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- // script cobbled together from bits of other people's skin code with my changes and ammendments
- // it's ok! - I know it yours!
- var vidplay=false;
- var visopen=false;
- var eqopen=false;
- var plopen=false;
- var visopen=false;
- function init() {
- text_upd();
- viseffects.visible=false;
- visfg.visible=false;
- vidplay=(player.OpenState == osMediaOpen) && (player.currentMedia.ImageSourceWidth>0);
- vidplay ? vid_start() : vid_end();
- if (!player.controls.isAvailable("Stop")) { vid_end(); }
- }
- function state_change() {
- text_upd();
- vidplay=(player.OpenState == osMediaOpen) && (player.currentMedia.ImageSourceWidth>0);
- if (!player.controls.isAvailable("Stop")) { vid_end(); }
- vidplay ? vid_start() : vid_end();
- }
- function toggle_vis() {
- if (vis_bg.visible) {
- vis_bg.visible=false;
- trk_bg2.visible=false;
- viseffects.visible=false;
- visfg.visible=false;
- } else {
- vis_bg.visible=true;
- trk_bg2.visible=true;
- viseffects.visible=true;
- visfg.visible=true;
- }
- }
- function openvis() {
- if (visopen==false) {
- orbit_vis_bg.moveTo(144,2,500);
- visopen=true;
- } else {
- visfg.visible=false;
- viseffects.visible=false;
- orbit_vis_bg.moveTo(4,2,500);
- visopen=false;
- }
- }
- function plon() {
- if (visopen) {
- visfg.visible=true;
- viseffects.visible=true;
- } else {
- visfg.visible=false;
- viseffects.visible=false;
- }
- }
- function openeq() {
- if (eqopen) {
- theme.closeView('body_eq');
- eqopen=false;
- } else {
- theme.openView('body_eq');
- eqopen=true;
- }
- }
- function openpl() {
- if (plopen) {
- theme.closeView('body_pl');
- plopen=false;
- } else {
- theme.openView('body_pl');
- plopen=true;
- }
- }
- function vol_dn() {
- volumeSet = player.settings.volume;
- if (volumeSet > 7) {
- volup.enabled=true;
- voldn.enabled=true;
- volumeSet-=7;
- } else {
- volup.enabled=true;
- voldn.enabled=false;
- volumeSet=0;
- }
- player.settings.volume = volumeSet;
- player.settings.mute = false;
- }
- function vol_up() {
- volumeSet = player.settings.volume;
- if (volumeSet < 93) {
- volup.enabled=true;
- voldn.enabled=true;
- volumeSet+=7;
- } else {
- volup.enabled=false;
- voldn.enabled=true;
- volumeSet=100;
- }
- player.settings.volume = volumeSet;
- player.settings.mute = false;
- }
- function chkDecVol() {
- return !(player.settings.volume == 0);
- }
- function chkIncVol() {
- return !(player.settings.volume == 100);
- }
- function vid_check() {
- return (player.OpenState == osMediaOpen) && (player.currentMedia.ImageSourceWidth>0);
- }
- function vid_start() {
- vidplay=true;
- viseffects.visible=false;
- theme.openview('body_video');
- }
- function vid_end() {
- vidplay=false;
- }
- function text_upd(){
- metadata.value = " ";
- artistname = player.currentmedia.getiteminfo("#author");
- if (artistname == "") { artistname = player.currentmedia.getiteminfo("author"); }
- if (artistname != "") { artistname += " - "; }
- rate = player.currentmedia.getiteminfo("#bitrate").substring(0,player.currentmedia.getiteminfo("#bitrate").length-3);
- if (rate == "") { rate = player.currentmedia.getiteminfo("bitrate").substring(0,player.currentmedia.getiteminfo("bitrate").length-3); }
- rate += (rate) ? " kbps" : " ñ";
- metadata.value += artistname;
- metadata.value += player.currentmedia.name;
- if (rate != "") {
- metadata.value += " - ";
- metadata.value += rate;
- }
- metadata.value += " ";
- metadata.scrolling = (metadata.textWidth>metadata.width);
- }
- // 'borrowed' from the winamp converter .js and xml
- function OnLoadVideo() {
- SnapToVideo();
- }
- function AllowResizeVideo() {
- mediacenter.videoStretchToFit=true;
- mediacenter.videoShrinkToFit=true;
- return;
- }
- function ZoomVideo() {
- g_fUserHasSized = true;
- mediacenter.videoStretchToFit = false;
- mediacenter.videoShrinkToFit = false;
- if( mediacenter.videoZoom < 51 ) {
- mediacenter.videoZoom = 100;
- } else if( mediacenter.videoZoom < 101 ) {
- mediacenter.videoZoom = 200;
- } else {
- mediacenter.videoZoom = 50;
- }
- SnapToVideo();
- }
- function SnapToVideo() {
- if( (!g_fUserHasSized && mediacenter.videoStretchToFit) || !mediacenter.videoStretchToFit) {
- var zoom = mediacenter.videoStretchToFit ? 100 : mediacenter.videoZoom;
- var x = (player.currentMedia.imageSourceWidth * (zoom / 100.0));
- var y = (player.currentMedia.imageSourceHeight * (zoom / 100.0));
- g_fExpectingSizeChange = true;
- view.width = x + 16;
- view.height = y + 113;
- g_fExpectingSizeChange = false;
- } else {
- view.height= player.currentMedia.imageSourceHeight + 113;
- view.width= player.currentMedia.imageSourceWidth + 16;
- }
- vidinfo.value = "Zoom: " + mediacenter.videoZoom + "%";
- }
- function OnCloseVideo() {
- body_video.close();
- }