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- Den store danske ordliste (1.4)
- The Comprehensive Danish Dictionary from SSLUG. The 1.4 series of releases
- contains all words from our word list, that have been verified as correct by
- two or more reviewers.
- You can read more about the project at:
- http://da.speling.org/
- Download the latest edition of this series from:
- http://da.speling.org/filer/
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Hvis der er fejl i ordlisten kan du rapportere det pσ:
- http://da.speling.org/fejlmelding/
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Installation instructions (by Flemming Hjernoe <glfhj@post2.tele.dk>):
- To install dictionaries in OpenOffice build OO641C to 1.0:
- Unzip the dictionary files in the /OpenOffice.orgxxx/user/wordbook/ directory.
- Edit the dictionary.lst file that is in that same directory using any text
- editor to register a dictionary for a specific locale (the same dictionary can
- be registered for multiple locales).
- tar xzf myspell-da-1.4.22.tar.gz
- cd myspell-da-1.4.22
- mv da_DK.{aff,dic} /OpenOffice.orgxxx/user/wordbook
- echo 'DICT da DK da_DK' >> /OpenOffice.orgxxx/user/wordbook/dictionary.lst
- Start up OpenOffice and go to:
- Tools->Options->LanguageSettings->WritingAids
- Hit "Edit" (the upper one) and use the pull down menu to select your locale=Danish
- and then make sure to check the MySpell SpellChecker for that locale.
- Go to Tools->Options->LanguageSettings->Languages
- Change the settings to "Danish" See note!
- Your dictionary is installed and registered for Danish.
- Note! OpenOffice.org1.0 danish version have a bug.
- You have to change settings to "Nederlandsk" instead of "Danish".
- OpenOffice.org1.0.1:
- You have to copy the files to ~/OpenOffice.org1.0.1/share/dict/ooo/