home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
- <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="DialogModul" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
- Public Const bDebugWizard = True
- Public WizardMode as String
- Public Const SBXMLMODE = "SO"
- ' The absolute maximal Number of possible Applications
- Public Const Twip = 425
- Public Const SBMAXAPPLCOUNT = 4
- Public MaxApplCount as Integer
- Public CurOffice As Integer
- Public SOBitmapPath As String
- Public SOWorkPath As String
- Public SOTemplatePath as String
- Public bCancelTask As Boolean
- Public bDoKeepApplValues as Boolean
- Public iApplSection as Integer
- Public oUcb as Object
- Public PathSeparator as String
- Public ApplCount as Integer
- Public sKeyName(SBMAXAPPLCOUNT-1) as String
- Public sValueName(SBMAXAPPLCOUNT-1) as String
- Public sCRLF as String
- Public MSFilterName(5,2) as String
- Public XMLFilterName(7,2) as String
- ' e.g.:
- ' XMLFilterName(x,0) = "sdw" ' in documents we take the extensions; in SO-templates the appropriate Filtername
- ' XMLFilterName(x,1) = "swriter: StarWriter 5.0" ' the filtername of the target-format
- ' XMLFilterName(x,2) = "sxw" ' the target extension
- Public Applications(SBMAXAPPLCOUNT-1,9)
- Public Const SBAPPLCONVERT = 0
- Public Const SBDOCCONVERT = 1
- Public Const SBDOCRECURSIVE = 2
- Public Const SBDOCSOURCE = 3
- Public Const SBDOCTARGET = 4
- Public Const SBTEMPLCONVERT = 5
- Public Const SBTEMPLSOURCE = 7
- Public Const SBTEMPLTARGET = 8
- Public Const SBAPPLKEY = 9
- ' Application-relating Data are stored in this Array
- ' according to the following structure:
- ' Applications(X,0) = True/False (Application is to be converted)
- ' Applications(X,1) = True/False (Documents are to be converted)
- ' Applications(X,2) = True/False (Including Subdirectories)
- ' Applications(X,3) = "File:///..." (SourceUrl of the documents)
- ' Applications(X,4) = "File///:..." (TargetUrl of the documents)
- ' Applications(X,5) = True/False (Templates are to be converted)
- ' Applications(X,6) = True/False (Including Subdirectories)
- ' Applications(X,7) = "File:///..." (SourceUrl of the templates)
- ' Applications(X,8) = "File:///..." (TargetUrl of the templates)
- ' Applications(X,9) = 0 (Key to the original Index of the Applications)
- Sub FillStep_Welcome()
- Dim i as Integer
- ' bDoKeepApplValues = False
- ImportDialogArea.Title = sTitle
- With ImportDialog
- .cmdHelp.Label = sHelpButton
- .cmdCancel.Label = sCancelButton
- .cmdBack.Label = sBackButton
- .cmdGoOn.Label = sNextButton
- .WelcomeTextLabel.Label = sWelcomeTextLabel1
- .WelcomeTextLabel2.Label = sWelcomeTextLabel2
- .WelcomeTextLabel3.Label = sWelcomeTextLabel3
- .optMSDocuments.Label = sContainerName(0)
- .chkMSApplication1.Label = sMsDocumentCheckbox(0)
- .chkMSApplication2.Label = sMsDocumentCheckbox(1)
- .chkMSApplication3.Label = sMsDocumentCheckbox(2)
- .optSODocuments.Label = sContainerName(1)
- .chkSOApplication1.Label = sSODocumentCheckbox(0)
- .chkSOApplication2.Label = sSODocumentCheckbox(1)
- .chkSOApplication3.Label = sSODocumentCheckbox(2)
- .chkSOApplication4.Label = sSODocumentCheckbox(3)
- .cmdBack.Enabled = False
- .Step = 1
- If Not oFactoryKey.hasbyName("com.sun.star.text.TextDocument") Then
- .chkLogfile.State = 0
- .chkLogfile.Enabled = False
