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- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
- <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="OwnEvents" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
- Public Const SBDATEUNDEFINED as Double = -98765432.1
- Sub Main
- Call CalAutopilotTable()
- End Sub
- Sub CalSaveOwnData()
- Dim FileName as String
- Dim FileChannel as Integer
- Dim i as Integer
- If bCalOwnDataChanged Then
- FileName = GetPathSettings("UserConfig", False) & "/" & "DATE.DAT"
- SaveDataToFile(FileName, DlgCalModel.lstOwnData.StringItemList())
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub CalLoadOwnData()
- Dim FileName as String
- Dim LocList() as String
- FileName = GetPathSettings("UserConfig", False) & "/DATE.DAT"
- If LoadDataFromFile(FileName, LocList()) Then
- DlgCalModel.lstOwnData.StringItemList() = LocList()
- End If
- End Sub
- Function CalCreateDateStrOfInput() as String
- Dim DateStr as String
- Dim CurOwnMonth as Integer
- Dim CurOwnDay as Integer
- Dim FormatDateStr as String
- Dim dblDate as Double
- Dim iLen as Integer
- Dim iDiff as Integer
- Dim i as Integer
- CurOwnDay = DlgCalModel.txtOwnEventDay.Value
- CurOwnMonth = DlgCalendar.GetControl("lstOwnEventMonth").getselectedItemPos() + 1
- DateStr = DateSerial(0, CurOwnMonth, CurOwnDay)
- dblDate = CDbl(DateValue(DateStr))
- FormatDateStr = oNumberFormatter.convertNumberToString(lDateFormat, dblDate)
- iLen = Len(FormatDateStr)
- iDiff = 16 - iLen
- If iDiff > 0 Then
- For i = 0 To iDiff
- FormatDateStr = FormatDateStr + " "
- Next i
- Else
- MsgBox("Invalid DateFormat: 'FormatDateStr'", 16, sWizardTitle)
- CalCreateDateStrOfInput = ""
- Exit Function
- End If
- DateStr = FormatDateStr & Trim(DlgCalModel.txtEvent.Text)
- CalCreateDateStrOfInput = DateStr
- End Function
- Sub CalcmdInsertData()
- Dim MaxIndex as Integer
- Dim UIDateStr as String
- Dim DateStr as String
- Dim NewDate as Double
- Dim bInserted as Boolean
- Dim i as Integer
- Dim CurOwnDay as Integer
- Dim CurOwnMonth as Integer
- Dim CurOwnYear as Integer
- CurOwnDay = DlgCalModel.txtOwnEventDay.Value
- CurOwnMonth = DlgCalendar.GetControl("lstOwnEventMonth").getSelectedItemPos() + 1
- UIDateStr = CalCreateDateStrOfInput()
- NewDate = GetDateUnits(CurOwnDay, CurOwnMonth, UIDateStr)
- If UIDateStr = "" Then Exit Sub
- MaxIndex = Ubound(DlgCalModel.lstOwnData.StringItemList())
- If MaxIndex = -1 Then
- DlgCalendar.GetControl("lstOwnData").AddItem(UIDateStr, 0 + 1)
- bInserted = True
- Else
- Dim CurEvMonth(MaxIndex) as Integer
- Dim CurEvDay(MaxIndex) as Integer
- Dim CurDate(MaxIndex) as Double
- ' same Years("no years" are treated like same years) -> delete old entry and insert new one
- i = 0
- Do
- CurDate(i) = GetSelectedDateUnits(CurEvDay(i), CurEvMonth(i), i)
- If CurDate(i) = NewDate Then
- DlgCalendar.GetControl("lstOwnData").RemoveItems(i,1)
- DlgCalendar.GetControl("lstOwnData").AddItem(UIDateStr, i)
- bInserted = True
- End If
- i = i + 1
- Loop Until bInserted Or i > MaxIndex
- ' There exists already a date
- If Not bInserted Then
- i = 0
- Do
- If (CurEvMonth(i) = CurOwnMonth) And (CurEvDay(i) = CurOwnDay) Then
