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- ;************************************************************************
- ; Winbond ISDN adapter installation file (.INF) 1999/04/27 v1.00
- ;
- ; Description
- ; WB694USB => for W6692 board
- ;
- ; (C)Copyright by Winbond Electronics Corp.
- ; All Rights Reserved.
- ;***********************************************************************
- [Version] ; Standard header section
- Signature="$CHICAGO$"
- Class=Net
- Provider=%Winbond%
- [Manufacturer]
- %V_provider%=WbISDN
- [WbISDN] ; Device section
- %WB694USB.DEV_DESCRIPT%=WB694USB.ndi, USB\VID_1046&PID_6694
- ;****************
- ;* WB694USB.ndi *
- ;****************
- [WB694USB.ndi] ; isdntest Install section
- LogConfig=WB694USB.LogConfig
- CopyFiles=WB694USB.inf.CopyFiles
- AddReg=WB694USB.ndi.reg,USB94IO.Resource,USB94IRQ.Resource,Line.Params
- [WB694USB.ndi.reg]
- ;HKR,Ndi,HelpText,,%DRV_HELP%
- HKR,Ndi,DeviceID,,%USB94DeviceID%
- HKR,,BoardName,,%USB94DeviceID%
- HKR,,DriverDesc,,%WB694USB.DEV_DESCRIPT%
- HKR,,DevLoader,,*ndis
- HKR,,DeviceVxDs,, WB694USB.sys
- HKR,,EnumPropPages,,"netdi.dll,EnumPropPages"
- HKR, , AudioType, , "1" ; A-Law
- ;HKR, , AudioType, , "0" ; U-Law
- ;HKR, , RVSVERSION, , "3" ; RVS-COM Version 3.0
- HKR, , RVSVERSION, , "2" ; RVS-COM Version 2.0
- HKR,NDIS,LogDriverName,,%USB94DeviceID%
- HKR,NDIS,MajorNdisVersion,1,05
- HKR,NDIS,MinorNdisVersion,1,0A
- HKR,Ndi\Interfaces,DefUpper,,"ndiswan"
- HKR,Ndi\Interfaces,DefLower,,"isdn"
- HKR,Ndi\Interfaces,UpperRange,,"ndiswan"
- ;HKR,Ndi\Interfaces,LowerRange,,"isdn"
- HKR,Ndi\Interfaces,LowerRange,,"WDM"
- HKR,Ndi\Install,ndiswan,,"WB694USB.ndiswan"
- HKR,Ndi\Remove,,,"PCIndiswan.remove"
- ;HKR,Ndi\Compatibility,RequireAll,,"NDISWAN"
- HKR,Ndi\Compatibility,RequireAll,,"NDISWAN,*PNP8387,VREDIR,MSTCP"
- HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RemoteAccess\Authentication\Class\isdn\PPPMAC,,,
- ;HKLM,System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\lrisdn, StaticVxd,,"lrisdn.vxd"
- ;HKLM,"System\Currentcontrolset\Services\ISOUSB\Parameters","MaximumTransferSize",0x10001,512
- [USB94IO.Resource]
- HKR,,IOBaseAddress,1,02,00,00,00
- HKR,NDI\params\IOBaseAddress,resc,1,02,00,00,00
- HKR,NDI\params\IOBaseAddress,flag,1,20,00,00,00
- HKR,NDI\params\IOBaseAddress,ParamDesc,,"I/O Base Address"
- [USB94IRQ.Resource]
- HKR,,InterruptNumber,1,04,00,00,00
- HKR,NDI\params\InterruptNumber,resc,1,04,00,00,00
- HKR,NDI\params\InterruptNumber,flag,1,20,00,00,00
- HKR,NDI\params\InterruptNumber,ParamDesc,,"Interrupt Number"
- ;**********
- ;* Common *
- ;**********
- [Line.Params]
- ;HKR,,NumberOfLines,,1
- HKR,TAPI,ConfigFlags,1,00,00,00,00
- HKR,TAPI,DeviceCaps,1,14,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 01,00,00,00, 01,00,00,00
- HKR,TAPI\Line0,ConfigFlags,1,00,00,00,00
- HKR,TAPI\Line0,LineCaps,1,1c,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 01,00,00,00, 07,00,00,00, 02,00,00,00, 02,00,00,00
- HKR,TAPI\Line0,Properties,1,00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
- HKR,TAPI\Line0\Channel0,ConfigFlags,1,00,00,00,00
- HKR,TAPI\Line0\Channel0,Properties,1,00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
- HKR,TAPI\Line0\Channel0,SPID,,""
- HKR,TAPI\Line0\Channel0,Phone,,""
- HKR,TAPI\Line0\Channel1,ConfigFlags,1,00,00,00,00
- HKR,TAPI\Line0\Channel1,Properties,1,00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
- HKR,TAPI\Line0\Channel1,SPID,,""
- HKR,TAPI\Line0\Channel1,Phone,,""
- ;****************************************************************************
- ; CopyFiles/Install Section
- ;****************************************************************************
- [WB694USB.ndiswan]
- CopyFiles=WB694USB.ndiswan.CopyFiles
- [WB694USB.ndiswan.CopyFiles]
- WB694USB.sys ; The name of the driver
- capi2032.dll ; The name of the capi
- ;lrisdn.vxd
- [WB694USB.inf.CopyFiles]
- WB694USB.inf ; The name of this INF
- [PCINdisWan.DelFiles]
- WB694USB.sys,,,1 ; The name of the driver
- capi2032.dll,,,1 ; The name of the capi
- ;lrisdn.vxd,,,1 ; The name of the capi
- [Inf.DelFiles]
- WB694USB.inf,,,1 ; The name of this INF
- [NdisWan.DelReg]
- HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\lrisdn,,,
- [PCIndiswan.remove]
- DelFiles=PCINdisWan.DelFiles,Inf.DelFiles
- DelReg=NdisWan.DelReg
- AddReg=PCIRemove.tools
- [PCIRemove.tools]
- HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce,"Tools",,"rundll32 setupx.dll,InstallHInfsection DefaultUnInstall 0 cfgwiz.inf"
- ;****************************************************************************
- ; Source Directories
- ;****************************************************************************
- [SourceDisksNames]
- ; The name of the disk that the user will be prompted for
- 1="Winbond W6694 Driver Diskette", "",
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- ; Which disk the files are located on
- WB694USB.sys =1
- WB694USB.inf =1
- capi2032.dll =1 ; The name of the capi
- ;lrisdn.vxd =1 ; The name of the capi
- ;****************************************************************************
- ; Destination Directories
- ;****************************************************************************
- [DestinationDirs]
- DefaultDestDir =11 ; System Directory
- WB694USB.ndiswan =11 ; System Directory
- WB694USB.inf.CopyFiles =17 ; Inf Directory
- Inf.DelFiles =17 ; Windows 95 Inf Directory
- PCINdisWan.DelFiles =11 ; Windows 95 System Directory
- [Strings] ; Strings section
- INF_CREATOR = "Winbond Electronics Corp."
- Winbond = "Winbond Electronics Corp."
- V_provider = "Winbond Electronics Corp."
- SRC_DISK1 = "Winbond ISDN Series Installation Disk"
- WB694USB.DEV_DESCRIPT = "W6694 ISDN USB Adapter"
- DRV_HELP = "Winbond W6694 ISDN Adapter help you connect toInternet by using ISDN Dialup Network"
- USB94DeviceID="W6694 ISDN USB Card"