- End If
- End With
- CheckModuleInstallation()
- ToggleNextButton()
- End Sub
- Sub FillStep_InputPaths(OfficeIndex as Integer, bStartup as Boolean)
- Dim Index as Integer
- Dim oNullObject as Object
- If bStartup And Not bDoKeepApplValues Then
- If ImportDialog.optMSDocuments.State = 1 Then
- SetupMSConfiguration()
- Else
- SetupXMLConfiguration()
- End If
- ' chkTemplatePath-Captions
- GetApplResourceArray(1009 + iApplSection, ApplCount, sTemplateCheckBox())
- ' DocumentCheckbox- Captions
- GetApplResourceArray(1009 + iApplSection + ApplCount, ApplCount, sDocumentCheckBox())
- FillUpApplicationList()
- End If
- CurOffice = OfficeIndex
- Index = Applications(CurOffice,SBAPPLKEY)
- InitializePathsforCurrentApplication(Index)
- With ImportDialog
- .chkTemplatePath.Label = sTemplateCheckbox(Index)
- .chkDocumentPath.State = Abs(Applications(CurOffice,SBDOCCONVERT))
- .chkDocumentSearchSubDir.State = Abs(Applications(CurOffice,SBDOCRECURSIVE))
- .txtDocumentImportPath.Text = ConvertFromUrl(Applications(CurOffice,SBDOCSOURCE))
- .txtDocumentExportPath.Text = ConvertFromUrl(Applications(CurOffice,SBDOCTARGET))
- .hlnDocuments.Label = sProgressMoreDocs
- If WizardMode = SBXMLMODE Then
- ImportDialogArea.Title = sTitle & " - " & sSODocumentCheckBox(Index)
- Else
- ImportDialogArea.Title = sTitle & " - " & sMSDocumentCheckBox(Index)
- End If
- If WizardMode = SBXMLMODE AND Index = 3 Then
- ' Note: SO-Helper Applications are partly treated like templates although they only have documents
- .hlnTemplates.Label = sProgressMoreDocs
- .chkTemplatePath.Label = sSOHelperDocuments(0,0)
- .chkTemplatePath.Enabled = oFactoryKey.HasByName(sSOHelperDocuments(0,1))
- .chkDocumentPath.Label = sSOHelperDocuments(1,0)
- .chkDocumentPath.Enabled = oFactoryKey.HasByName(sSOHelperDocuments(1,1))
- Else
- .chkTemplatePath.Enabled = True
- .chkDocumentPath.Enabled = True
- .chkTemplatePath.Label = sTemplateCheckbox(Index)
- .chkDocumentPath.Label = sDocumentCheckbox(Index)
- .hlnTemplates.Label = sProgressMoreTemplates
- End If
- .chkTemplatePath.State = Abs(Applications(CurOffice,SBTEMPLCONVERT))
- ToggleInputPaths(oNullObject,"Template")
- ToggleInputPaths(oNullObject,"Document")
- .chkTemplateSearchSubDir.State = Abs(Applications(CurOffice,SBTEMPLRECURSIVE))
- .txtTemplateImportPath.Text = ConvertFromUrl(Applications(CurOffice,SBTEMPLSOURCE))
- .txtTemplateExportPath.Text = ConvertFromUrl(Applications(CurOffice,SBTEMPLTARGET))
- .cmdGoOn.Label = sNextButton
- .cmdBack.Enabled = True
- ImportDialog.Step = 2
- End With
- ImportDialogArea.GetControl("chkTemplatePath").SetFocus()
- ToggleNextButton()
- End Sub
- Sub FillUpApplicationList()
- Dim i as Integer
- Dim a as Integer
- Dim BoolValue as Boolean
- If Not bDoKeepApplValues Then
- a = 0
- For i = 1 To ApplCount
- If ImportDialog.optMSDocuments.State = 1 Then
- BoolValue = ImportDialogArea.GetControl("chkMSApplication" & i).Model.State = 1
- Else
- BoolValue = ImportDialogArea.GetControl("chkSOApplication" & i).Model.State = 1
- End If
- Applications(a,SBAPPLCONVERT) = BoolValue
- Applications(a,SBDOCCONVERT) = BoolValue
- Applications(a,SBDOCRECURSIVE) = BoolValue
- Applications(a,SBDOCSOURCE) = "" ' GetDefaultPath(i)
- Applications(a,SBDOCTARGET) = "" ' SOWorkPath
- Applications(a,SBTEMPLCONVERT) = BoolValue
- Applications(a,SBTEMPLRECURSIVE) = BoolValue
