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- ; Windows 95 / 98 / NT4 Personality
- ; This is a .UIS Version 2 file
- ; For use ONLY with WindowBlinds or WindowFX by Stardock Systems, Inc
- ; File Created with BuilderBlinds
- [TitlebarSkin]
- SkinName=Deep Blue Something
- SkinAuthor=TheSkinsFactory.com
- AuthorsURL=http://www.theskinsfactory.com
- AuthorEmail=info@theskinsfactory.com
- SpecialNotes=
- Generator=SkinStudio ver 1.2.0, Build 370 - http://www.skinstudio.net
- WBVer=200
- [Personality]
- Divider - Frame=- - - -- --- -- - - - - -- --- -- - - -
- Top=DBS\border-top.bmp
- Left=DBS\border-left.bmp
- Right=DBS\border-right.bmp
- Bottom=DBS\border-bot.bmp
- TopTopHeight=94
- TopBotHeight=209
- LeftTopHeight=44
- LeftBotHeight=14
- RightTopHeight=48
- RightBotHeight=14
- BottomTopHeight=1
- BottomBotHeight=149
- TopStretch=1
- LeftStretch=0
- RightStretch=0
- BottomStretch=0
- TopFrame=20
- LeftFrame=20
- RightFrame=20
- BottomFrame=20
- AniRate=150
- Divider - Titlebar=- - - -- --- -- - - - - -- --- -- - - -
- TextAlignment=0
- TextShift=25
- TextShiftVert=3
- TextRightClip=160
- ActiveTextR=255
- ActiveTextG=255
- ActiveTextB=255
- InactiveTextR=225
- InactiveTextG=225
- InactiveTextB=225
- TileLeftMenu=13
- TileRightMenu=13
- Divider - Menubar=- - - -- --- -- - - - - -- --- -- - - -
- menubar=DBS\menubar.bmp
- TileMenu=0
- MenuTextR=70
- MenuTextG=70
- MenuTextB=70
- MenuR=79
- MenuG=161
- MenuB=189
- Divider - Background=- - - -- --- -- - - - - -- --- -- - - -
- Divider - System=- - - -- --- -- - - - - -- --- -- - - -
- RollupSize=26
- TripleImages=1
- buttonCount=11
- SoundEnabled=1
- TextOnBottom=0
- Textbackground=1
- CombineTextBack=0
- TextBackVisibility=0
- ExplorerBmp=DBS\Explorer.bmp
- MDIBmp=DBS\dialog.bmp
- DialogBmp=DBS\dialog.bmp
- MouseOver=1
- MenuLeftTile=6
- MenuBorders=DBS\menu-border.bmp
- Wallpaper=DBS\wall.bmp
- [Buttons]
- Bitmap=DBS\button.bmp
- MouseOver=1
- Tile=0
- TopHeight=4
- LeftWidth=5
- RightWidth=6
- BottomHeight=4
- CheckButton=DBS\Checkbox.bmp
- RadioButton=DBS\radiobutton.bmp
- DefaultFont=0
- NormalFont=0
- PressedFont=0
- DisabledFont=0
- FocusFont=1
- MouseOverFont=1
- NormalColour=0
- PressedColour=1
- DisabledColour=0
- FocusColour=1
- DefaultColour=0
- MouseOverColour=1
- Trans=1
- [TaskBar]
- Image=DBS\button.bmp
- Tile=0
- TopHeight=4
- LeftWidth=4
- RightWidth=4
- BottomHeight=4
- NormalFont=0
- PressedFont=1
- NormalColour=0
- PressedColour=1
- NormalLayout=1
- PressedLayout=1
- [StartButton]
- Image=DBS\Start.bmp
- [MenuItem]
- BottomHeight=4
- Tile=0
- LeftWidth=21
- RightWidth=4
- Image=DBS\menu-tool.bmp
- TopHeight=11
- Trans=1
- Alpha=254
- NormalFont=0
- PressedFont=1
