This file pertains to the SupraMax USB V.92 modem (SUP2920) and contains WHQL certified
drivers for Windows ME. These drivers are not for use with other modems or operating systems.
Release Notes
These drivers are the WHQL certified drivers for the SupraMax USB V.92 modem (SUP2920), and
include a self-installer for easy installation. The drivers are included, if a traditional Windows
installation is necessary. These drivers will only work with V.92 versions of the SupraMax USB modem; a sticker on the unit that says "V.92 upgradeable" will be visible. These drivers will not work with other modems or operating systems.
Due to the WHQL certification, these files are provided as a .zip file. You will need an unzipping utility, such as WinZip, to extract the files to your system.
Installation Instructions
You should print this document for easy reference.
1. Label a blank formatted floppy disk, "SupraMax USB Driver files."
2. Insert the disk into the floppy drive.
3. Download the file onto a floppy disk. In your browser, click on the file name, Your browser should prompt as to where you would like save the file. You should select the floppy drive, "A:\" (without the quotes).
4. When the download is complete, you should disconnect from the internet and close all open
5. Extract the files from the downloaded file. Click Start\Run\Browse. Locate the file on the floppy drive, "a:\" Click OK and then OK again.
6. The unzipping utility on your system should start. Extract the files to your hard drive, and not the location where the files are extracted to. You can exit the unzipping utility.
7. If the modem is already installed in the system, use the self-installer to update the drivers. Browse to the location where the drivers are extracted, and run the file hxfsetup.exe. Follow the instructions on screen to complete the installation, and reboot the computer when the drivers are finished installing.
Alternatively, you can choose a standard Windows update, using the following steps:
8. Go to Start > Settings > Control Panels. Double-click on System, and go to Device Manager. Click the + next to Modems, highlight the modem, and click on Properties.
9. On the Drivers tab, click on Update Driver. Click Next. Choose to Display a list of all drivers... and click Next. Click Have Disk, then browse to the location where the drivers are extracted. Pick the file sup2920.inf, click OK, then OK, then Next, then Next. The drivers will install. Click Finish.
10. Reboot the computer. Proceed to the Driver/Installation Verification section below.
For a new installation of the modem with these drivers, Windows will detect the modem as new hardware once installed. When asked for drivers, point Windows to the location on the hard drive where you extracted the drivers, and they will be installed.
Driver/Installation Verification:
To verify that the updated drivers have been installed, you should do the following:
1. Click Start/Settings/Control Panel.
2. Double-click on Modems and select the Diagnostics tab.
3. Highlight the COM port associated with your modem, and click the More Info button. Next to
one of the lines starting with ATi3, look for:
This indicates you have successfully upgraded your modem with the appropriate drivers, and that
it is installed correctly in Windows.
Do you have any comments about these drivers? Send them to