- Applications(a,SBTEMPLSOURCE) = "" ' GetTemplateDefaultPath(i)
- Applications(a,SBTEMPLTARGET) = "" ' GetTargetTemplatePath(i)
- Applications(a,SBAPPLKEY) = i-1
- If BoolValue Then
- a = a + 1
- End If
- Next i
- ApplCount = a
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub InitializePathsforCurrentApplication(i as Integer)
- AssignPathToCurrentApplication(SBDOCSOURCE, GetDefaultPath(i))
- AssignPathToCurrentApplication(SBDOCTARGET, SOWorkPath)
- AssignPathToCurrentApplication(SBTEMPLSOURCE, GetTemplateDefaultPath(i))
- AssignPathToCurrentApplication(SBTEMPLTARGET, GetTargetTemplatePath(i))
- End Sub
- Sub AssignPathToCurrentApplication(Index as Integer, NewPath as String)
- If Applications(CurOffice,Index) = "" Then
- If CurOffice > 0 Then
- Applications(CurOffice,Index) = Applications(CurOffice-1,Index)
- Else
- Applications(CurOffice,Index) = NewPath
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub SaveStep_InputPath()
- Applications(CurOffice,SBDOCCONVERT) = ImportDialog.chkDocumentPath.State = 1
- Applications(CurOffice,SBDOCRECURSIVE) = ImportDialog.chkDocumentSearchSubDir.State = 1
- Applications(CurOffice,SBDOCSOURCE) = ConvertToURL(ImportDialog.txtDocumentImportPath.Text)
- Applications(CurOffice,SBDOCTARGET) = ConvertToUrl(ImportDialog.txtDocumentExportPath.Text)
- Applications(CurOffice,SBTEMPLCONVERT) = ImportDialog.chkTemplatePath.State = 1
- Applications(CurOffice,SBTEMPLRECURSIVE) = ImportDialog.chkTemplateSearchSubDir.State = 1
- Applications(CurOffice,SBTEMPLSOURCE) = ConvertToURL(ImportDialog.txtTemplateImportPath.Text)
- Applications(CurOffice,SBTEMPLTARGET) = ConvertToURL(ImportDialog.txtTemplateExportPath.Text)
- End Sub
- Sub ToggleInputPaths(aEvent as Object, Optional sDocType)
- Dim bDoEnable as Boolean
- Dim sLocDocType as String
- Dim oCheckBox as Object
- If Not IsNull(aEvent) Then
- sLocDocType = aEvent.Source.Model.Tag
- Else
- sLocDocType = sDocType
- End If
- With ImportDialogArea
- oCheckBox = .GetControl("chk" & sLocDocType & "Path").Model
- bDoEnable = oCheckBox.State = 1 And oCheckBox.Enabled
- .GetControl("lbl" & sLocDocType & "Import").Model.Enabled = bDoEnable
- .GetControl("lbl" & sLocDocType & "Export").Model.Enabled = bDoEnable
- .GetControl("txt" & sLocDocType & "ImportPath").Model.Enabled = bDoEnable
- .GetControl("txt" & sLocDocType & "ExportPath").Model.Enabled = bDoEnable
- .GetControl("chk" & sLocDocType & "SearchSubDir").Model.Enabled = bDoEnable
- .GetControl("cmd" & sLocDocType & "Import").Model.Enabled = bDoEnable
- .GetControl("cmd" & sLocDocType & "Export").Model.Enabled = bDoEnable
- End With
- ToggleNextButton()
- End Sub
- Function MakeSummaryString()
- Dim sTmpText As String
- Dim i as Integer
- Dim Index as Integer
- Dim sAddText as String
- For i = 0 To ApplCount -1
- Index = Applications(i,SBAPPLKEY)
- If Applications(i,SBTEMPLCONVERT) Then
- ' Templates are to be converted
- sAddText = ""
- If WizardMode = SBMICROSOFTMODE Then
- sAddText = sSumMSTemplates(Index) & sCRLF
- Else
- sAddText = sSumSOTemplates(Index) & sCRLF
- End If
- sTmpText = sTmpText & sAddText & ConvertFromUrl(Applications(i,SBTEMPLSOURCE)) & sCRLF
- If Applications(i,SBTEMPLRECURSIVE) Then
- ' Including Subdirectories
- sTmpText = sTmpText & sSumInclusiveSubDir & sCRLF
- End If