- bInserted = True
- DlgCalendar.GetControl("lstOwnData").RemoveItems(i,1)
- DlgCalendar.GetControl("lstOwnData").AddItem(UIDateStr, i)
- End If
- i = i + 1
- Loop Until bInserted Or i > MaxIndex
- End If
- ' The date is not yet existing and will will be sorted in accordingly
- If Not bInserted Then
- i = 0
- Do
- bInserted = NewDate < CurDate(i)
- If bInserted Then
- DlgCalendar.GetControl("lstOwnData").AddItem(UIDateStr, i)
- End If
- i = i + 1
- Loop Until bInserted Or i > MaxIndex
- If Not bInserted Then
- DlgCalendar.GetControl("lstOwnData").AddItem(UIDateStr, MaxIndex+1)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- bCalOwnDataChanged = True
- Call CalClearInputMask()
- End Sub
- Function GetSelectedDateUnits(CurEvDay as Integer, CurEvMonth as Integer, i as Integer) as Double
- Dim dblDate as Double
- Dim DateStr as String
- DateStr = DlgCalModel.lstOwnData.StringItemList(i)
- If DateStr <> "" Then
- dblDate = GetDateUnits(CurEvDay, CurEvMonth, DateStr)
- End If
- GetSelectedDateUnits() = dblDate
- End Function
- Function GetDateUnits(CurEvDay as Integer, CurEvMonth as Integer, DateStr) as Double
- Dim bEventOnce as String
- Dim LocDateStr as String
- Dim dblDate as Double
- Dim lDate as Long
- LocDateStr = Mid(DateStr, 1, 15)
- LocDateStr = Trim(LocDateStr)
- bEventOnce = True
- On Local Error Goto NODATEFORMAT
- dblDate = oNumberFormatter.convertStringToNumber(lDateFormat, LocDateStr)
- lDate = Clng(dblDate)
- CurEvMonth = Month(lDate)
- CurEvDay = Day(lDate)
- GetDateUnits() = dblDate
- Exit Function
- If Err <> 0 Then
- MsgBox("Error: Date : ' " & LocDateStr & "' is not a valid Format", 16, sWizardTitle)
- End If
- End Function
- Function CalGetNameOfEvent(ByVal ListIndex as Integer) as String
- Dim NameStr as String
- NameStr = DlgCalModel.lstOwnData.StringItemList(ListIndex)
- NameStr = Trim (Mid(NameStr, 16))
- CalGetNameOfEvent = NameStr
- End Function
- Sub CheckInsertedDates(Optional ControlEnvironment, Optional CurOwnMonth as Integer)
- Dim EvYear as Long
- Dim EvDay as Long
- Dim sEvMonth as String
- Dim bDoEnable as Boolean
- Dim ListboxName as String
- Dim MaxValue as Integer
- If Not IsMissing(ControlEnvironment) Then
- CurOwnMonth = DlgCalendar.GetControl("lstOwnEventMonth").getSelectedItemPos()+1
- End If
- EvYear = Year(Now())
- bDoEnable = CurOwnMonth <> 0
- If bDoEnable Then
- MaxValue = CalMaxDayInMonth(EvYear, CurOwnMonth)
- DlgCalModel.txtOwnEventDay.ValueMax = MaxValue
- If DlgCalModel.txtOwnEventDay.Value > MaxValue Then
- DlgCalModel.txtOwnEventDay.Value = MaxValue
- End If
- bDoEnable = DlgCalModel.txtOwnEventDay.Value <> 0
- If bDoEnable Then
- bDoEnable = Ubound(DlgCalModel.lstOwnEventMonth.SelectedItems()) > -1
- If bDoEnable Then
- bDoEnable = LTrim(DlgCalModel.txtEvent.Text) <> ""
- End If
- End If
- End If
- DlgCalModel.cmdInsert.Enabled = bDoEnable
- End Sub
- Sub GetOwnMonth()
- Dim EvYear as Integer
- Dim CurOwnMonth as Integer
- EvYear = year(now())
- CurOwnMonth = DlgCalModel.lstOwnEventMonth.SelectedItems(0) + 1
- DlgCalModel.txtOwnEventDay.ValueMax = CalMaxDayInMonth(EvYear, CurOwnMonth)
- CheckInsertedDates(,CurOwnMonth)
- End Sub</script:module>