- FocusFont=0
- DefaultFont=0
- MouseOverFont=0
- NormalColour=0
- PressedColour=2
- FocusColour=2
- DefaultColour=0
- MouseOverColour=1
- DisabledColour=0
- [MenuBackground]
- BottomHeight=16
- Tile=0
- LeftWidth=18
- RightWidth=21
- Image=DBS\menu-bg.bmp
- TopHeight=16
- Trans=0
- [Progress]
- Bitmap=DBS\progressbar.bmp
- Tile=1
- TopHeight=5
- LeftWidth=5
- RightWidth=5
- BottomHeight=6
- Trans=1
- [Button0]
- XCoord=27
- YCoord=3
- Align=1
- Action=0
- ButtonImage=DBS\but-close.bmp
- [Fonts]
- AntiAlias=1
- Fontname=Verdana
- FontHeight=12
- FontWeight=600
- [Text]
- NoShadowInactiveText=1
- ShadowOffset=1
- ShadowTextB=0
- ShadowTextG=0
- ShadowTextR=0
- Use3DText=1
- [Button1]
- XCoord=47
- YCoord=3
- Align=1
- Action=22
- Visibility=0
- ButtonImage=DBS\but-max.bmp
- [Button2]
- XCoord=66
- YCoord=3
- Align=1
- Action=23
- Visibility=0
- ButtonImage=DBS\but-min.bmp
- [Button3]
- XCoord=86
- YCoord=3
- Align=1
- Action=4
- Visibility=0
- ButtonImage=DBS\but-roll.bmp
- [Font0]
- FontAngle=0
- AntiAlias=1
- FontName=Tahoma
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- Italics=0
- Underline=0
- FontWeight=700
- [HorzScrollThumb]
- Image=DBS\scroll-bar-h.bmp
- BottomHeight=3
- LeftWidth=5
- RightWidth=5
- TopHeight=3
- ShowDot=1
- [HorzScroll]
- Image=DBS\scroll-h.bmp
- TopHeight=3
- BottomHeight=3
- LeftWidth=3
- RightWidth=3
- [Scrollbar]
- Image=DBS\scroll-button.bmp
- TopHeight=6
- BottomHeight=6
- LeftWidth=6
- RightWidth=6
- Trans=1
- [VertScroll]
- BottomHeight=3
- LeftWidth=3
- RightWidth=3
- TopHeight=3
- Image=DBS\scroll-v.bmp
- [VertScrollThumb]
- BottomHeight=5
- LeftWidth=3
- RightWidth=3
- TopHeight=5
- ShowDot=1
- Image=DBS\scroll-bar-v.bmp
- [StatusBarEdges]
- BottomHeight=0
- LeftWidth=0
- RightWidth=0
- TopHeight=0
- Image=DBS\status.bmp
- [ComboButton]
- Image=DBS\combo.bmp
- BottomHeight=3
- LeftWidth=4
- RightWidth=4
- TopHeight=3
- [ExtraImages]
- Image=DBS\Combo-Arrows.bmp
- Alpha=255
- Trans=1
- [SunkEdge]
- BottomHeight=2
- LeftWidth=2
- RightWidth=2
- TopHeight=2
- Image=DBS\Sunkedge.bmp
- [Colours]
- Background=116 210 245
- Hilight=85 180 213
- AppWorkSpace=130 170 178
- Menu=200 222 227
- Scrollbar=163 180 184
- Window=255 255 255
- ButtonAlternateFace=179 209 216
- ButtonDkShadow=56 73 103
- ButtonFace=179 209 216
- ButtonHilight=217 235 239
- ButtonLight=210 246 245
- ButtonShadow=47 66 87
- HotTrackingColor=79 161 189
- GrayText=130 170 178
- HilightText=215 235 255
- MenuText=60 60 68
- WindowText=0 64 128
- ButtonText=60 60 68
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- GradientInactiveTitle=38 42 91
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- InfoText=248 248 248