- sTmpText = sTmpText & sSumSaveDocuments & sCRLF
- sTmpText = sTmpText & ConvertFromUrl(Applications(i,SBTEMPLTARGET)) & sCRLF
- sTmpText = sTmpText & sCRLF
- End If
- If Applications(i,SBDOCCONVERT) Then
- ' Documents are to be converted
- If WizardMode = SBMICROSOFTMODE Then
- sAddText = sSumMSDocuments(Index) & sCRLF
- Else
- sAddText = sSumSODocuments(Index) & sCRLF
- End If
- sTmpText = sTmpText & sAddText & ConvertFromUrl(Applications(i,SBDOCSOURCE)) & sCRLF
- If Applications(i,SBDOCRECURSIVE) Then
- ' Including Subdirectories
- sTmpText = sTmpText & sSumInclusiveSubDir & sCRLF
- End If
- sTmpText = sTmpText & sSumSaveDocuments & sCRLF
- sTmpText = sTmpText & ConvertFromUrl(Applications(i,SBDOCTARGET)) & sCRLF
- sTmpText = sTmpText & sCRLF
- End If
- Next i
- MakeSummaryString = sTmpText
- End Function
- Sub FillStep_Summary()
- ImportDialogArea.Title = sTitle
- With ImportDialog
- .SummaryTextbox.Text = MakeSummaryString()
- .cmdGoOn.Enabled = .SummaryTextbox.Text <> ""
- .cmdGoOn.Label = sBeginButton
- .SummaryHeaderLabel.Label = sSummaryHeader
- .Step = 3
- End With
- ImportDialogArea.GetControl("SummaryHeaderLabel").SetFocus()
- End Sub
- Sub FillStep_Progress()
- With ImportDialog
- .cmdBack.Enabled = False
- .cmdGoOn.Enabled = False
- .hlnProgress.Label = sProgressPage_1
- .LabelRetrieval.FontWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.BOLD
- .LabelRetrieval.Label = sProgressPage_2
- .LabelCurProgress.Label = sProgressPage_3
- .LabelCurDocumentRetrieval.Label = ""
- .LabelCurTemplateRetrieval.Label = ""
- .LabelCurDocument.Label = ""
- .Step = 4
- End With
- ImportDialogArea.GetControl("LabelRetrieval").SetFocus()
- If ImportDialog.chkLogfile.State = 1 Then
- ImportDialog.cmdShowLogFile.DefaultButton = True
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub SetupMSConfiguration()
- iApplSection = 0
- MaxApplCount = 3
- ApplCount = 3
- sKeyName(0) = "Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Word\Options"
- sKeyName(1) = "Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Excel\Microsoft Excel"
- sKeyName(2) = "Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\PowerPoint\Recent Folder List\Default"
- sValueName(0) = "DOC-PATH"
- sValueName(1) = "DefaultPath"
- sValueName(2) = ""
- ' See definition of Filtername-Array about meaning of fields
- MSFilterName(0,0) = "doc"
- MSFilterName(0,1) = "StarOffice XML (Writer)"
- MSFilterName(0,2) = "sxw"
- MSFilterName(1,0) = "xls"
- MSFilterName(1,1) = "StarOffice XML (Calc)"
- MSFilterName(1,2) = "sxc"
- MSFilterName(2,0) = "ppt"
- MSFilterName(2,1) = "StarOffice XML (Impress)"
- MSFilterName(2,2) = "sxi"
- MSFilterName(3,0) = "dot"
- MSFilterName(3,1) = "writer_StarOffice_XML_Writer_Template"
- MSFilterName(3,2) = "stw"
- MSFilterName(4,0) = "xlt"
- MSFilterName(4,1) = "calc_StarOffice_XML_Calc_Template"
- MSFilterName(4,2) = "stc"
- MSFilterName(5,0) = "pot"
- MSFilterName(5,1) = "impress_StarOffice_XML_Impress_Template"
- MSFilterName(5,2) = "sti"
- End Sub
- ' This is an extract from "http://util.openoffice.org/source/browse/util/sot/source/base/exchange.cxx?rev=1.25&content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup"
- ' about the listed defined mimetypes that are required to define binary StarOffice templates that have for all applications the same extension ".vor"
