You were a pioneer - your name will be carved in stone!;-)
- BardiA (author of LL32ICA):
- Big thanks for your help concerning Laserlock and CDCOPS protection!
- Puzzo Thanks a lot for your contribution into investigation of Tages
- protection. You did great job!
- Also big thanks to people who supplied information on new games!
- Their help can not be under-estimated especially in the early era of old
- Safedisc emulator when all this was only in the beginning.
- We'll never forget ya, boyZ!;-)
- Thanks to:
- Allen James - for making sector dump from original 'Tiberian Sun' CDs
- Neil Cabana - for dumping 'Age Of Empires II'
- Chad Trotter - for supplying info on MDK2 and 'Emperor: Battle for Dune'
- Thomas Nussbaumer - for sending us the dump of GP3
- BigGadget - for GP3 info (thanks Cisco for cooperation!)
- Chuky (Martin) - for extensive info on 'Outcast' with numerous dumps! This
- greatly helped improve Securom emulation!
- Thanks for Fallout2 info too! And for help in creation of
- several MDS-Files.
- Aldo Vargas - for help with 'Scrabble' (PSX)
- Olivier Gaudy - for sending us information about Laserlock games working
- with Securom emulation
- Justin Barrick - for help with Windows Whistler Beta 1.
- Riedquat - for info about Novell Netware Client32 architecture in
- Windows9x.
- Toby Miller - for 'Emperor' dumps.
- Kegetys - for 'Max Payne' dump.
- Traxmaster - for great help in exploration of CD+G format.
- Gramps - for help with 'Nascar2002'.
- Harald Breitner - for coding 'install.exe'.
- Euronymous - for help with 'Neverwinter Nights'.
- Cumulous - for help with 'Neverwinter Nights'.
- Mario's World - for help with Industry Giant 2
- Sloopy_DE - for help in creation of several MDS-Files.
- And of course all others who helped us with advices, bug reports or ideas.
- Your help is greatly appreciated!
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Legal:
- * This program is NOT freeware.
- * If you don't use this program for commercial purposes you do not have to
- register a license and are allowed to use this software for free. But if you
- want to support our work you may do so, of course.
- Please check our homepage at http://www.daemon-tools.cc and browse
- to 'REGISTER'.
- This private license is always limited until the next version of this software
- is released.
- * If you use this program commercially (e.g. in a company, internet cafe etc.)
- somehow you must license it!
- For registration please check our homepage at http://www.daemon-tools.cc
- and browse to 'REGISTER'. You will find all details there.
- * You are only allowed to use this program if you are a legal owner of the
- original CD and you want to create or use a backup of your original CD.
- * Feel free to use this package in other FREE products, as long as you
- leave this package unmodified and include credits to author.
- If you want to include this software in a commercial product plz contact us
- for permission!
- * Commercial Programs that 'need' or 'base on' our program (e.g. GUI etc.)
- require the written permission of the author.
- * This software is provided "as is". The authors cannot be held responsible
- for any loss of data or other misfortunes resulting from the use of this
- program.
- * Likewise the authors cannot be held responsible for the use or misuse of
- this software.