ocr: ffdshow - vlastnosti (default) X ffdshow Posun default Process whole. image Reset Help Odsumeni Zostreni 2.]. Iv Subtitles Warpsharp 3.) Search DScaler filtr 4.JSearch in - Sum File Velikost a pomer Nastaveni Reload Watch for changes Korekce zobrazeni Titulky 1.) Delay: ms Reset Speed: 1000 /1000 Pismo Horizontalni umisteni: 50% (center) Vertikalnit umisteni: 90% (bottom) 6.) Avisynth Zobraz MV Letterbox: 4:3 - DCT Uloz snimek To move subtitles below the image, turn on letterboxing to desired aspect Overlay ratio and check the "Process whole image" checkbox, Ruzné You need to reopen the movie ...