- ' 26 SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARWRITER_30*/ { "application/x-openoffice-starwriter-30;windows_formatname=\"StarWriter 3.0\"", "StarWriter 3.0", &::getCppuType( (const Sequence< sal_Int8 >*) 0 ) },
- ' 27 SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARWRITER_40*/ { "application/x-openoffice-starwriter-40;windows_formatname=\"StarWriter 4.0\"", "StarWriter 4.0", &::getCppuType( (const Sequence< sal_Int8 >*) 0 ) },
- ' 28 SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARWRITER_50*/ { "application/x-openoffice-starwriter-50;windows_formatname=\"StarWriter 5.0\"", "StarWriter 5.0", &::getCppuType( (const Sequence< sal_Int8 >*) 0 ) },
- ' 29 SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARWRITERWEB_40*/ { "application/x-openoffice-starwriterweb-40;windows_formatname=\"StarWriter/Web 4.0\"", "StarWriter/Web 4.0", &::getCppuType( (const Sequence< sal_Int8 >*) 0 ) },
- ' 30 SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARWRITERWEB_50*/ { "application/x-openoffice-starwriterweb-50;windows_formatname=\"StarWriter/Web 5.0\"", "StarWriter/Web 5.0", &::getCppuType( (const Sequence< sal_Int8 >*) 0 ) },
- ' 31 SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARWRITERGLOB_40*/ { "application/x-openoffice-starwriterglob-40;windows_formatname=\"StarWriter/Global 4.0\"", "StarWriter/Global 4.0", &::getCppuType( (const Sequence< sal_Int8 >*) 0 ) },
- ' 32 SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARWRITERGLOB_50*/ { "application/x-openoffice-starwriterglob-50;windows_formatname=\"StarWriter/Global 5.0\"", "StarWriter/Global 5.0", &::getCppuType( (const Sequence< sal_Int8 >*) 0 ) },
- ' 33 SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARDRAW*/ { "application/x-openoffice-stardraw;windows_formatname=\"StarDrawDocument\"", "StarDrawDocument", &::getCppuType( (const Sequence< sal_Int8 >*) 0 ) },
- ' 34 SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARDRAW_40*/ { "application/x-openoffice-stardraw-40;windows_formatname=\"StarDrawDocument 4.0\"", "StarDrawDocument 4.0", &::getCppuType( (const Sequence< sal_Int8 >*) 0 ) },
- ' 36 SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARDRAW_50*/ { "application/x-openoffice-stardraw-50;windows_formatname=\"StarDraw 5.0\"", "StarDraw 5.0", &::getCppuType( (const Sequence< sal_Int8 >*) 0 ) },
- ' 35 SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARIMPRESS_50*/ { "application/x-openoffice-starimpress-50;windows_formatname=\"StarImpress 5.0\"", "StarImpress 5.0", &::getCppuType( (const Sequence< sal_Int8 >*) 0 ) },
- ' 37 SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARCALC*/ { "application/x-openoffice-starcalc;windows_formatname=\"StarCalcDocument\"", "StarCalcDocument", &::getCppuType( (const Sequence< sal_Int8 >*) 0 ) },
- ' 38 SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARCALC_40*/ { "application/x-openoffice-starcalc-40;windows_formatname=\"StarCalc 4.0\"", "StarCalc 4.0", &::getCppuType( (const Sequence< sal_Int8 >*) 0 ) },
- ' 39 SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARCALC_50*/ { "application/x-openoffice-starcalc-50;windows_formatname=\"StarCalc 5.0\"", "StarCalc 5.0", &::getCppuType( (const Sequence< sal_Int8 >*) 0 ) },