- WindowFrame=0 0 0
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- [GroupBoxEdge]
- Image=DBS\groupboxedge.bmp
- Trans=1
- LeftWidth=3
- RightWidth=3
- TopHeight=15
- BottomHeight=3
- [GroupBox]
- NormalColour=1
- NormalFont=0
- NormalLayout=0
- Image=DBS\groupbox.bmp
- LeftWidth=4
- RightWidth=15
- TopHeight=13
- BottomHeight=1
- Trans=1
- BackgroundAlignment=1
- BackgroundLeftShift=-7
- BackgroundRightShift=-20
- Tile=0
- [Colour0]
- B=70
- G=70
- R=70
- [Layout0]
- BorderMode=0
- TextAlignment=0
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- NoIconRightEdge=7
- NoIconTopEdge=3
- [Tabs]
- BottomHeight=4
- LeftWidth=5
- RightWidth=5
- TopHeight=5
- Border=DBS\tabs-border.bmp
- Image=DBS\tabs-button.bmp
- Tile=0
- Trans=1
- NormalFont=0
- PressedFont=1
- DisabledFont=0
- FocusFont=0
- DefaultFont=0
- MouseOverFont=0
- NormalColour=0
- PressedColour=1
- DisabledColour=2
- FocusColour=1
- DefaultColour=0
- MouseOverColour=1
- [Colour1]
- B=90
- G=53
- R=0
- [Colour2]
- B=0
- G=0
- R=0
- [Font1]
- FontAngle=0
- AntiAlias=1
- FontName=Tahoma
- FontHeight=11
- Italics=0
- Underline=0
- FontWeight=700
- [Headerbar]
- Image=DBS\headbar.bmp
- BottomHeight=3
- LeftWidth=3
- RightWidth=3
- TopHeight=3
- NormalFont=0
- PressedFont=0
- DisabledFont=0
- FocusFont=0
- DefaultFont=0
- MouseOverFont=0
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- FocusColour=1
- DefaultColour=0
- MouseOverColour=1
- [ToolBars]
- BottomHeight=3
- LeftWidth=3
- RightWidth=3
- TopHeight=3
- Image=DBS\button.bmp
- [MenuBar]
- UseCustomBackground=0
- BottomHeight=3
- LeftWidth=3
- RightWidth=3
- TopHeight=3
- Image=DBS\button.bmp
- [RebarGrip]
- BotHeight=3
- TopHeight=3
- Image=DBS\grip.bmp
- [Layout1]
- BorderMode=0
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- [MdiControls]
- Image=DBS\mdi.bmp
- [Button4]
- Action=-3
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- XCoord=0
- ButtonImage=
- YCoord=0
- Visibility=0
- DllName=anim.dll
- Width=0
- Height=0
- [Button5]
- Action=5
- Command=wmplayer.exe
- Align=1
- XCoord=106
- ButtonImage=DBS\but-wmp.bmp
- YCoord=3
- Visibility=0
- [Button6]
- Action=5
- Command=http://www.aezra.com
- Align=1
- XCoord=126
- ButtonImage=DBS\but-dbs.bmp
- YCoord=3
- Visibility=0
- [Button7]
- Action=-1
- Align=0
- XCoord=0
- ButtonImage=DBS\topleft.bmp
- YCoord=0
- Visibility=0
- Width=25
- Height=21
- [Button8]
- XCoord=6
- YCoord=3
- Align=0
- Action=11
- Visibility=27
- [Button9]
- XCoord=6
- YCoord=3
- Align=0
- Action=-1
- Visibility=28
- ButtonImage=DBS\icon.bmp
- Width=16
- Height=16
- [Button10]
- Action=-1
- Align=1
- XCoord=9
- ButtonImage=DBS\topright.bmp
- YCoord=0
- Visibility=0