- ' 40 SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARCHART*/ { "application/x-openoffice-starchart;windows_formatname=\"StarChartDocument\"", "StarChartDocument", &::getCppuType( (const Sequence< sal_Int8 >*) 0 ) },
- ' 41 SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARCHART_40*/ { "application/x-openoffice-starchart-40;windows_formatname=\"StarChartDocument 4.0\"", "StarChartDocument 4.0", &::getCppuType( (const Sequence< sal_Int8 >*) 0 ) },
- ' 42 SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARCHART_50*/ { "application/x-openoffice-starchart-50;windows_formatname=\"StarChart 5.0\"", "StarChart 5.0", &::getCppuType( (const Sequence< sal_Int8 >*) 0 ) },
- ' 46 SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARMATH*/ { "application/x-openoffice-starmath;windows_formatname=\"StarMath\"", "StarMath", &::getCppuType( (const Sequence< sal_Int8 >*) 0 ) },
- ' 47 SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARMATH_40*/ { "application/x-openoffice-starmath-40;windows_formatname=\"StarMathDocument 4.0\"", "StarMathDocument 4.0", &::getCppuType( (const Sequence< sal_Int8 >*) 0 ) },
- ' 48 SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_STARMATH_50*/ { "application/x-openoffice-starmath-50;windows_formatname=\"StarMath 5.0\"", "StarMath 5.0", &::getCppuType( (const Sequence< sal_Int8 >*) 0 ) },
- Sub SetupXMLConfiguration()
- iApplSection = 1000
- Wizardmode = SBXMLMODE
- ApplCount = 4
- MaxApplCount = 4
- XMLFilterName(0,0) = "sdw"
- XMLFilterName(0,1) = "StarOffice XML (Writer)"
- XMLFilterName(0,2) = "sxw"
- XMLFilterName(1,0) = "sdc"
- XMLFilterName(1,1) = "StarOffice XML (Calc)"
- XMLFilterName(1,2) = "sxc"
- XMLFilterName(2,0) = "sdd|sda"
- XMLFilterName(2,1) = "StarOffice XML (Impress)|sdraw: StarOffice XML (Draw)"
- XMLFilterName(2,2) = "sxi|sxd"
- XMLFilterName(3,0) = "smf"
- XMLFilterName(3,1) = "StarOffice XML (Math)"
- XMLFilterName(3,2) = "sxm"
- XMLFilterName(4,0) = "application/x-openoffice-starwriter|application/vnd.stardivision.writer/web"
- XMLFilterName(4,1) = "writer_StarOffice_XML_Writer_Template|writer_web_StarOffice_XML_Writer_Web_Template"
- XMLFilterName(4,2) = "stw|stw"
- XMLFilterName(5,0) = "application/x-openoffice-starcalc"
- XMLFilterName(5,1) = "calc_StarOffice_XML_Calc_Template"
- XMLFilterName(5,2) = "stc"
- ' due to bug #108942# impress templates of the version 4.0 have to be handled in a special way because their mimetype
- ' falsely points to the draw application.
- XMLFilterName(6,0) = "application/x-openoffice-starimpress|application/x-openoffice-stardraw-40|application/x-openoffice-stardraw"
- XMLFilterName(6,1) = "impress_StarOffice_XML_Impress_Template|impress_StarOffice_XML_Impress_Template|draw_StarOffice_XML_Draw_Template"
- XMLFilterName(6,2) = "sti|sti|std"
- XMLFilterName(7,0) = "sgl"
- XMLFilterName(7,1) = "writer_globaldocument_StarOffice_XML_Writer_GlobalDocument"
- XMLFilterName(7,2) = "sxg"
- End Sub
- Function CheckControlPath(oCheckbox as Object, oTextBox as Object, ByVal bDoEnable as Boolean)
- Dim sPath as String
- If Not bDoEnable Then
- CheckControlPath = False
- ElseIf oCheckbox.State = 0 Then
- CheckControlPath = True
- Else
- sPath = ConvertToUrl(Trim(oTextBox.Text)
- CheckControlPath = oUcb.Exists(sPath)
- End If
- End Function
- Function CheckInputPaths() as Boolean
- Dim bChangePage as Boolean
- bChangePage = CheckTextBoxPath(ImportDialog.txtTemplateImportPath, True, False, sTitle, False)
- bChangePage = CheckTextBoxPath(ImportDialog.txtTemplateExportPath, bChangePage, True, sTitle, False)
- bChangePage = CheckTextBoxPath(ImportDialog.txtDocumentImportPath, bChangePage, False, sTitle, False)
- bChangePage = CheckTextBoxPath(ImportDialog.txtDocumentExportPath, bChangePage, True, sTitle, False)
- CheckInputPaths = bChangePage
- End Function
- Function CheckTextBoxPath(oTextBox as Object, ByVal bCheck as Boolean, bCreateNew as Boolean, sTitle as String, bgetResources as Boolean) as Boolean
- Dim iCreate as Integer
- Dim sQueryMessage as String
- Dim sUrlPath as String
- Dim sMessageNoDir as String
- Dim sShowPath as String
- Dim oLocUcb as Object
- oLocUcb = createUnoService("com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess")
- If bGetResources Then
- If InitResources("ImportWizard","imp") then
- sNoDirCreation = GetResText(1050)
- sMsgDirNotThere = GetResText(1051)
- sQueryForNewCreation = GetResText(1052)
- Else
- CheckTextBoxPath() = False
- Exit Function
- End If
- End If
- If oTextBox.Enabled Then
- If bCheck Then
- sShowPath = oTextBox.Text
- sUrlPath = ConvertToUrl(sShowPath)
- If Not oLocUcb.Exists(sUrlPath) Then
- If Not bCreateNew Then
- ' Sourcedirectories must be existing, Targetdirectories may be created new
- sQueryMessage = ReplaceString(sMsgDirNotThere, sShowPath,"%1")
- Msgbox(sQueryMessage,16,sTitle)
- CheckTextBoxPath() = False
- Exit Function
- Else
- sQueryMessage = ReplaceString(sMsgDirNotThere, sShowPath,"%1")
- sQueryMessage = sQueryMessage & Chr(13) & sQueryForNewCreation
- iCreate = Msgbox (sQueryMessage, 36, sTitle)
- If iCreate = 6 Then
- On Local Error Goto NOVALIDPATH
- CreateFolder(sUrlPath)
- If Not oLocUcb.Exists(sUrlPath) Then
- End If
- Else
- CheckTextBoxPath() = False
- Exit Function
- End If
- End If
- End If
- CheckTextBoxPath() = True
- Else
- CheckTextBoxPath() = False
- End If
- Else
- CheckTextBoxPath() = True
- End If
- Exit Function
- sMessageNoDir = ReplaceString(sNoDirCreation, sShowPath, "%1")
- Msgbox(sMessageNoDir, 16, sTitle)
- CheckTextBoxPath() = False
- End Function
- Sub InitializeProgressPage(oDialog as Object)
- oDialog.LabelRetrieval.FontWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.NORMAL
- oDialog.LabelCurProgress.FontWeight = com.sun.star.awt.FontWeight.BOLD
- End Sub
- Sub SetProgressDisplay(AbsFound as Integer)
- ImportDialog.LabelRetrieval.Label = sProgressPage_2 & " " & ReplaceString(sProgressPage_5, Str(AbsFound) & " ", "%1")
- ImportDialog.LabelCurDocumentRetrieval.Label = sProgressFound & " " & CStr(AbsDocuFound) & " " & sProgressMoreDocs
- ImportDialog.LabelCurTemplateRetrieval.Label = sProgressFound & " " & CStr(AbsTemplateFound) & " " & sProgressMoreTemplates
- End Sub
- Sub TakoverFolderName(aEvent as Object)
- Dim RefControlName as String
- Dim oRefControl
- RefControlName = aEvent.Source.Model.Tag
- oRefControl = ImportDialogArea.GetControl(RefControlName)
- GetFolderName(oRefControl.Model)
- ToggleNextButton()
- End Sub
- Sub FinalizeDialogButtons()
- ImportDialog.cmdShowLogFile.Enabled = ((Isnull(oLogDocument) = False) And (ImportDialog.chkLogfile.State = 1))
- ImportDialog.cmdCancel.Enabled = False
- ImportDialog.cmdGoOn.Label = sCloseButton
- ImportDialog.cmdGoOn.Enabled = True
- End Sub
- </script:module>